Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью диагностики V3138
V3138. String literal contains potential interpolated expression.
.NET Core Libraries (CoreFX)
V3138 String literal contains potential interpolated expression. Consider inspecting: e. SSPIHandleCache.cs 42
internal static void CacheCredential(SafeFreeCredentials newHandle)
catch (Exception e)
if (!ExceptionCheck.IsFatal(e))
NetEventSource.Fail(null, "Attempted to throw: {e}");
.NET Core Libraries (CoreFX)
V3138 String literal contains potential interpolated expression. Consider inspecting: algorithm. AuthenticationHelper.Digest.cs 58
public static async Task<string> GetDigestTokenForCredential(....)
if (NetEventSource.IsEnabled)
"Algorithm not supported: {algorithm}");
V3138 String literal contains potential interpolated expression. Consider inspecting: keyHash. CacheCollection.cs 524
public void AddValue(ref Hash128 keyHash, byte[] value)
if (IsReadOnly)
"Trying to add {keyHash} on a read-only cache, ignoring.");
Similar errors can be found in some other places:
- V3138 String literal contains potential interpolated expression. Consider inspecting: keyHash. CacheCollection.cs 475
.NET 6 libraries
V3138 String literal contains potential interpolated expression. Consider inspecting: _pressureHigh. PhysicalMemoryMonitor.cs 110
internal void SetLimit(int physicalMemoryLimitPercentage)
if (physicalMemoryLimitPercentage == 0)
// use defaults
_pressureHigh = Math.Max(3, physicalMemoryLimitPercentage);
_pressureLow = Math.Max(1, _pressureHigh - 9);
_pressureHigh={_pressureHigh}, _pressureLow={_pressureLow}");
.NET 6 libraries
V3138 String literal contains potential interpolated expression. Consider inspecting: spec. MetricsEventSource.cs 381
private void ParseSpecs(string? metricsSpecs)
string[] specStrings = ....
foreach (string specString in specStrings)
if (!MetricSpec.TryParse(specString, out MetricSpec spec))
Log.Message("Failed to parse metric spec: {specString}");
Log.Message("Parsed metric: {spec}");
Unity C# reference source code
V3138 String literal contains potential interpolated expression. Consider inspecting: type. OverlayUtilities.cs 116
public static Overlay CreateOverlay(Type type)
if (overlay == null)
Debug.LogWarning("Overlay of type {type} can not be instantiated." + ....);
return null;
V3138 String literal contains potential interpolated expression. Consider inspecting: type. ExceptionCodec.cs 367
public Exception DeserializeException<TInput>(....)
if (!_typeConverter.TryParse(typeName, out var type))
else if (typeof(Exception).IsAssignableFrom(type))
throw new NotSupportedException("Type {type} is not supported");
V3138 String literal contains potential interpolated expression. Consider inspecting: part. Fn.cs 82
public static object GetAttr(object value, string path)
var parts = path.Split('.');
for (int i = 0; i < parts.Length; i++)
var part = parts[i];
if (!(propertyValue is IList))
new ArgumentException("Object addressing by pathing segment '{part}'
with indexer must be IList");
if (!(propertyValue is IPropertyBag))
new ArgumentException("Object addressing by pathing segment '{part}'
must be IPropertyBag");
Similar errors can be found in some other places:
- V3138 String literal contains potential interpolated expression. Consider inspecting: part. Fn.cs 93
V3138 String literal contains potential interpolated expression. Consider inspecting: bytesWritten. NetworkUtils.cs 105
public static byte MaskToCidr(IPAddress mask)
if (!mask.TryWriteBytes(bytes, out var bytesWritten))
Console.WriteLine("Unable to write address bytes,
only ${bytesWritten} bytes written.");