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Вебинар: Парсим С++ - 25.10

Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью …

Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью диагностики V3045

V3045. WPF: the names of the property registered for DependencyProperty, and of the property used to access it, do not correspond with each other.

Samples by the Infragistics Company

V3045 WPF: the names of the registered property 'CentralMeridianProperty', and the property 'CentralMeridian', do not correspond with each other. LambertConformalConic.cs 130

public static readonly DependencyProperty CentralMeridianProperty
 = DependencyProperty.Register("CentralMeridianProperty",
    typeof(double), typeof(LambertConformalConic),
      new PropertyMetadata(0.0,
        new PropertyChangedCallback(UpdateConstants)));

public double CentralMeridian {
  get { return (double)GetValue(CentralMeridianProperty);  }
  set { SetValue(CentralMeridianProperty, value); }

Samples by the Infragistics Company

V3045 WPF: the names of the registered property 'LongitudeOrigin', and of the property 'CentralMeridian', do not correspond with each other. TransverseMercator.cs 95

public static readonly DependencyProperty CentralMeridianProperty
 = DependencyProperty.Register("LongitudeOrigin", typeof(double),
    typeof(TransverseMercator), new PropertyMetadata(0.0,
      new PropertyChangedCallback(UpdateConstants)));

public double CentralMeridian { .... }

Samples by the Infragistics Company

V3045 WPF: the names of the property registered for DependencyProperty, and of the property used to access it, do not correspond with each other. DataChartEx.cs 469

public static readonly DependencyProperty
 AxisFinancialIndicatorYTemplateProperty =
    new PropertyMetadata(default(DataTemplate)));

public DataTemplate AxisCategoryYTemplate{
 get { return (DataTemplate)
  GetValue(AxisFinancialIndicatorYTemplateProperty); }
 set {
  SetValue(AxisFinancialIndicatorYTemplateProperty, value); }

Samples by the Infragistics Company

V3045 WPF: the names of the property registered for DependencyProperty, and of the property used to access it, do not correspond with each other. DataChartEx.cs 344

public static readonly DependencyProperty
 FinancialIndicatorSeriesTemplateProperty =
    new PropertyMetadata(default(DataTemplate)));

public DataTemplate FinancialIndicatorSeriesTemplate {
  get { return (DataTemplate)
    GetValue(FinancialIndicatorSeriesTemplateProperty); }
  set {
    SetValue(FinancialIndicatorSeriesTemplateProperty, value); }

WPF samples by Microsoft

V3045 WPF: the names of the registered property 'RadiusBase', and of the property 'Radius', do not correspond with each other. FireworkEffect.cs 196

public double Radius
  get { return (double) GetValue(RadiusProperty); }
  set { SetValue(RadiusProperty, value); }

public static readonly DependencyProperty
  RadiusProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(
    typeof (double),
    typeof (FireworkEffect),
    new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(15.0));