Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью диагностики V3005
V3005. The 'x' variable is assigned to itself.
V3005 The 'member.UpdateDate' variable is assigned to itself. MemberService.cs 114
public void SavePassword(IMember member, string password)
member.RawPasswordValue = result.RawPasswordValue;
member.LastPasswordChangeDate = result.LastPasswordChangeDate;
member.UpdateDate = member.UpdateDate;
Similar errors can be found in some other places:
- V3005 The 'user.UpdateDate' variable is assigned to itself. UserService.cs 269
V3005 The 'linearGradientBrush.GradientStops' variable is assigned to itself. BrushEditor.cs 120
void DetermineCurrentKind()
else if (Brush is LinearGradientBrush) {
linearGradientBrush = Brush as LinearGradientBrush;
radialGradientBrush.GradientStops =
CurrentKind = BrushEditorKind.Linear;
else if (Brush is RadialGradientBrush) {
radialGradientBrush = Brush as RadialGradientBrush;
linearGradientBrush.GradientStops = // <=
linearGradientBrush.GradientStops; // <=
CurrentKind = BrushEditorKind.Radial;
Most likely this is what should be written here: linearGradientBrush.GradientStops = radialGradientBrush.GradientStops;
V3005 The 'this.WhiteSpaceText' variable is assigned to itself. WhitespaceNode.cs 65
public WhitespaceNode(string whiteSpaceText,
TextLocation startLocation)
this.WhiteSpaceText = WhiteSpaceText;
this.startLocation = startLocation;
Lower case 'w' should have been used instead of capital 'W'. Correct variant: this.WhiteSpaceText = whiteSpaceText;
V3005 The 'MacroCharacter' variable is assigned to itself. Mono.TextEditor ViMacro.cs 57
public ViMacro (char macroCharacter) {
MacroCharacter = MacroCharacter;
public char MacroCharacter {get; set;}
V3005 The 'MarkCharacter' variable is assigned to itself. Mono.TextEditor ViMark.cs 45
public ViMark (char markCharacter) {
MarkCharacter = MarkCharacter;
public char MarkCharacter {get; set;}
V3005 The 'this.WhiteSpaceText' variable is assigned to itself. ICSharpCode.NRefactory.CSharp WhitespaceNode.cs 65
public WhitespaceNode(string whiteSpaceText,
TextLocation startLocation)
this.WhiteSpaceText = WhiteSpaceText;
this.startLocation = startLocation;
public string WhiteSpaceText { get; set; }
V3005 The 'iconMargin.IsVisible' variable is assigned to itself. MonoDevelop.HexEditor HexEditor.cs 241
void OptionsChanged (object sender, EventArgs e)
gutterMargin.IsVisible = Options.ShowLineNumberMargin;
iconMargin.IsVisible = iconMargin.IsVisible;
public bool IsVisible { get; set; }
IronPython and IronRuby
V3005 The 'd["latin1"]' variable is assigned to itself. StringOps.cs 1905
private static Dictionary<string, EncodingInfoWrapper>
MakeCodecsDict() {
switch (normalizedName) {
case "iso_8859_1":
d["8859"] = d["latin_1"] = d["latin1"] =
d["iso 8859_1"] = d["iso8859_1"] = d["cp819"] =
d["819"] = d["latin"] = d["latin1"] = d["l1"] =
.NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn")
V3005 The 'Name' variable is assigned to itself. AsynchronousOperationListener.DiagnosticAsyncToken.cs 32
public DiagnosticAsyncToken(
AsynchronousOperationListener listener,
string name,
object tag,
string filePath,
int lineNumber)
: base(listener)
Name = Name;
Tag = tag;
FilePath = filePath;
LineNumber = lineNumber;
StackTrace = PortableShim.StackTrace.GetString();
Sony ATF
V3005 The 'ProgressError' variable is assigned to itself. Atf.Gui.Wpf.vs2010 StatusService.cs 24
public ProgressCompleteEventArgs(Exception progressError,
object progressResult,
bool cancelled)
ProgressError = ProgressError;
ProgressResult = progressResult;
Cancelled = cancelled;
Sony ATF
V3005 The 'window.Left' variable is assigned to itself. Atf.Gui.Wpf.vs2010 DockPanel.cs 706
public double Left { get; set; }
public void ApplyLayout(XmlReader reader)
FloatingWindow window = new FloatingWindow(
