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Вебинар: SAST как Quality Gate - 13.03

Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью …

Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью диагностики V3057

V3057. Function receives an odd argument.


V3057 Invalid regular expression patern in constructor. Inspect the first argument. AssetBundleDemo ExecuteInternalMono.cs 48

class ExecuteInternalMono
  private static readonly Regex UnsafeCharsWindows =
    new Regex("[^A-Za-z0-9\\_\\-\\.\\:\\,\\/\\@\\\\]"); // <=



V3057 The 'Substring' function could receive the '-1' value while non-negative value is expected. Inspect the second argument. Utilities.cs 328

internal static string CreateToolsVersionListString(....)
  if (toolsVersionList.Length > 0)
    toolsVersionList = toolsVersionList.Substring(0,
      toolsVersionList.Length - 2);

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V3057 The 'Substring' function could receive the '-1' value while non-negative value is expected. Inspect the second argument. SolutionFile.cs 1217
  • V3057 The 'Substring' function could receive the '-1' value while non-negative value is expected. Inspect the second argument. XMake.cs 2929
  • V3057 The 'Remove' function could receive the '-1' value while non-negative value is expected. Inspect the first argument. BootstrapperBuilder.cs 767

Orchard CMS

V3057 The 'Substring' function could receive the '-1' value while non-negative value is expected. Inspect the second argument. ContentIdentity.cs 139

.... GetIdentityKeyValue(....) {
  var indexOfEquals = identityEntry.IndexOf("=");
  if (indexOfEquals < 0) return null;

  var key = identityEntry.Substring(1, indexOfEquals - 1);


Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V3057 The 'Substring' function could receive the '-1' value while non-negative value is expected. Inspect the second argument. CommandParametersParser.cs 18
  • V3057 The 'Substring' function could receive the '-1' value while non-negative value is expected. Inspect the second argument. CommandStep.cs 73


V3057 The 'Substring' function could receive the '-1' value while non-negative value is expected. Inspect the second argument. ContentExtensions.cs 82

internal static CultureInfo GetCulture(....)
  var pos = route.IndexOf('/');
  domain = pos == 0
    ? null
    : domainHelper.DomainForNode(
      int.Parse(route.Substring(0, pos)), current)

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V3057 The 'Substring' function could receive the '-1' value while non-negative value is expected. Inspect the first argument. DefaultUrlProvider.cs 81
  • V3057 The 'Substring' function could receive the '-1' value while non-negative value is expected. Inspect the second argument. DefaultUrlProvider.cs 84
  • V3057 The 'Substring' function could receive the '-1' value while non-negative value is expected. Inspect the first argument. DefaultUrlProvider.cs 126
  • And 7 additional diagnostic messages.


V3057 The 'DateTime' constructor receives the '0' value while positive value is expected. Inspect the second argument. DateTimeExtensions.cs 24

public static DateTime TruncateTo(this DateTime dt,
  DateTruncate truncateTo)
  if (truncateTo == DateTruncate.Year)
    return new DateTime(dt.Year, 0, 0);
  if (truncateTo == DateTruncate.Month)
    return new DateTime(dt.Year, dt.Month, 0);

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V3057 The 'DateTime' constructor receives the '0' value while positive value is expected. Inspect the third argument. DateTimeExtensions.cs 24
  • V3057 The 'DateTime' constructor receives the '0' value while positive value is expected. Inspect the third argument. DateTimeExtensions.cs 26

QuantConnect Lean

V3057 The 'Substring' function could receive the '-1' value while non-negative value is expected. Inspect the first argument. StringExtensions.cs 311

public static string SafeSubstring(this string value,
                                   int startIndex,
                                   int length)
  if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
    return value;

  if (startIndex > value.Length - 1)
    return string.Empty;

  if (startIndex < -1)
    startIndex = 0;

  return value.Substring(startIndex,
                         Math.Min(length, value.Length - startIndex));


V3057 The 'Combine' function is expected to receive a valid path string. Inspect the second argument. PortalController.cs 3538

private void ParseTemplateInternal(...., string templatePath, ....)
  string path = Path.Combine(templatePath, "admin.template");
  if (!File.Exists(path))
    // if the template is a merged copy of a localized templte the
    // admin.template may be one director up
    path = Path.Combine(templatePath, "..\admin.template");


V3057 The 'Remove' function could receive the '-1' value while non-negative value is expected. Inspect the first argument. StackTraceDetailPatternConverter.cs 67

internal override string GetMethodInformation(MethodItem method)
  string param = string.Empty;
  string[] names = method.Parameters;
  StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
  if (names != null && names.GetUpperBound(0) > 0)
    for (int i = 0; i <= names.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
      sb.AppendFormat("{0}, ", names[i]);

  if (sb.Length > 0)
    sb.Remove(sb.Length - 2, 2);
    param = sb.ToString();

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