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Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью …

Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью диагностики V503

V503. Nonsensical comparison: pointer < 0.


V503 This is a nonsensical comparison: pointer < 0. pdf2swf q.c 804

char* stringarray_at(stringarray_t*sa, int pos)
  stringarray_internal_t*s =
  char *p;
  if (pos<0 || pos>=s->num)
    return 0;

  p = *(char**)&s->pos.buffer[pos*sizeof(char*)];

  if(p<0)  // <=
    return 0;

  return p;

IPP Samples

V503 This is a nonsensical comparison: pointer < 0. ipprsample ippr_sample.cpp 501

void lNormalizeVector_32f_P3IM(Ipp32f *vec[3],
                               Ipp32s* mask, Ipp32s len)
  Ipp32s  i;
  Ipp32f  norm;

  for(i=0; i<len; i++) {
    if(mask<0) continue;
    norm = 1.0f/sqrt(vec[0][i]*vec[0][i]+
    vec[0][i] *= norm; vec[1][i] *= norm; vec[2][i] *= norm;

This is what should have been written here: if(mask[i]<0) continue;


V503 This is a nonsensical comparison: pointer < 0. browser profile_impl.cc 169

void GetCacheParameters(ContextType type, FilePath* cache_path,
                        int* max_size) {
  *max_size = 0;
  if (!base::StringToInt(value, max_size)) {
    *max_size = 0;
  } else if (max_size < 0) {
    *max_size = 0;


V503 This is a nonsensical comparison: pointer < 0. platform_file_win.cc 124

typedef void *HANDLE;

#if defined(OS_WIN)
  typedef HANDLE PlatformFile;
#elif defined(OS_POSIX)
  typedef int PlatformFile;

int64 SeekPlatformFile(PlatformFile file,
                       PlatformFileWhence whence,
                       int64 offset) {
  if (file < 0 || offset < 0)
    return -1;

  LARGE_INTEGER distance, res;
  distance.QuadPart = offset;
  DWORD move_method = static_cast<DWORD>(whence);
  if (!SetFilePointerEx(file, distance, &res, move_method))
    return -1;
  return res.QuadPart;


V503 This is a nonsensical comparison: pointer < 0. scicos.c 5826

int write_xml_states(....)
  FILE *fd = NULL;
  wcfopen(fd, (char*)xmlfile, "wb");
  if (fd < 0)
    sciprint(_("Error: cannot write to  '%s'  \n"), xmlfile);


V503 This is a nonsensical comparison: pointer <= 0. sugiyama.cpp 571

int Hierarchy::calculateCrossingsPlaneSweep(int i)
  const Level *pLevel[2];
  pLevel[0] = m_pLevel[i]; pLevel[1] = m_pLevel[i+1];
  if (pLevel[0]->high() <= 0 || pLevel[1] <= 0) return 0;


V503 This is a nonsensical comparison: pointer < 0. parking_manager.c 520

static int manager_park(....)
  const char *timeout = astman_get_header(m, "Timeout");
  int timeout_override = -1;
  if (sscanf(timeout, "%30d", &timeout_override) != 1 ||
    timeout < 0) {                                          // <=
      astman_send_error(s, m, "Invalid Timeout value.");
      return 0;


V503 This is a nonsensical comparison: pointer >= 0. cee_wks gc.cpp 21707

void gc_heap::make_free_list_in_brick (BYTE* tree,
                                       make_free_args* args)
  assert ((tree >= 0));

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V503 This is a nonsensical comparison: pointer >= 0. cee_wks gc.cpp 23204
  • V503 This is a nonsensical comparison: pointer >= 0. cee_wks gc.cpp 27683

Haiku Operation System

V503 This is a nonsensical comparison: pointer <= 0. Header.cpp 900

char *strstr(const char *string, const char *searchString);

TTextControl::MessageReceived(BMessage *msg)
  while (node.GetNextAttrName(buffer) == B_OK) {
    if (strstr(buffer, "email") <= 0)


