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Вебинар: C++ и неопределённое поведение - 27.02

Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью …

Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью диагностики V537

V537. Potential incorrect use of item 'X'. Consider inspecting the expression.

IPP Samples

V537 Consider reviewing the correctness of 'sprite_left_coordinate' item's usage. mpeg4_enc mp4_enc_misc.cpp 387

Ipp32s ippVideoEncoderMPEG4::Init(mp4_Param *par)
  VOL.obmc_disable = par->obmc_disable;
  VOL.sprite_enable = par->sprite_enable;
  VOL.sprite_width = par->sprite_width;
  VOL.sprite_height = par->sprite_height;
  VOL.sprite_left_coordinate = par->sprite_left_coordinate;
  VOL.sprite_top_coordinate = par->sprite_left_coordinate;

An object copying error. The programmer made a misprint and typed a wrong variable.

Miranda IM

V537 Consider reviewing the correctness of 'maxX' item's usage. clist_modern modern_skinengine.cpp 2898

static BOOL ske_DrawTextEffect(....)

Most likely this is what should be written here: maxY=min((int)height,maxY+mcBottomEnd-1);


V537 Consider reviewing the correctness of 'x' item's usage. win32k bitblt.c 670

  MaskPoint.x += DCMask->ptlDCOrig.x;
  MaskPoint.y += DCMask->ptlDCOrig.x;

Most likely this is what should be written here: MaskPoint.y += DCMask->ptlDCOrig.y;


V537 Consider reviewing the correctness of 'X' item's usage. gdiplus region.c 715

GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipGetRegionBoundsI()
  if(status == Ok){
    rect->X = roundr(rectf.X);
    rect->Y = roundr(rectf.X);
    rect->Width  = roundr(rectf.Width);
    rect->Height = roundr(rectf.Height);

This is what should have been written here: rect->Y = roundr(rectf.Y);


V537 Consider reviewing the correctness of 'scale_x' item's usage. Radiant terrain.cpp 1408

void Terrain_AddMovePoint(....) {
  x = ( v[ 0 ] - p->origin[ 0 ] ) / p->scale_x;
  y = ( v[ 1 ] - p->origin[ 1 ] ) / p->scale_x;

This is what should have been written here: y = ( v[ 1 ] - p->origin[ 1 ] ) / p->scale_y;

Trinity Core

V537 Consider reviewing the correctness of 'y' item's usage. g3dlib vector3int32.h 77

inline Vector3int32& operator+=(const Vector3int32& other) {
  x += other.x;
  y += other.y;
  z += other.y;    // <=
  return *this;


V537 Consider reviewing the correctness of 'x0' item's usage. extern_openjpeg tcd.c 650

void tcd_malloc_decode(....) {
  x0 = j == 0 ? tilec->x0 :
                int_min(x0, (unsigned int) tilec->x0);
  y0 = j == 0 ? tilec->y0 :
                int_min(y0, (unsigned int) tilec->x0);  // <=
  x1 = j == 0 ? tilec->x1 :
                int_max(x1, (unsigned int) tilec->x1);
  y1 = j == 0 ? tilec->y1 :
                int_max(y1, (unsigned int) tilec->y1);

Source Engine SDK

V537 Consider reviewing the correctness of 'y' item's usage. Raytrace trace2.cpp 189

class ALIGN16 FourVectors
  fltx4 x, y, z;

FourVectors BackgroundColor;

void RayTracingEnvironment::RenderScene(....)


This is what should have been written here: intens.z=OrSIMD(AndSIMD(BackgroundColor.z,no_hit_mask), AndNotSIMD(no_hit_mask,intens.z));


V537 Consider reviewing the correctness of 'att1' item's usage. xmlwf.c 160

static int
nsattcmp(const void *p1, const void *p2)
  const XML_Char *att1 = *(const XML_Char **)p1;
  const XML_Char *att2 = *(const XML_Char **)p2;
  int sep1 = (tcsrchr(att1, NSSEP) != 0);
  int sep2 = (tcsrchr(att1, NSSEP) != 0);
  if (sep1 != sep2)
    return sep1 - sep2;
  return tcscmp(att1, att2);


V537 [CWE-682] Consider reviewing the correctness of 'isArc1' item's usage. GeometryMatcher.cpp 242

TopoDS_Edge GeometryUtils::asCircle(TopoDS_Edge occEdge, bool& arc);

bool GeometryMatcher::compareBSplines(TopoDS_Edge &edge1, TopoDS_Edge &edge2)
  BRepAdaptor_Curve adapt1(edge1);
  BRepAdaptor_Curve adapt2(edge2);
  bool isArc1(false);
  bool isArc2(false);
  TopoDS_Edge circleEdge1;
  TopoDS_Edge circleEdge2;
  try {
    circleEdge1 = GeometryUtils::asCircle(edge1, isArc1);
    circleEdge2 = GeometryUtils::asCircle(edge2, isArc1);    // <=
  catch (Base::RuntimeError&) {
    return false;
  if (!isArc1 && !isArc2) {
    return compareCircles(circleEdge1, circleEdge2);
  if (isArc1 && isArc2) {
    return compareCircleArcs(circleEdge1, circleEdge2);

  return false;

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