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Вебинар: SAST как Quality Gate - 13.03

Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью …

Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью диагностики V3091

V3091. Empirical analysis. It is possible that a typo is present inside the string literal. The 'foo' word is suspicious.

Azure PowerShell

V3091 Empirical analysis. It is possible that a typo is present inside the string literal: "Management Group Id". The 'Id' word is suspicious. Constants.cs 36

public class HelpMessages
  public const string SubscriptionId = "Subscription Id of the subscription
                                        associated with the management";
  public const string GroupId = "Management Group Id";                    // <=
  public const string Recurse = "Recursively list the children of the
                                 management group";
  public const string ParentId = "Parent Id of the management group";
  public const string GroupName = "Management Group Id";                  // <=
  public const string DisplayName = "Display Name of the management group";
  public const string Expand = "Expand the output to list the children of the
                                management group";
  public const string Force = "Force the action and skip confirmations";
  public const string InputObject = "Input Object from the Get call";
  public const string ParentObject = "Parent Object";

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V3091 Empirical analysis. It is possible that a typo is present inside the string literal. The 'Name' word is suspicious. ParamHelpMsgs.cs 153


V3091 Empirical analysis. It is possible that a typo is present inside the string literal: "Hover". The 'Hover' word is suspicious. ButtonCursorStateView.cs 34

public ButtonCursorStateView()
  HoverStateName = "Hover";
  PressStateName = "Hover";
  DefaultStateName = "Default";


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