V503 This is a nonsensical comparison: pointer < 0. imonom.cpp 477

class IMonom {
  const IVariables* depend();

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const IMonom& a) {
  switch(a.monomInterface()->systemType()->type()) {
  case ISystemType::DifferentialEquation: {
    IASSERT(a.depend() != NULL);
    if (a.degree() == 0)
      if (a.depend() < 0)

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V503 This is a nonsensical comparison: pointer < 0. imonom.cpp 482
  • V503 This is a nonsensical comparison: pointer < 0. imonom.cpp 504
  • V503 This is a nonsensical comparison: pointer < 0. imonom.cpp 509
  • And 3 additional diagnostic messages.

FreeBSD Kernel

V503 This is a nonsensical comparison: pointer >= 0. geom_vinum_plex.c 173

static int
gv_plex_offset(...., int *sdno, int growing)
  *sdno = stripeno % sdcount;
  KASSERT(sdno >= 0, ("gv_plex_offset: sdno < 0"));

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V503 This is a nonsensical comparison: pointer >= 0. geom_vinum_raid5.c 602
  • V503 This is a nonsensical comparison: pointer >= 0. geom_vinum_raid5.c 610


V503 This is a nonsensical comparison: pointer < 0. styleselection.cpp 104

bool pasteStylesDataWithoutUndo(....)
  if (palette->getStylePage(styleId) < 0) { // <=
    // styleId non e' utilizzato: uso quello
    // (cut/paste utilizzato per spostare stili)
    palette->setStyle(styleId, style);
  } else {
    // styleId e' gia' utilizzato. ne devo prendere un altro
    styleId = palette->getFirstUnpagedStyle();
    if (styleId >= 0)
      palette->setStyle(styleId, style);
      styleId = palette->addStyle(style);

The getStylePage() function returns a pointer to some page: TPalette::Page*.


V503 This is a nonsensical comparison: pointer <= 0. fstd_exSCPY.cpp 8

char *WINAPI StrCpy(char *dest, LPCSTR src, int dest_sz)
  if(dest <= 0)
    return NULL;


V503 This is a nonsensical comparison: pointer < 0. apps_view_circle_indicator.c 193

static void __page_focus_changed_cb(void *data)
  int i = 0;
  int *focus_unit = (int *)data;
  if (focus_unit == NULL || focus_unit < 0) {
    _E("focus page is wrong");
    return ;

This is what should have been written here: if (focus_unit == NULL || *focus_unit < 0)


V503 This is a nonsensical comparison: pointer < 0. apps_view_circle_indicator.c 219

static void __page_count_changed_cb(void *data)
  int i = 0;
  int *page_cnt = (int *)data;
  if (page_cnt == NULL || page_cnt < 0) {
    _E("page count is wrong");
    return ;

This is what should have been written here: if (page_cnt == NULL || *page_cnt < 0)


V503 [CWE-697, CERT-EXP08-C] This is a nonsensical comparison: pointer < 0. isl_coalesce.c 3181

struct isl_coalesce_info {
  isl_basic_map *bmap;

static isl_stat tab_insert_divs(struct isl_coalesce_info *info, ....)
  if (any) {
    if (isl_tab_rollback(info->tab, snap) < 0)
      return isl_stat_error;
    info->bmap = isl_basic_map_cow(info->bmap);
    info->bmap = isl_basic_map_free_inequality(info->bmap, 2 * n);
    if (info->bmap < 0)
      return isl_stat_error;

    return fix_constant_divs(info, n, expanded);


V503 This is a nonsensical comparison: pointer < 0. isl_local_space.c 257

isl_size isl_local_space_var_offset(__isl_keep isl_local_space *ls,
  enum isl_dim_type type)
  isl_space *space;

  space = isl_local_space_peek_space(ls);
  if (space < 0)
    return isl_size_error;

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