Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью диагностики V3042
V3042. Possible NullReferenceException. The '?.' and '.' operators are used for accessing members of the same object.
V3042 Possible NullReferenceException. The '?.' and '.' operators are used for accessing members of the Element object Xamarin.Forms.Platform.WinRT MasterDetailPageRenderer.cs 288
void UpdateTitle()
if (Element?.Detail == null)
((ITitleProvider)this).Title =
(Element.Detail as NavigationPage)
?.CurrentPage?.Title ?? Element.Title
?? Element?.Title;
.NET Core Libraries (CoreFX)
V3042 Possible NullReferenceException. The '?.' and '.' operators are used for accessing members of the 'sym' object SymbolStore.cs 56
private static void InsertChildNoGrow(Symbol child)
while (sym?.nextSameName != null)
sym = sym.nextSameName;
Debug.Assert(sym != null && sym.nextSameName == null);
sym.nextSameName = child; // <=
.NET Core Libraries (CoreFX)
V3042 Possible NullReferenceException. The '?.' and '.' operators are used for accessing members of the 'property' object JsonClassInfo.AddProperty.cs 179
internal JsonPropertyInfo CreatePolymorphicProperty(....)
JsonPropertyInfo runtimeProperty
= CreateProperty(property.DeclaredPropertyType, // <=
property.ImplementedPropertyType, // <=
property?.PropertyInfo, // <=
Azure PowerShell
V3042 Possible NullReferenceException. The '?.' and '.' operators are used for accessing members of the 'imageAndOsType' object VirtualMachineScaleSetStrategy.cs 81
internal static ResourceConfig<VirtualMachineScaleSet>
CreateVirtualMachineScaleSetConfig(...., ImageAndOsType imageAndOsType, ....)
VirtualMachineProfile = new VirtualMachineScaleSetVMProfile
OsProfile = new VirtualMachineScaleSetOSProfile
WindowsConfiguration =
imageAndOsType.CreateWindowsConfiguration(), // <=
StorageProfile = new VirtualMachineScaleSetStorageProfile
ImageReference = imageAndOsType?.Image, // <=
DataDisks = DataDiskStrategy.CreateVmssDataDisks(
imageAndOsType?.DataDiskLuns, dataDisks) // <=
Azure PowerShell
V3042 Possible NullReferenceException. The '?.' and '.' operators are used for accessing members of the 'existingContacts' object RemoveAzureKeyVaultCertificateContact.cs 123
public override void ExecuteCmdlet()
List<PSKeyVaultCertificateContact> existingContacts;
existingContacts = this.DataServiceClient.
catch (KeyVaultErrorException exception)
existingContacts = null;
foreach (var email in EmailAddress)
existingContacts.RemoveAll(....); // <=
V3042 [CWE-476] Possible NullReferenceException. The '?.' and '.' operators are used for accessing members of the 'val.NewValue' object TournamentTeam.cs 41
public TournamentTeam()
Acronym.ValueChanged += val =>
if (....)
FlagName.Value = val.NewValue.Length >= 2 // <=
? val.NewValue?.Substring(0, 2).ToUpper()
: string.Empty;
Similar errors can be found in some other places:
- V3042 [CWE-476] Possible NullReferenceException. The '?.' and '.' operators are used for accessing members of the 'val.NewValue' object TournamentTeam.cs 48
V3042 [CWE-476] Possible NullReferenceException. The '?.' and '.' operators are used for accessing members of the 'api' object SetupScreen.cs 77
private void reload()
new ActionableInfo
Label = "Current User",
ButtonText = "Change Login",
Action = () =>
api.Logout(); // <=
Value = api?.LocalUser.Value.Username,
V3042 Possible NullReferenceException. The '?.' and '.' operators are used for accessing members of the 'data' object Client.cs 254
public void ReceiveLoop(int clientId)
byte[] data = Receive(clientId);
if (data.Length == 0)
private byte[] Receive(int clientId, int timeout = 0)
var result = _client?.Receive(ref endPoint);
if (result.Length > 0)
return result;
V3042 Possible NullReferenceException. The '?.' and '.' operators are used for accessing members of the '_update' object SqlUpdateStatement.cs 60
public override ISqlTableSource? GetTableSource(ISqlTableSource table)
if (table == _update?.Table)
return _update.Table;
V3042 Possible NullReferenceException. The '?.' and '.' operators are used for accessing members of the 'module.DesktopModule' object Converters.cs 67
public static ModuleItem ConvertToModuleItem(ModuleInfo module)
=> new ModuleItem
Id = module.ModuleID,