this, reader.ReadSubtree());
window.Left = window.Left;
window.Top = window.Top;
Sony ATF
V3005 The 'window.Top' variable is assigned to itself. Atf.Gui.Wpf.vs2010 DockPanel.cs 707
public double Top { get; set; }
public void ApplyLayout(XmlReader reader)
FloatingWindow window = new FloatingWindow(
this, reader.ReadSubtree());
window.Left = window.Left;
window.Top = window.Top;
V3005 The 'hashCode' variable is assigned to itself. SiliconStudio.Xenko ParameterKeys.cs 346
public ParameterComposedKey(ParameterKey key,
string name,
int indexer)
Key = key;
Name = name;
Indexer = indexer;
hashCode = hashCode = Key.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ Name.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ Indexer;
WPF samples by Microsoft
V3005 The 'clipboardInfo.Text' variable is assigned to itself. MainWindow.cs 204
private void DumpAllClipboardContentsInternal()
if (dataObject == null)
clipboardInfo.Text =
clipboardInfo.Text =
"Can't access clipboard now!
\n\nPlease click Dump All Clipboard
Contents button again.";
Old NASA World Wind (C#)
V3005 The 'num1' variable is assigned to itself. PlaceFinder.cs 2011
public static bool SearchForAddress(....)
double num1;
long2 = num1 = 0;
long1 = num1 = num1; // <=
lat2 = num1 = num1; // <=
lat1 = num1;
Similar errors can be found in some other places:
- V3005 The 'num1' variable is assigned to itself. PlaceFinder.cs 2012
V3005 The '_nextProjectId' variable is assigned to itself. LoggingService.cs 325
public int NextProjectId
lock (_lockObject)
_nextProjectId = _nextProjectId += MaxCPUCount + 2; // <=
return _nextProjectId;
V3005 The 'miGenerateRealization.Visible' variable is assigned to itself. VisualPascalABCNET OptionsManager.cs 342
public void UpdateUserOptions()
tsViewIntellisensePanel.Visible =
.... =
miGenerateRealization.Visible =
miGenerateRealization.Visible =
Similar errors can be found in some other places:
- V3005 The 'visitNode' variable is assigned to itself. SyntaxVisitors SimplePrettyPrinterVisitor.cs 106
V3005 The 'e' variable is assigned to itself. generics.cs 430
public static type_node determine_type(....)
return ....;
catch(Exception e)
e = e;
V3005 The 'positionInfo' variable is assigned to itself. WebVTT.cs 79
internal static string GetPositionInfoFromAssTag(Paragraph p)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(line))
if (positionInfo == null)
positionInfo = " line:" + line;
positionInfo = positionInfo += " line:" + line;
Azure PowerShell
V3005 The 'this.VM.OSProfile.WindowsConfiguration.ProvisionVMAgent' variable is assigned to itself. SetAzureVMOperatingSystemCommand.cs 298
public override void ExecuteCmdlet()
// OS Profile
this.VM.OSProfile.WindowsConfiguration.ProvisionVMAgent =
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "provisionVMAgent")]
public bool? ProvisionVMAgent { get; set; }
Azure PowerShell
V3005 The 'this.LastHeartbeat' variable is assigned to itself. PSFabricDetails.cs 804
public ASRInMageAzureV2SpecificRPIDetails(
InMageAzureV2ReplicationDetails details)
this.LastHeartbeat = this.LastHeartbeat; // <=
this.RecoveryAvailabilitySetId = details.RecoveryAvailabilitySetId;
this.AgentVersion = details.AgentVersion;
this.DiscoveryType = details.DiscoveryType;
public DateTime? LastHeartbeat { get; set; }
public class InMageAzureV2ReplicationDetails :
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "lastHeartbeat")]
public DateTime? LastHeartbeat { get; set; }
Similar errors can be found in some other places:
- V3005 The 'this.ResourceGroupName' variable is assigned to itself. RemoveAzureRmExpressRouteConnectionCommand.cs 84
- V3005 The 'this.ExpressRouteGatewayName' variable is assigned to itself. RemoveAzureRmExpressRouteConnectionCommand.cs 85
