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Шаг 2
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Бесплатная лицензия PVS‑Studio для специалистов Microsoft MVP
* Нажимая на кнопку, вы даете согласие на обработку
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Для получения лицензии для вашего открытого
проекта заполните, пожалуйста, эту форму
* Нажимая на кнопку, вы даете согласие на обработку
своих персональных данных. См. Политику конфиденциальности

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Мне интересно попробовать плагин на:
* Нажимая на кнопку, вы даете согласие на обработку
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  • Спам

Вебинар: Парсим С++ - 25.10

Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью …

Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью диагностики V3105

V3105. The 'a' variable was used after it was assigned through null-conditional operator. NullReferenceException is possible.

Microsoft Bot Builder

V3105 The 'parts' variable was used after it was assigned through null-conditional operator. NullReferenceException is possible. JwtTokenExtractor.cs 60

public async Task<ClaimsIdentity>
GetIdentityAsync(string authorizationHeader)
  string[] parts = authorizationHeader?.Split(' ');
  if (parts.Length == 2) // <=
    return await GetIdentityAsync(parts[0], parts[1]).

.NET Core Libraries (CoreFX)

V3105 The 'versionString' variable was used after it was assigned through null-conditional operator. NullReferenceException is possible. RuntimeInformation.cs 29

public static string FrameworkDescription
    if (s_frameworkDescription == null)
      string versionString = (string)AppContext.GetData("FX_PRODUCT_VERSION");
      if (versionString == null)
          = typeof(object).Assembly
                         ?.InformationalVersion;    // <=
        int plusIndex = versionString.IndexOf('+'); // <=


V3105 The 'mdType' variable was used after it was assigned through null-conditional operator. NullReferenceException is possible. PipelineEnsemble.cs 670

private static int CheckKeyLabelColumnCore<T>(....) where T : ....
  for (int i = 1; i < models.Length; i++)
    var mdType = labelCol.Annotations
                         .GetColumnOrNull(....)? // <=

    if (!mdType.Equals(keyValuesType))
      throw env.Except(....);


V3105 The 'm' variable was used after it was assigned through null-conditional operator. NullReferenceException is possible. ILSpy MethodVirtualUsedByAnalyzer.cs 137

static bool ScanMethodBody(IMethod analyzedMethod,
                           IMethod method, MethodBodyBlock methodBody)
  var mainModule = (MetadataModule)method.ParentModule;
  switch (member.Kind)
    case HandleKind.MethodDefinition:
    case HandleKind.MethodSpecification:
    case HandleKind.MemberReference:
      var m = (mainModule.ResolveEntity(member, genericContext) as IMember)
      if (   m.MetadataToken == analyzedMethod.MetadataToken               // <=
          && m.ParentModule.PEFile == analyzedMethod.ParentModule.PEFile)  // <=
        return true;


V3105 The 'newInternalDestinations' variable was used after it was assigned through null-conditional operator. NullReferenceException is possible. ReplicationLoader.cs 828

private void HandleInternalReplication(DatabaseRecord newRecord,
                                       List<IDisposable> instancesToDispose)
  var newInternalDestinations = newRecord.Topology?.GetDestinations(....);
  foreach (var item in newInternalDestinations)


V3105 The 'result' variable was used after it was assigned through null-conditional operator. NullReferenceException is possible. Client.cs 213

private byte[] Receive(int clientId, int timeout = 0)

    var result = _client?.Receive(ref endPoint);

    if (result.Length > 0)


V3105 The 'tinfo' variable was used after it was assigned through null-conditional operator. NullReferenceException is possible. Objects.cs 189

public static string get_parent_class(....)
  if (caller.Equals(default))
    return null;

  var tinfo = Type.GetTypeFromHandle(caller)?.GetPhpTypeInfo();
  return tinfo.BaseType?.Name;


