Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью диагностики V1004
V1004. Pointer was used unsafely after its check for nullptr.
V1004 The 'track' pointer was used unsafely after it was verified against nullptr. Check lines: 319, 329. MatrixView.cpp 329
MatrixView::slotUpdateWindowTitle(bool m)
Track *track =
int trackPosition = -1;
if (track)
trackPosition = track->getPosition(); // <=
QString segLabel = strtoqstr(m_segments[0]->getLabel());
if (segLabel.isEmpty()) {
segLabel = " ";
} else {
segLabel = QString(" \"%1\" ").arg(segLabel);
QString trkLabel = strtoqstr(track->getLabel()); // <=
Similar errors can be found in some other places:
- V1004 The 'track' pointer was used unsafely after it was verified against nullptr. Check lines: 2528, 2546. RosegardenDocument.cpp 2546
- V1004 The 'inst' pointer was used unsafely after it was verified against nullptr. Check lines: 392, 417. ManageMetronomeDialog.cpp 417
- V1004 The 'controller' pointer was used unsafely after it was verified against nullptr. Check lines: 75, 84. ControllerEventsRuler.cpp 84
Steinberg SDKs
V1004 The 'module' pointer was used unsafely after it was verified against nullptr. Check lines: 76, 84. audiohost.cpp 84
void App::startAudioClient (....)
std::string error;
module = VST3::Hosting::Module::create (path, error);
if (!module)
std::string reason = "Could not create Module for file:";
reason += path;
reason += "\nError: ";
reason += error;
// EditorHost::IPlatform::instance ().kill (-1, reason);
auto factory = module->getFactory ();
V1004 CWE-476 The 'pObject2Device' pointer was used unsafely after it was verified against nullptr. Check lines: 237, 248. cfx_psrenderer.cpp 248
void CFX_PSRenderer::SetClip_PathStroke(....,
const CFX_Matrix* pObject2Device, ....)
if (pObject2Device) {
The pObject2Device pointer may be null, as evidenced by a check of this pointer for its equality for nullptr. However, the pointer is dereferenced before the preliminary check.
Similar errors can be found in some other places:
- V1004 CWE-476 The 'pGraphState' pointer was used unsafely after it was verified against nullptr. Check lines: 964, 977. fx_win32_gdipext.cpp 977
V1004 CWE-476 The 'pGraphState' pointer was used unsafely after it was verified against nullptr. Check lines: 101, 110. fx_win32_device.cpp 110
HPEN CreatePen(const CFX_GraphStateData* pGraphState, ....)
if (pGraphState) {
width = scale * pGraphState->m_LineWidth;
} else {
width = 1.0f;
uint32_t PenStyle = PS_GEOMETRIC;
if (width < 1) {
width = 1;
if (pGraphState->m_DashCount) {
The pGraphState pointer may be null, as evidenced by a check of this pointer for its equality for nullptr. However, the pointer is dereferenced before the preliminary check.
V1004 CWE-476 The 'shader' pointer was used unsafely after it was verified against nullptr. Check lines: 43, 53. vertexprogram.cpp 53
VertexProgram::VertexProgram(...., const VertexShader *shader)
: VertexRoutine(state, shader),
if(shader && shader->containsBreakInstruction())
enableBreak = ....;
if(shader && shader->containsContinueInstruction())
enableContinue = ....;
instanceID = ....;
The shader pointer may be null, as evidenced by a check of this pointer for its equality for nullptr. However, the pointer is dereferenced before the preliminary check.
XNU kernel
V1004 CWE-476 The 'fakeif' pointer was used unsafely after it was verified against nullptr. Check lines: 566, 572. if_fake.c 572
static void
feth_start(ifnet_t ifp)
if_fake_ref fakeif;
if (fakeif != NULL) {
peer = fakeif->iff_peer;
flags = fakeif->iff_flags;
/* check for pending TX */
m = fakeif->iff_pending_tx_packet;
The check "if (fakeif != NULL)" tells us that the pointer fakeif can be null. However, further the pointer is dereferenced before the preliminary check.
