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Вебинар: SAST как Quality Gate - 13.03

Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью …

Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью диагностики V536

V536. Constant value is represented by an octal form.

eLynx Image Processing SDK and Lab

V536 Be advised that the utilized constant value is represented by an octal form. Oct: 0713, Dec: 459. IFF plugins pixelservices.inl 146

void elxLuminocity(const PixelRGBus& iPixel,
                   LuminanceCell< PixelRGBus >& oCell)
  oCell._luminance = uint16(0.2220f*iPixel._red +
                            0.7067f*iPixel._blue +
  oCell._pixel = iPixel;

void elxLuminocity(const PixelRGBi& iPixel,
                   LuminanceCell< PixelRGBi >& oCell)
  oCell._luminance = 2220*iPixel._red +
                     7067*iPixel._blue +
                     0713*iPixel._green;   // <=
  oCell._pixel = iPixel;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V536 Be advised that the utilized constant value is represented by an octal form. Oct: 0713, Dec: 459. IFF plugins pixelservices.inl 181

Miranda IM

V536 Be advised that the utilized constant value is represented by an octal form. Oct: 000010000, Dec: 4096. clist_modern modern_cluiframes.cpp 4029

int CLUIFrameOnModulesLoad(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam)
  /* HOOK */
  return 0;

I have considerable reasons to suspect that there should be the decimal number 10000 instead of octal number 000010000.

Miranda IM

V536 Be advised that the utilized constant value is represented by an octal form. Oct: 037, Dec: 31. msn msn_mime.cpp 192

static const struct _tag_cpltbl
  unsigned cp;
  const char* mimecp;
} cptbl[] =
  {   037, "IBM037" },  // IBM EBCDIC US-Canada // <=
  {   437, "IBM437" },  // OEM United States
  {   500, "IBM500" },  // IBM EBCDIC International
  {   708, "ASMO-708" },// Arabic (ASMO 708)

PostgreSQL Database Management System

V536 Be advised that the utilized constant value is represented by an octal form. Oct: 070100, Dec: 28736. pg_dump pg_backup_archiver.c 301

RestoreArchive(Archive *AHX)
  AHX->minRemoteVersion = 070100;
  AHX->maxRemoteVersion = 999999;

This is what should have been written here: AHX->minRemoteVersion = 70100;


V536 Be advised that the utilized constant value is represented by an octal form. Oct: 010, Dec: 8. LeicaDMSTCHub.cpp 142

int LeicaDMSTCHub::StopXY(MM::Device& device, MM::Core& core)
  int ret = SetCommand(device, core, xyStage_, 010);

  if (ret != DEVICE_OK)
    return ret;
  return DEVICE_OK;

I have considerable reasons to suspect that there should be the decimal number 10 instead of octal number 010. Elsewhere: int ret = SetCommand(device, core, xyStage_, 35, ack);


V536 Be advised that the utilized constant value is represented by an octal form. Oct: 037, Dec: 31. unicodeutils.cpp 42

static CodeMap map[]=
  {037, _T("IBM037")},// IBM EBCDIC US-Canada          // <=
  {437, _T("IBM437")},// OEM United States
  {500, _T("IBM500")},// IBM EBCDIC International


V536 Be advised that the utilized constant value is represented by an octal form. Oct: 0721, Dec: 465. pwg_encoder.cc 24

// Coefficients used to convert from RGB to monochrome.
const uint32 kRedCoefficient = 2125;
const uint32 kGreenCoefficient = 7154;
const uint32 kBlueCoefficient = 0721;
const uint32 kColorCoefficientDenominator = 10000;

Linux Kernel

V536 Be advised that the utilized constant value is represented by an octal form. Oct: 0771, Dec: 505. vb_table.h 1379

static const
struct XGI330_LCDDataDesStruct2  XGI_LVDSNoScalingDesData[] = {
  {0,  648,  448,  405,  96, 2}, /* 00 (320x200,320x400,
                                        640x200,640x400) */
  {0,  648,  448,  355,  96, 2}, /* 01 (320x350,640x350) */
  {0,  648,  448,  405,  96, 2}, /* 02 (360x400,720x400) */
  {0,  648,  448,  355,  96, 2}, /* 03 (720x350) */
  {0,  648,    1,  483,  96, 2}, /* 04 (640x480x60Hz) */
  {0,  840,  627,  600, 128, 4}, /* 05 (800x600x60Hz) */
  {0, 1048,  805,  770, 136, 6}, /* 06 (1024x768x60Hz) */
  {0, 1328,    0, 1025, 112, 3}, /* 07 (1280x1024x60Hz) */
  {0, 1438,    0, 1051, 112, 3}, /* 08 (1400x1050x60Hz)*/
  {0, 1664,    0, 1201, 192, 3}, /* 09 (1600x1200x60Hz) */
  {0, 1328,    0, 0771, 112, 6}  /* 0A (1280x768x60Hz) */

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