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Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью …

Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью диагностики V3090

V3090. Unsafe locking on an object.

Old NASA World Wind (C#)

V3090 Unsafe locking on an object of type 'String'. GPSTrackerPlugin.APRS.cs 256

private int APRSParse(....)
  int iRet=-1;
      //Call the APRS DLL
                                ref aprsPosition,
                                ref aprsStatus);
  return iRet;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V3090 Unsafe locking on an object of type 'String'. GPSTrackerPlugin.File.cs 226
  • V3090 Unsafe locking on an object of type 'String'. GPSTrackerPlugin.File.cs 244
  • V3090 Unsafe locking on an object of type 'String'. GPSTrackerPlugin.File.cs 370
  • And 12 additional diagnostic messages.


V3090 Unsafe locking on a type. All instances of a type will have the same 'Type' object. corlib-net_4_x UnixRegistryApi.cs 245

public RegistryKey Ensure (....)
  lock (typeof (KeyHandler)){

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V3090 Unsafe locking on a type. All instances of a type will have the same 'Type' object. corlib-net_4_x UnixRegistryApi.cs 261
  • V3090 Unsafe locking on a type. All instances of a type will have the same 'Type' object. corlib-net_4_x UnixRegistryApi.cs 383
  • V3090 Unsafe locking on a type. All instances of a type will have the same 'Type' object. corlib-net_4_x UnixRegistryApi.cs 404
  • And 8 additional diagnostic messages.


V3090 Unsafe locking on a type. All instances of a type will have the same 'Type' object. System.Runtime.Remoting-net_4_x HttpRemotingHandlerFactory.cs 61

void ConfigureHttpChannel (HttpContext context)
  lock (GetType())


V3090 Unsafe locking on an object of type 'String'. System.Web-net_4_x ProfileBase.cs 95

const string Profiles_SettingsPropertyCollection =
static void InitProperties ()
  lock (Profiles_SettingsPropertyCollection) {
  if (_properties == null)
    _properties = properties;

Logify Alert Clients

V3090 Unsafe locking on a type. All instances of a type will have the same 'Type' object. TempDirectoryExceptionReportSender.cs 33

protected override bool SendExceptionReportCore(....) {
  lock (typeof(OfflineDirectoryExceptionReportSender)) {


V3090 Unsafe locking on a type. All instances of a type will have the same 'Type' object. Lmhosts.cs 49

public class Lmhosts
  public static NbtAddress GetByName(string host)
    lock (typeof(Lmhosts))
      return GetByName(new Name(host, 0x20, null));

  internal static NbtAddress GetByName(Name name)
    lock (typeof(Lmhosts))

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V3090 Unsafe locking on a type. All instances of a type will have the same 'Type' object. Lmhosts.cs 57

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