Similar errors can be found in some other places:
- V1004 CWE-476 The 'rt->rt_ifp' pointer was used unsafely after it was verified against nullptr. Check lines: 138, 140. netsrc.c 140
V1004 The 'sb' pointer was used unsafely after it was verified against nullptr. Check lines: 665, 670. KisView.cpp 670
void KisView::slotSavingStatusMessage(const QString &text,
int timeout,
bool isAutoSaving)
QStatusBar *sb = statusBar();
if (sb) // <=
sb->showMessage(text, timeout);
KisConfig cfg;
if (sb->isHidden() || // <=
(!isAutoSaving && cfg.forceShowSaveMessages()) ||
(cfg.forceShowAutosaveMessages() && isAutoSaving)) {
viewManager()->showFloatingMessage(text, QIcon());
Similar errors can be found in some other places:
- V1004 The 'd->viewManager' pointer was used unsafely after it was verified against nullptr. Check lines: 338, 365. KisView.cpp 365
V1004 CWE-476 The 'ain' pointer was used unsafely after it was verified against nullptr. Check lines: 101, 105. rsCpuIntrinsicBLAS.cpp 105
static void setupGEMM(...., const Allocation **ain, ....) {
uint32_t mm, nn, kk;
mm = call->M;
nn = call->N;
kk = call->K;
memset(mtls, 0, sizeof(MTLaunchStructForEachBlas));
mtls->rs = ctx;
mtls->sc = call;
mtls->dimPtr = &mtls->fep.dim;
mtls->fep.dim.x = nn;
mtls->fep.dim.y = mm;
mtls->fep.dim.z = kk;
if (ain) { // <=
memcpy(mtls->ains, ain, 3 * sizeof(ain[0]));
uint32_t elementBytes = 4;
if (ain[0]) { // <=
elementBytes =
V1004 CWE-476 The 'p_clcb->p_srcb' pointer was used unsafely after it was verified against nullptr. Check lines: 695, 701. bta_gattc_act.cc 701
void bta_gattc_disc_cmpl(tBTA_GATTC_CLCB* p_clcb,
if (p_clcb->status != GATT_SUCCESS) {
if (p_clcb->p_srcb) {
} ....
V1004 [CWE-476] The 'Ptr' pointer was used unsafely after it was verified against nullptr. Check lines: 729, 738. TargetTransformInfoImpl.h 738
int getGEPCost(Type *PointeeType, const Value *Ptr,
ArrayRef<const Value *> Operands) {
if (Ptr != nullptr) { // <=
BaseGV = dyn_cast<GlobalValue>(Ptr->stripPointerCasts());
bool HasBaseReg = (BaseGV == nullptr);
auto PtrSizeBits = DL.getPointerTypeSizeInBits(Ptr->getType()); // <=
V1004 [CWE-476] The 'FD' pointer was used unsafely after it was verified against nullptr. Check lines: 3228, 3231. CGDebugInfo.cpp 3231
llvm::DISubprogram *CGDebugInfo::getFunctionFwdDeclOrStub(GlobalDecl GD,
bool Stub) {
auto *FD = dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(GD.getDecl());
SmallVector<QualType, 16> ArgTypes;
if (FD) // <=
for (const ParmVarDecl *Parm : FD->parameters())
CallingConv CC = FD->getType()->castAs<FunctionType>()->getCallConv(); // <=
V1004 [CWE-476] The 'PtrTy' pointer was used unsafely after it was verified against nullptr. Check lines: 960, 965. InterleavedLoadCombinePass.cpp 965
static void computePolynomialFromPointer(Value &Ptr, Polynomial &Result,
Value *&BasePtr,
const DataLayout &DL) {
PointerType *PtrTy = dyn_cast<PointerType>(Ptr.getType());
if (!PtrTy) { // <=
Result = Polynomial();
BasePtr = nullptr;
unsigned PointerBits =
DL.getIndexSizeInBits(PtrTy->getPointerAddressSpace()); // <=
Similar errors can be found in some other places:
- V1004 [CWE-476] The 'Expr' pointer was used unsafely after it was verified against nullptr. Check lines: 1049, 1078. DebugInfoMetadata.cpp 1078
- V1004 [CWE-476] The 'PI' pointer was used unsafely after it was verified against nullptr. Check lines: 733, 753. LegacyPassManager.cpp 753
- V1004 [CWE-476] The 'StatepointCall' pointer was used unsafely after it was verified against nullptr. Check lines: 4371, 4379. Verifier.cpp 4379
- And 3 additional diagnostic messages.