- V3005 The 'this.Name' variable is assigned to itself. RemoveAzureRmExpressRouteConnectionCommand.cs 86
V3005 The 'optimumChannels[PixelFormats.Indexed1]' variable is assigned to itself. WriteableBitmapConverter.cs 22
static WriteableBitmapConverter()
optimumChannels = new Dictionary
<PixelFormat, int>();
optimumChannels[PixelFormats.Indexed1] = // <=
optimumChannels[PixelFormats.Indexed8] = // <=
optimumChannels[PixelFormats.Gray2] =
optimumChannels[PixelFormats.Gray4] =
optimumChannels[PixelFormats.Gray8] =
optimumChannels[PixelFormats.Gray16] =
optimumChannels[PixelFormats.Gray32Float] =
optimumChannels[PixelFormats.Indexed1] = // <=
optimumChannels[PixelFormats.Indexed2] =
optimumChannels[PixelFormats.Indexed4] =
optimumChannels[PixelFormats.Indexed8] = // <=
optimumTypes = new Dictionary
<PixelFormat, MatType>();
optimumTypes[PixelFormats.Indexed1] = // <=
optimumTypes[PixelFormats.Indexed8] = // <=
optimumTypes[PixelFormats.Gray2] =
optimumTypes[PixelFormats.Gray4] =
optimumTypes[PixelFormats.Gray8] =
optimumTypes[PixelFormats.Indexed1] = // <=
optimumTypes[PixelFormats.Indexed2] =
optimumTypes[PixelFormats.Indexed4] =
optimumTypes[PixelFormats.Indexed8] = // <=
optimumTypes[PixelFormats.BlackWhite] =
public static class PixelFormats
public static PixelFormat Indexed8 { get; }
public static PixelFormat Indexed1 { get; }
Similar errors can be found in some other places:
- V3005 The 'optimumChannels[PixelFormats.Indexed8]' variable is assigned to itself. WriteableBitmapConverter.cs 23
- V3005 The 'optimumTypes[PixelFormats.Indexed1]' variable is assigned to itself. WriteableBitmapConverter.cs 50
- V3005 The 'optimumTypes[PixelFormats.Indexed8]' variable is assigned to itself. WriteableBitmapConverter.cs 51
V3005 The '_validProviderIds' variable is assigned to itself. BaseNfoParser.cs 77
private Dictionary<string, string> _validProviderIds;
public void Fetch(....)
_validProviderIds = _validProviderIds = new Dictionary<....>(....);
V3005 The 'Provider' variable is assigned to itself. CrytpoHashProviderSpecs.cs 38
public abstract class CrytpoHashProviderSpecsBase : TinySpec
protected CryptoHashProvider Provider;
public override void Context()
Provider = Provider = new CryptoHashProvider(FileSystem.Object);
QuantConnect Lean
V3005 The '_factory' variable is assigned to itself. ZipEntryNameSubscriptionDataSourceReader.cs 50
private readonly SubscriptionDataConfig _config;
private readonly DateTime _date;
private readonly bool _isLiveMode;
private readonly BaseData _factory;
public ZipEntryNameSubscriptionDataSourceReader(
SubscriptionDataConfig config,
DateTime date,
bool isLiveMode)
_config = config;
_date = date;
_isLiveMode = isLiveMode;
_factory = _factory = config.GetBaseDataInstance(); // <=
V3005 The 'comp.Value.Description' variable is assigned to itself. SitemapBuilder.cs 231
private static void LoadProviders()
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, SitemapProvider> comp in
comp.Value.Name = comp.Key;
comp.Value.Description = comp.Value.Description;
V3005 The 'this.SuppressTokenReplace' variable is assigned to itself. SendTokenizedBulkEmail.cs 109
public SendTokenizedBulkEmail(List<string> addressedRoles,
List<UserInfo> addressedUsers,
bool removeDuplicates,
string subject,
string body)
this.ReportRecipients = true;
this.AddressMethod = AddressMethods.Send_TO;
this.BodyFormat = MailFormat.Text;
this.Priority = MailPriority.Normal;
this._addressedRoles = addressedRoles;
this._addressedUsers = addressedUsers;
this.RemoveDuplicates = removeDuplicates;
this.Subject = subject;
this.Body = body;
this.SuppressTokenReplace = this.SuppressTokenReplace; // <=
V3005 The 'arrowIcon.PressedColor' variable is assigned to itself. ChatBox.cs 164
public ChatBox(GUIComponent parent, bool isSinglePlayer)
arrowIcon = new GUIImage(....)