V3105 The 'routeEndpoints' variable was used after it was assigned through null-conditional operator. NullReferenceException is possible. RoutableDocumentFilter.cs 198

private bool MatchesEndpoint(string absPath)
  IEnumerable<RouteEndpoint> routeEndpoints = _endpointDataSource
    .Where(x =>

  var routeValues = new RouteValueDictionary();

  RouteEndpoint matchedEndpoint = routeEndpoints
    .Where(e => new TemplateMatcher(
        new RouteValueDictionary())
      .TryMatch(absPath, routeValues))
    .OrderBy(c => c.Order)

  return matchedEndpoint != null;


V3105 The 'fontDesc' variable was used after it was assigned through null-conditional operator. NullReferenceException is possible. Eto.Gtk3 RichTextAreaHandler.cs 328

public Font SelectionFont
    Pango.FontDescription fontDesc = null;
    foreach (var face in family.Faces)
      var faceDesc = face.Describe();
      if (   faceDesc.Weight == weight
          && faceDesc.Style == style
          && faceDesc.Stretch == stretch)
        fontDesc = faceDesc;
    if (fontDesc == null)
      fontDesc = family.Faces[0]?.Describe();   // <=
    var fontSizeTag = GetTag(FontSizePrefix);
    fontDesc.Size =   fontSizeTag != null       // <=
                    ? fontSizeTag.Size
                    : (int)(Font.Size * Pango.Scale.PangoScale);


V3105 The '_billingSettings' variable was used after it was assigned through null-conditional operator. NullReferenceException is possible. FreshdeskController.cs 47

public class FreshdeskController : Controller
  public FreshdeskController(
    IUserRepository userRepository,
    IOrganizationRepository organizationRepository,
    IOrganizationUserRepository organizationUserRepository,
    IOptions<BillingSettings> billingSettings,
    ILogger<AppleController> logger,
    GlobalSettings globalSettings)
    _billingSettings = billingSettings?.Value;                   // <=
    _userRepository = userRepository;
    _organizationRepository = organizationRepository;
    _organizationUserRepository = organizationUserRepository;
    _logger = logger;
    _globalSettings = globalSettings;
    _freshdeskAuthkey = Convert.ToBase64String(
          .GetBytes($"{_billingSettings.FreshdeskApiKey}:X"));   // <=


V3105 The 'bSettings' variable was used after it was assigned through null-conditional operator. NullReferenceException is possible. PayPalIpnClient.cs 22

public PayPalIpnClient(IOptions<BillingSettings> billingSettings)
  var bSettings = billingSettings?.Value;
  _ipnUri = new Uri(bSettings.PayPal.Production ?
                      "https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" :


V3105 The 'mouseDevice' variable was used after it was assigned through null-conditional operator. NullReferenceException is possible. TooltipBehavior.cs 173

private async void Timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
  if (AssociatedObject.IsPointerOver)
    var mouseDevice = (popup.GetVisualRoot() as IInputRoot)?.MouseDevice;
    lastPoint = mouseDevice.GetPosition(AssociatedObject);


V3105 The 'languageServiceProvider' variable was used after it was assigned through null-conditional operator. NullReferenceException is possible. CodeEditorViewModel.cs 309

private void RegisterLanguageService(ISourceFile sourceFile)
  var languageServiceProvider = IoC.Get<IStudio>()

  LanguageService = languageServiceProvider.CreateLanguageService();  // <=

  if (LanguageService != null)


V3105 The 'lastProviders' variable was used after it was assigned through null-conditional operator. NullReferenceException is possible. ShellSettingsManager.cs 242

private async Task EnsureConfigurationAsync()
  var lastProviders = (_applicationConfiguration as IConfigurationRoot)
                        ?.Providers.Where(p =>
                        p is EnvironmentVariablesConfigurationProvider ||
                        p is CommandLineConfigurationProvider).ToArray();
  if (lastProviders.Count() > 0)


