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Вебинар: C++ и неопределённое поведение - 27.02

Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью …

Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью диагностики V3117

V3117. Constructor parameter is not used.


V3117 Constructor parameter 'errorCategory_Message' is not used. System.Management.Automation ErrorPackage.cs 1125

private void PopulateProperties(
  Exception exception,
  object targetObject,
  string fullyQualifiedErrorId,
  ErrorCategory errorCategory,
  string errorCategory_Activity,
  string errorCategory_Reason,
  string errorCategory_TargetName,
  string errorCategory_TargetType,
  string errorCategory_Message,
  string errorDetails_Message,
  string errorDetails_RecommendedAction,
  string errorDetails_ScriptStackTrace)
{ .... }

internal ErrorRecord(
  Exception exception,
  object targetObject,
  string fullyQualifiedErrorId,
  ErrorCategory errorCategory,
  string errorCategory_Activity,
  string errorCategory_Reason,
  string errorCategory_TargetName,
  string errorCategory_TargetType,
  string errorCategory_Message,
  string errorDetails_Message,
  string errorDetails_RecommendedAction)
    errorDetails_Message,            // <=
    errorDetails_Message,            // <=


V3117 Constructor parameter 'useLazyQuantifier' is not used. Runtime RegexpFormattingSettings.cs 38

public RegexpFormattingSettings(
         bool putOptionalInSquareBrackets,
         bool showAnyElementAsQuestionMark,
         bool ignoreElementDistributionDetails,
         int truncationLength,
         bool escapeCharacters,
         bool useLazyQuantifier)
  this.PutOptionalInSquareBrackets = putOptionalInSquareBrackets;
  this.ShowAnyElementAsQuestionMark = showAnyElementAsQuestionMark;
  this.IgnoreElementDistributionDetails = ignoreElementDistributionDetails;
  this.TruncationLength = truncationLength;
  this.EscapeCharacters = escapeCharacters;


V3117 Constructor parameter 'iniCapacity' is not used. FastString.cs 434

public FastString(int iniCapacity)

.NET Core Libraries (CoreFX)

V3117 Constructor parameter 'securityUrl' is not used. XmlSecureResolver.cs 15

public XmlSecureResolver(XmlResolver resolver, string securityUrl)
  _resolver = resolver;

.NET Core Libraries (CoreFX)

V3117 Constructor parameter 'checkSecurity' is not used. ObjectManager.cs 33

internal ObjectManager(
  ISurrogateSelector selector,
  StreamingContext context,
  bool checkSecurity,
  bool isCrossAppDomain)
  _objects = new ObjectHolder[DefaultInitialSize];
  _selector = selector;
  _context = context;
  _isCrossAppDomain = isCrossAppDomain;

.NET Core Libraries (CoreFX)

V3117 Constructor parameter 'userOptions' is not used. DbConnectionPool.cs 26

private sealed class PendingGetConnection
  public PendingGetConnection(
           long dueTime,
           DbConnection owner,
           TaskCompletionSource<DbConnectionInternal> completion,
           DbConnectionOptions userOptions)
    DueTime = dueTime;
    Owner = owner;
    Completion = completion;

  public long DueTime { get; private set; }
  public DbConnection Owner { get; private set; }
  public TaskCompletionSource<DbConnectionInternal>
           Completion { get; private set; }
  public DbConnectionOptions UserOptions { get; private set; }


V3117 Constructor parameter 'phones' is not used. Country.cs 25

public Country(string name,
               string region,
               int population,
               int area,
               double density,
               double coast,
               double? migration,
               double? infantMorality,
               int gdp,
               double? literacy,
               double? phones,
               double? birth,
               double? death)
  Name = name;
  Region = region;
  Population = population;
  Area = area;
  PopulationDensity = density;
  CoastLine = coast;
  NetMigration = migration;
  InfantMortality = infantMorality;
  GDP = gdp;
  LiteracyPercent = literacy;
  BirthRate = birth;
  DeathRate = death;


V3117 Constructor parameter 'context' is not used. IAccountServiceForAdministrator.cs 12

public IAccountServiceForAdministrator(ServiceCtx context,
    AccountServiceFlag serviceFlag)
    _applicationServiceServer = new ApplicationServiceServer(serviceFlag);

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V3117 Constructor parameter 'context' is not used. IAccountServiceForApplication.cs 13
  • V3117 Constructor parameter 'context' is not used. IAccountServiceForSystemService.cs 11
  • V3117 Constructor parameter 'context' is not used. IDeliveryCacheStorageService.cs 12
  • And 6 additional diagnostic messages.

.NET 6 libraries

V3117 Constructor parameter 'options' is not used. JsonObject.cs 35

public sealed partial class JsonObject : JsonNode
  public JsonObject(JsonNodeOptions? options = null) : base(options) { }

  public JsonObject(IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, JsonNode?>> properties,
                    JsonNodeOptions? options = null)
    foreach (KeyValuePair<string, JsonNode?> node in properties)
      Add(node.Key, node.Value);


V3117 Constructor parameter 'after' is not used. ThreadUpdateAuditLogData.cs 13

public class ThreadUpdateAuditLogData : IAuditLogData
  private ThreadUpdateAuditLogData(IThreadChannel thread,
                                   ThreadType type,
                                   ThreadInfo before,
                                   ThreadInfo after)
    Thread = thread;
    ThreadType = type;
    Before = before;
    After = After;


V3117 Constructor parameter 'initialize' is not used. BusHostInfo.cs 17

public class BusHostInfo : HostInfo
  public BusHostInfo()

  public BusHostInfo(bool initialize)
    FrameworkVersion = Environment.Version.ToString();
    OperatingSystemVersion = Environment.OSVersion.ToString();
    var entryAssembly =   System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly()
                       ?? System.Reflection.Assembly.GetCallingAssembly();

    MachineName = Environment.MachineName;

    MassTransitVersion = typeof(HostInfo).GetTypeInfo()

      using var currentProcess = Process.GetCurrentProcess();
      ProcessId = currentProcess.Id;
      ProcessName = currentProcess.ProcessName;
      if ("dotnet".Equals(ProcessName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
        ProcessName = GetUsefulProcessName(ProcessName);
    catch (PlatformNotSupportedException)
      ProcessId = 0;
      ProcessName = GetUsefulProcessName("UWP");

    var assemblyName = entryAssembly.GetName();
    Assembly = assemblyName.Name;
    AssemblyVersion = assemblyName.Version?.ToString() ?? "Unknown";


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