Amazon FreeRTOS
V1004 [CWE-628] The 'x51ByteHashOidBuffer' pointer was used unsafely after it was verified against nullptr. Check lines: 275, 280. iot_pkcs11.c 280
CK_RV vAppendSHA256AlgorithmIdentifierSequence
( uint8_t * x32ByteHashedMessage,
uint8_t * x51ByteHashOidBuffer )
CK_RV xResult = CKR_OK;
uint8_t xOidSequence[] = pkcs11STUFF_APPENDED_TO_RSA_SIG;
if( ( x32ByteHashedMessage == NULL )
|| ( x51ByteHashOidBuffer == NULL ) )
memcpy( x51ByteHashOidBuffer,
sizeof( xOidSequence ) );
memcpy( &x51ByteHashOidBuffer[ sizeof( xOidSequence ) ],
32 );
return xResult;
Similar errors can be found in some other places:
- V1004 [CWE-628] The 'x32ByteHashedMessage' pointer was used unsafely after it was verified against nullptr. Check lines: 275, 281. iot_pkcs11.c 281
V1004 The 'pElem' pointer was used unsafely after it was verified against nullptr. Check lines: 1739, 1744. editor.cpp 1744
/** @deprecated use ToElement.
Return the handle as a TiXmlElement. This may return null.
TiXmlElement *Element() const
return ToElement();
void editorclass::load(std::string &_path)
TiXmlHandle hDoc(&doc);
TiXmlElement *pElem;
TiXmlHandle hRoot(0);
version = 0;
pElem = hDoc.FirstChildElement().Element();
// should always have a valid root
// but handle gracefully if it does
if (!pElem)
printf("No valid root! Corrupt level file?\n");
pElem->QueryIntAttribute("version", &version); // <=
// save this for later
hRoot = TiXmlHandle(pElem);
V1004 [CWE-476] The 'player' pointer was used unsafely after it was verified against nullptr. Check lines: 2085, 2094. libopenrct2 Network.cpp 2094
void Network::ProcessPlayerList()
auto* player = GetPlayerByID(pendingPlayer.Id);
if (player == nullptr)
// Add new player.
player = AddPlayer("", "");
if (player) // <=
*player = pendingPlayer;
_serverConnection->Player = player;
newPlayers.push_back(player->Id); // <=
V1004 [CWE-119] The '(char *) mt->BaseAddress' pointer was used unsafely after it was verified against nullptr. Check lines: 226, 235. win_mmap.c 235
void win_mmap_fini(void)
if (mt->BaseAddress != NULL)
size_t release_size =
(char *)mt->EndAddress - (char *)mt->BaseAddress;
void *release_addr = (char *)mt->BaseAddress + mt->FileLen;
mmap_unreserve(release_addr, release_size - mt->FileLen);
V1004 The 'aiter' pointer was used unsafely after it was verified against nullptr. Check lines: 107, 119. visit.h 119
template <....>
void Visit(....)
// Deletes arc iterator if done.
auto *aiter = arc_iterator[state];
if ((aiter && aiter->Done()) || !visit) {
Destroy(aiter, &aiter_pool);
arc_iterator[state] = nullptr;
state_status[state] |= kArcIterDone;
// Dequeues state and marks black if done.
if (state_status[state] & kArcIterDone) {
state_status[state] = kBlackState;
const auto &arc = aiter->Value(); // <=
V1004 The 'V' pointer was used unsafely after it was verified against nullptr. Check lines: 61, 65. TraceTests.cpp 65
bool VerifyObject(llvm::yaml::Node &N,
std::map<std::string, std::string> Expected) {
auto *V = llvm::dyn_cast_or_null<llvm::yaml::ScalarNode>(Prop.getValue());
if (!V) {
ADD_FAILURE() << KS << " is not a string";
Match = false;
std::string VS = V->getValue(Tmp).str();
V1004 The 'ppm_pt' pointer was used unsafely after it was verified against nullptr. Check lines: 353, 354. detect.c 354
ppm_pkt_timer_t *ppm_pt = NULL;
#define PPM_TOTAL_PKT_TIME() \
if( ppm_pt) \
{ \
ppm_pt->tot = \
ppm_cur_time - ppm_pt->start - ppm_pt->subtract; \
#define PPM_ACCUM_PKT_TIME() \
snort_conf->ppm_cfg.tot_pkt_time += ppm_pt->tot;
int Preprocess(Packet * p)
V1004 [CWE-476, CERT-EXP34-C] The 'Label' pointer was used unsafely after it was verified against nullptr. Check lines: 74, 81. DwarfCompileUnit.cpp 81
void DwarfCompileUnit::addLabelAddress(DIE &Die, dwarf::Attribute Attribute,
const MCSymbol *Label) {
if (Label)
DD->addArangeLabel(SymbolCU(this, Label));
bool UseAddrOffsetFormOrExpressions =
DD->useAddrOffsetForm() || DD->useAddrOffsetExpressions();
const MCSymbol *Base = nullptr;
if (Label->isInSection() && UseAddrOffsetFormOrExpressions)
Base = DD->getSectionLabel(&Label->getSection());
V1004 [CWE-476, CERT-EXP34-C] The 'DI' pointer was used unsafely after it was verified against nullptr. Check lines: 3349, 3351. CodeGenDAGPatterns.cpp 3351
void TreePattern::error(const Twine &Msg) {
if (HasError)
PrintError(TheRecord->getLoc(), "In " + TheRecord->getName() + ": " + Msg);
HasError = true;
static bool HandleUse(....)
