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Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью …

Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью диагностики V3112

V3112. An abnormality within similar comparisons. It is possible that a typo is present inside the expression.


V3112 An abnormality within similar comparisons. It is possible that a typo is present inside the expression 'baseValue == other.counterFrequency'. System-net_4_x CounterSample.cs 139

public bool Equals (CounterSample other)
    rawValue         == other.rawValue         &&
    baseValue        == other.counterFrequency && // <=
    counterFrequency == other.counterFrequency && // <=
    systemFrequency  == other.systemFrequency  &&
    timeStamp        == other.timeStamp        &&
    timeStamp100nSec == other.timeStamp100nSec &&
    counterTimeStamp == other.counterTimeStamp &&
    counterType      == other.counterType;

Azure SDK for .NET

V3112 An abnormality within similar comparisons. It is possible that a typo is present inside the expression 'ContentLanguage == other.ContentEncoding'. BlobSasBuilder.cs 410

public struct BlobSasBuilder : IEquatable<BlobSasBuilder>
  public bool Equals(BlobSasBuilder other) =>
    BlobName == other.BlobName &&
    CacheControl == other.CacheControl &&
    BlobContainerName == other.BlobContainerName &&
    ContentDisposition == other.ContentDisposition &&
    ContentEncoding == other.ContentEncoding &&         // <=
    ContentLanguage == other.ContentEncoding &&         // <=
    ContentType == other.ContentType &&
    ExpiryTime == other.ExpiryTime &&
    Identifier == other.Identifier &&
    IPRange == other.IPRange &&
    Permissions == other.Permissions &&
    Protocol == other.Protocol &&
    StartTime == other.StartTime &&
    Version == other.Version;

Azure SDK for .NET

V3112 An abnormality within similar comparisons. It is possible that a typo is present inside the expression 'ContentLanguage == other.ContentEncoding'. FileSasBuilder.cs 265

public struct FileSasBuilder : IEquatable<FileSasBuilder>
  public bool Equals(FileSasBuilder other)
    => CacheControl == other.CacheControl
    && ContentDisposition == other.ContentDisposition
    && ContentEncoding == other.ContentEncoding         // <=
    && ContentLanguage == other.ContentEncoding         // <=
    && ContentType == other.ContentType
    && ExpiryTime == other.ExpiryTime
    && FilePath == other.FilePath
    && Identifier == other.Identifier
    && IPRange == other.IPRange
    && Permissions == other.Permissions
    && Protocol == other.Protocol
    && ShareName == other.ShareName
    && StartTime == other.StartTime
    && Version == other.Version

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