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Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью …

Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью диагностики V3053

V3053. An excessive expression. Examine the substrings "abc" and "abcd".


V3053 An excessive expression. Examine the substrings 'notepad' and 'notepad++'. GitCommands GitModule.cs 691

public void EditNotes(string revision)
  string editor = GetEffectivePathSetting("core.editor")

  if (editor.Contains("gitextensions") ||
      editor.Contains("notepad") ||
      editor.Contains("notepad++")) // <=
    RunGitCmd("notes edit " + revision);

Orchard CMS

V3053 An excessive expression. Examine the substrings ' ' and ' \t'. ExtensionHarvester.cs 335

private static bool IsFeatureFieldDeclaration(string line) {
  if (line.StartsWith("\t\t") ||
      line.StartsWith("\t    ") ||
      line.StartsWith("    ") ||
      line.StartsWith("    \t"))
          return true;

  return false;


V3053 An excessive expression. Examine the substrings '/debug' and '/debugport'. NDebugger.cs 287

public bool IsKernelDebuggerEnabled {
  get {
    if (systemStartOptions.Contains("/debug") ||
     systemStartOptions.Contains("/crashdebug") ||
     systemStartOptions.Contains("/debugport") ||
     systemStartOptions.Contains("/baudrate")) {
      return true;


V3053 An excessive expression. Examine the substrings 'reduction' and 'reduction('. TreeConverter OpenMP.cs 267

private void ProcessClauses(string Text, ....)
  if (....)
  else if (AllowReduction &&
           (Text.StartsWith("reduction") ||

Unity C# reference source code

V3053 An excessive expression. Examine the substrings 'UnityEngine.' and 'UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine'. StackTrace.cs 43

static bool IsSystemStacktraceType(object name)
  string casted = (string)name;
  return casted.StartsWith("UnityEditor.") ||
    casted.StartsWith("UnityEngine.") ||
    casted.StartsWith("System.") ||
    casted.StartsWith("UnityScript.Lang.") ||
    casted.StartsWith("Boo.Lang.") ||

Unity C# reference source code

V3053 An excessive expression. Examine the substrings 'Windows.dll' and 'Windows.'. AssemblyHelper.cs 84

static private bool CouldBelongToDotNetOrWindowsRuntime(string
  return assemblyPath.IndexOf("mscorlib.dll") != -1 ||
    assemblyPath.IndexOf("System.") != -1 ||
    assemblyPath.IndexOf("Windows.dll") != -1 ||  // <=
    assemblyPath.IndexOf("Microsoft.") != -1 ||
    assemblyPath.IndexOf("Windows.") != -1 ||  // <=
    assemblyPath.IndexOf("WinRTLegacy.dll") != -1 ||
    assemblyPath.IndexOf("platform.dll") != -1;

Azure SDK for .NET

V3053 An excessive expression. Examine the substrings 'IList' and 'List'. PropertyData.cs 157

public class PropertyData
  public bool IsTypeCollection => this.Type.Contains("IList") ||
                                  this.Type.Contains("IEnumerable") ||
                                  this.Type.Contains("List") ||         // <=
                                  this.Type.Contains("IReadOnlyList");  // <=

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V3053 An excessive expression. Examine the substrings 'List' and 'IReadOnlyList'. PropertyData.cs 158

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