Title = module.ModuleTitle,
FriendlyName = module.DesktopModule.FriendlyName, // <=
EditContentUrl = GetModuleEditContentUrl(module),
EditSettingUrl = GetModuleEditSettingUrl(module),
IsPortable = module.DesktopModule?.IsPortable, // <=
AllTabs = module.AllTabs,
V3042 Possible NullReferenceException. The '?.' and '.' operators are used for accessing members of the 'PortalSettings.Current' object PagesMenuController.cs 47
public IDictionary<string, object> GetSettings(MenuItem menuItem)
var settings = new Dictionary<string, object>
{ "canSeePagesList",
this.securityService.CanViewPageList(menuItem.MenuId) },
{ "portalName",
PortalSettings.Current.PortalName }, // <=
{ "currentPagePermissions",
this.securityService.GetCurrentPagePermissions() },
{ "currentPageName",
PortalSettings.Current?.ActiveTab?.TabName }, // <=
{ "productSKU",
DotNetNukeContext.Current.Application.SKU },
{ "isAdmin",
this.securityService.IsPageAdminUser() },
{ "currentParentHasChildren",
PortalSettings.Current?.ActiveTab?.HasChildren }, // <=
{ "isAdminHostSystemPage",
this.securityService.IsAdminHostSystemPage() },
return settings;
Unity C# reference source code
V3042 Possible NullReferenceException. The '?.' and '.' operators are used for accessing members of the 'version' object UpmPackageDocs.cs 38
public static string FetchBuiltinDescription(....)
return string.IsNullOrEmpty(version?.packageInfo?.description) ?
string.Format(L10n.Tr(....), version.displayName) :
V3042 [CWE-476] Possible NullReferenceException. The '?.' and '.' operators are used for accessing members of the 'mergeExpandValue' object TabularDataQueryOptions.cs 282
internal bool AppendExpandQueryOptions(ExpandQueryOptions mergeExpandValue)
ExpandQueryOptions[mergeExpandValue.ExpandInfo.ExpandPath] =
return true;
V3042 [CWE-476] Possible NullReferenceException. The '?.' and '.' operators are used for accessing members of the 'node' object ResolvedObjectHelpers.cs 45
public static FormulaValue ResolvedObjectError(ResolvedObjectNode node)
return new ErrorValue(node.IRContext, new ExpressionError()
Message = $"Unrecognized symbol {node?.Value?.GetType()?.Name}".Trim(),
Span = node.IRContext.SourceContext,
Kind = ErrorKind.Validation
Similar errors can be found in some other places:
- V3042 [CWE-476] Possible NullReferenceException. The '?.' and '.' operators are used for accessing members of the 'node' object ResolvedObjectHelpers.cs 48
V3042 [CWE-476] Possible NullReferenceException. The '?.' and '.' operators are used for accessing members of the 'other.Fields' object FormulaTypeSchema.cs 118
public override bool Equals(object o)
return o is FormulaTypeSchema other &&
Type.Equals(other.Type) &&
Description == other.Description &&
Help == other.Help &&
Fields?.Count() == other.Fields?.Count() &&
(thisKvp) => other.Fields.TryGetValue(thisKvp.Key, out var otherValue) &&
(thisKvp.Value?.Equals(otherValue) ?? otherValue == null)) ?? true);
V3042 Possible NullReferenceException. The '?.' and '.' operators are used for accessing members of the 'settingsManager' object App.xaml.cs 48
public AppImpl()
// load oodle
var settingsManager = Locator.Current.GetService<ISettingsManager>();
if ( settingsManager.IsHealthy()
&& !Oodle.Load(settingsManager?.GetRED4OodleDll()))
throw new FileNotFoundException($"{Core.Constants.Oodle} not found.");
Unity C# reference source code
V3042 Possible NullReferenceException. The '?.' and '.' operators are used for accessing members of the 'package' object. PackageSample.cs 102
internal static IEnumerable<Sample> FindByPackage(PackageInfo package, ....)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(package?.upmReserved) &&
return Enumerable.Empty<Sample>();
IEnumerable<IDictionary<string, object>> samples = null;
var upmReserved = upmCache.ParseUpmReserved(package);
if (upmReserved != null)
samples = upmReserved.GetList<....>("samples");
.NET 9
V3042 Possible NullReferenceException. The '?.' and '.' operators are used for accessing members of the 'root' object MemberObjectsExplorer.cs 109
private static async Task<JArray> GetRootHiddenChildren(...., JObject root)
var rootValue = root?["value"] ?? root["get"];
if (rootValue?["subtype"]?.Value<string>() == "null")
return new JArray();