if (Pat->isLeaf()) {
DefInit *DI = dyn_cast<DefInit>(Pat->getLeafValue());
if (!DI)
I.error("Input $" + Pat->getName() + " must be an identifier!");
Rec = DI->getDef();
Similar errors can be found in some other places:
- V1004 [CWE-476, CERT-EXP34-C] The 'OpDef' pointer was used unsafely after it was verified against nullptr. Check lines: 2843, 2844. CodeGenDAGPatterns.cpp 2844
- V1004 [CWE-476, CERT-EXP34-C] The 'Val' pointer was used unsafely after it was verified against nullptr. Check lines: 3418, 3420. CodeGenDAGPatterns.cpp 3420
V1004 The 'query' pointer was used unsafely after it was verified against nullptr. Check lines: 246, 249. CQuery.cpp 249
void Queries::popIfTop(QueryPtr query)
//LOG_TRACE_PARAMS(logGlobal, "query='%d'", query);
logGlobal->error("The query is nullptr! Ignoring.");
V1004 The 'tq' pointer was used unsafely after it was verified against nullptr. Check lines: 213, 227. vmxnet3_rxtx.c 227
static void
vmxnet3_dev_tx_queue_reset(void *txq)
vmxnet3_tx_queue_t *tq = txq;
struct vmxnet3_cmd_ring *ring = &tq->cmd_ring;
struct vmxnet3_comp_ring *comp_ring = &tq->comp_ring;
struct vmxnet3_data_ring *data_ring = &tq->data_ring;
int size;
if (tq != NULL) {
/* Release the cmd_ring mbufs */
size += tq->txdata_desc_size * data_ring->size;
V1004 The '_voiceRecordBar' pointer was used unsafely after it was verified against nullptr. Check lines: 1215, 1222. history_view_compose_controls.cpp 1222
void ComposeControls::showFinished() {
if (_inlineResults) {
if (_tabbedPanel) {
if (_attachBotsMenu) {
if (_voiceRecordBar) { // <=
if (_autocomplete) {
_voiceRecordBar->orderControls(); // <=
Similar errors can be found in some other places:
- V1004 The 'media' pointer was used unsafely after it was verified against nullptr. Check lines: 870, 884. history_view_message.cpp 884
- V1004 The 'e' pointer was used unsafely after it was verified against nullptr. Check lines: 383, 393. history_view_compose_controls.cpp 393
- V1004 The 'bot' pointer was used unsafely after it was verified against nullptr. Check lines: 4945, 4999. history_widget.cpp 4999
- And 1 additional diagnostic messages.
V1004 The 'pRet' pointer was used unsafely after it was verified against nullptr. Check lines: 695, 698. walWrite.c 698
void* taosArrayGetLast(const SArray* pArray) {
if (pArray->size == 0) {
return NULL;
return TARRAY_GET_ELEM(pArray, pArray->size - 1);
static int32_t walInitWriteFile(SWal *pWal) {
TdFilePtr pIdxTFile, pLogTFile;
int64_t fileFirstVer = -1;
int32_t code = 0;
SWalFileInfo *pRet = taosArrayGetLast(pWal->fileInfoSet);
if (pRet == NULL) {
fileFirstVer = pWal->vers.lastVer + 1;
fileFirstVer = pRet->firstVer;