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Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью …

Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью диагностики V558

V558. Function returns pointer/reference to temporary local object.


V558 Function returns the reference to temporary local object: before. iter_concat_virtual.h 277

template <typename TStringSet, typename TSpec>
inline Iter<TStringSet, ConcatVirtual<TSpec> > const &
operator++(Iter<TStringSet, ConcatVirtual<TSpec> > & me, int)
    Iter<TStringSet, ConcatVirtual<TSpec> > before = me;
    return before;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V558 Function returns the reference to temporary local object: before. iter_concat_virtual.h 310


V558 Function returns the reference to temporary local object: tmp. VirtualDub vdstl.h 460

vdlist_iterator& operator--(int) {
  vdlist_iterator tmp(*this);
  mp = mp->mListNodePrev;
  return tmp;

Geant4 software

V558 Function returns the reference to temporary local object: rprim. G4GMocren g4gmocrenio.cc 131

template <typename T> GMocrenDataPrimitive<T> &
GMocrenDataPrimitive<T>::operator + (
  const GMocrenDataPrimitive<T> & _right)
  GMocrenDataPrimitive<T> rprim;
  return rprim;


V558 Function returns the reference to temporary local object: res. LiveInterval.h 679

SingleLinkedListIterator<T> &operator++(int) {
  SingleLinkedListIterator res = *this;
  return res;

EFL Core Libraries

V558 Function returns the reference to temporary local object: tmp. eina_accessor.hh 519

accessor_iterator<T>& operator++(int)
  accessor_iterator<T> tmp(*this);
  return tmp;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V558 Function returns the reference to temporary local object: tmp. eina_accessor.hh 535
  • V558 Function returns the reference to temporary local object: tmp. eina_accessor.hh 678
  • V558 Function returns the reference to temporary local object: tmp. eina_accessor.hh 694


V558 CWE-562 Function returns the reference to temporary local object: tmp. transform_iterator.h 77

TransformIterator& operator++(int) {
  TransformIterator tmp(*this);
  return tmp;


V558 CWE-562 Function returns the reference to temporary local object: tmp. transform_iterator.h 92

TransformIterator& operator--(int) {
  TransformIterator tmp(*this);
  return tmp;

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