Color = new Color(51, 59, 46)
arrowIcon.HoverColor = arrowIcon.PressedColor =
arrowIcon.PressedColor = arrowIcon.Color;
V3005 The 'Penetration' variable is assigned to itself. Attack.cs 324
public Attack(float damage,
float bleedingDamage,
float burnDamage,
float structureDamage,
float itemDamage,
float range = 0.0f,
float penetration = 0f)
Range = range;
DamageRange = range;
StructureDamage = LevelWallDamage = structureDamage;
ItemDamage = itemDamage;
Penetration = Penetration; // <=
V3005 The 'RightMargin' variable is assigned to itself. VirtualTerminalController.cs 1446
public void SetCursorPosition(int column, int row)
if (LeftAndRightMarginEnabled)
if (CursorState.OriginMode && CursorState.CurrentColumn < LeftMargin)
CursorState.CurrentColumn = LeftMargin;
if (CursorState.CurrentColumn >= RightMargin)
RightMargin = RightMargin; // <=
V3005 The 'After' variable is assigned to itself. ThreadUpdateAuditLogData.cs 18
public class ThreadUpdateAuditLogData : IAuditLogData
private ThreadUpdateAuditLogData(IThreadChannel thread,
ThreadType type,
ThreadInfo before,
ThreadInfo after)
Thread = thread;
ThreadType = type;
Before = before;
After = After;
V3005 The 'model.MetaKeywords' variable is assigned to itself. GetLessonHandler.cs 37
public async Task<LessonModel> Handle(....)
var model = new LessonModel();
var modelCourse = request.Course.ToModel(request.Language);
model.Id = request.Lesson.Id;
model.CourseId = modelCourse.Id;
model.CourseDescription = modelCourse.Description;
model.CourseName = modelCourse.Name;
model.CourseSeName = modelCourse.SeName;
model.MetaDescription = modelCourse.MetaDescription;
model.MetaKeywords = model.MetaKeywords; // <=
model.MetaTitle = model.MetaTitle; // <=
model.Name = request.Lesson.Name;
model.ShortDescription = request.Lesson.ShortDescription;
model.Description = request.Lesson.Description;
model.UserFields = request.Lesson.UserFields;
V3005 The 'priceModel.OldPriceValue' variable is assigned to itself. ProductModelFactory.cs 503
protected virtual async Task
PrepareSimpleProductOverviewPriceModelAsync(Product product,
.... priceModel)
if (product.IsRental)
//rental product
priceModel.OldPrice = await _priceFormatter
priceModel.OldPriceValue = priceModel.OldPriceValue;
priceModel.Price = await _priceFormatter
priceModel.PriceValue = priceModel.PriceValue;
Similar errors can be found in some other places:
- V3005 The 'priceModel.PriceValue' variable is assigned to itself. ProductModelFactory.cs 505
V3005 The 'transform.localPosition' variable is assigned to itself. Item.cs 150
public void OnRecycle()
transform.SetParent(initRoot, false);
transform.localPosition = transform.localPosition;
transform.eulerAngles = initRotation;
transform.localScale = initScale;