V3105 The 'externalClaims' variable was used after it was assigned through null-conditional operator. NullReferenceException is possible. AccountController.cs 786

private async Task<string> GenerateUsername(ExternalLoginInfo info)
  var externalClaims = info?.Principal.GetSerializableClaims();
  foreach (var item in _externalLoginHandlers)
      var userName = await item.GenerateUserName(
                      info.LoginProvider, externalClaims.ToArray());


V3105 The '_visualElement' variable was used after it was assigned through null-conditional operator. NullReferenceException is possible. AdaptiveTrigger.cs 69

void AttachEvents()

  _visualElement = VisualState?.VisualStateGroup?.VisualElement;
  if (_visualElement is not null)
    _visualElement.PropertyChanged += OnVisualElementPropertyChanged;

  _window = _visualElement.Window;

Microsoft PowerToys

V3105 The result of null-conditional operator is dereferenced inside the 'AddRange' method. NullReferenceException is possible. Inspect the first argument 'view?.OpenPictureFiles()'. MainViewModel.cs 47

public void Load(IMainView view)
  if (_batch.Files.Count == 0)
    _batch.Files.AddRange(view?.OpenPictureFiles()); // <=

public static void AddRange<T>(this ICollection<T> collection,
                               IEnumerable<T> items)
  foreach (var item in items) // <=


V3105 The 'taxRates' variable was used after it was assigned through null-conditional operator. NullReferenceException is possible. AvalaraTaxProvider.cs 113

public async Task<....> GetTaxTotalAsync(TaxTotalRequest taxTotalRequest)

  var taxRates = transaction.summary

  foreach (var taxRate in taxRates)                              // <=
    if (taxTotalResult.TaxRates.ContainsKey(taxRate.Rate))
      taxTotalResult.TaxRates[taxRate.Rate] += taxRate.Value;
      taxTotalResult.TaxRates.Add(taxRate.Rate, taxRate.Value);



V3105 The result of null-conditional operator is dereferenced inside the 'InitClients' method. NullReferenceException is possible. Inspect the first argument 'clusterConfig?.Nodes.ToArray()'. ShardedRespOnlineBench.cs 414

public void Run()
  Console.WriteLine($"Running benchmark using {opts.Client} client type");

  InitClients(clusterConfig?.Nodes.ToArray());         // <=
  Thread[] workers = InitializeThreadWorkers();
private void InitClients(ClusterNode[] nodes)
  switch (opts.Client)
    case ClientType.GarnetClient:
      gclient = new GarnetClient[nodes.Length];   // <=


V3105 The 'opPercent' variable was used after it was assigned through null-conditional operator. NullReferenceException is possible. EmbeddedPerformanceTest.cs 58

public EmbeddedPerformanceTest(...., Options opts, ....)
  this.server = server;
  this.opts = opts;
  logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger("EmbeddedBench");
  opPercent = opts.OpPercent?.ToArray();       // <=
  opWorkload = opts.OpWorkload?.ToArray();     // <=

  if (opPercent.Length != opWorkload.Length)   // <=
    throw new Exception($"....");

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V3105 The 'opWorkload' variable was used after it was assigned through null-conditional operator. NullReferenceException is possible. EmbeddedPerformanceTest.cs 58


V3105 The 'whenDoesTheLimitReset' variable was used after it was assigned through null-conditional operator. NullReferenceException is possible. LibraryService.cs 332

public async Task<bool> InstallAsync(....)
  catch (Octokit.ApiException)
    var apiInfo = ghClient.GetLastApiInfo();
    var rateLimit = apiInfo?.RateLimit;
    var howManyRequestsCanIMakePerHour = rateLimit?.Limit;
    var howManyRequestsDoIHaveLeft = rateLimit?.Remaining;
    var whenDoesTheLimitReset = rateLimit?.Reset;

    $"[Update] {howManyRequestsDoIHaveLeft}/{howManyRequestsCanIMakePerHour}" +
    $" - reset: {whenDoesTheLimitReset
    ?? whenDoesTheLimitReset.Value.ToLocalTime()}");
    return false;