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* Нажимая на кнопку, вы даете согласие на обработку
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* Нажимая на кнопку, вы даете согласие на обработку
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Вебинар: Парсим С++ - 25.10

Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью …

Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью диагностики V560

V560. Part of conditional expression is always true/false.


V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: 3. Lugaru person.cpp 2472

void Person::DoAnimations(){

This is not an error, but 3 is obviously unnecessary.


V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: 2. pcsx2 debugger.cpp 321

                        WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
    case (IDOK || IDCANCEL):

Most likely this is what should be written here: case IDOK: case IDCANCEL:


V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: (0x02000000L). stickies document.cpp 106

#define REO_INPLACEACTIVE  (0x02000000L)
#define REO_OPEN           (0x04000000L)

  if (reObj.dwFlags && REO_INPLACEACTIVE)

  if(reObj.dwFlags && REO_OPEN)
    hr = reObj.poleobj->Close(OLECLOSE_NOSAVE);

This is what should have been written here: &.

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: (0x04000000L). stickies document.cpp 112


V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: 0x04. Regex pcre.c 2887

#define ctype_digit   0x04

static BOOL
  else if ((digitab[ptr[1]] && ctype_digit) != 0)

This is what should have been written here: &.


V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: 0xA. WinDjView xmlparser.cpp 45

inline bool IsValidChar(int c)
  return c == 0x9 || 0xA || c == 0xD ||
         c >= 0x20 && c <= 0xD7FF ||
         c >= 0xE000 && c <= 0xFFFD ||
         c >= 0x10000 && c <= 0x10FFFF;

Miranda IM

V560 A part of conditional expression is always false: 0. clist_modern modern_clui.cpp 2979

LRESULT CLUI::OnDrawItem( UINT msg, WPARAM wParam,
                          LPARAM lParam )

There are some conditions which are always true or wrong. Most likely this was made on purpose (to disable some code branches), but in some fragments it looks strange. You may easily forget of fragments like this, for instance. By the way, this code is formatted. It's just one string in the program. How are you going to find this FALSE later?..

Miranda IM

V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: 0x01000. tabsrmm tools.cpp 1023

#define GC_UNICODE 0x01000

DWORD dwFlags;

UINT CreateGCMenu(....)
  if (iIndex == 1 && si->iType != GCW_SERVER &&
      !(si->dwFlags && GC_UNICODE)) {

This is what should have been written here: (si->dwFlags & GC_UNICODE)

Miranda IM

V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: 0x29. icqoscar8 fam_03buddy.cpp 632

void CIcqProto::handleUserOffline(BYTE *buf, WORD wLen)
  else if (wTLVType = 0x29 && wTLVLen == sizeof(DWORD))

This is what should have been written here: wTLVType == 0x29


V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: 0x20000000. QtCore qcoreapplication_win.cpp 870

QString decodeMSG(const MSG& msg)
  int repCount     = (lKeyData & 0xffff);        // Bit 0-15
  int scanCode     = (lKeyData & 0xf0000) >> 16; // Bit 16-23
  bool contextCode = (lKeyData && 0x20000000);   // Bit 29
  bool prevState   = (lKeyData && 0x40000000);   // Bit 30
  bool transState  = (lKeyData && 0x80000000);   // Bit 31

This place is not crucial, but still needs paying attention to.

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: 0x40000000. QtCore qcoreapplication_win.cpp 871
  • V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: 0x80000000. QtCore qcoreapplication_win.cpp 872


V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: 0x00000001. QtMultimedia qaudiodeviceinfo_win32_p.cpp 322

#define WAVE_FORMAT_1M08       0x00000001
#define WAVE_FORMAT_1S08       0x00000002

void QAudioDeviceInfoInternal::updateLists()
  DWORD fmt;
  if((fmt && WAVE_FORMAT_1M08)
     || (fmt && WAVE_FORMAT_1S08)
     || (fmt && WAVE_FORMAT_2M08)
     || (fmt && WAVE_FORMAT_2S08)
     || (fmt && WAVE_FORMAT_4M08)
     || (fmt && WAVE_FORMAT_4S08)
  #ifndef Q_OS_WINCE
     || (fmt && WAVE_FORMAT_48M08)
     || (fmt && WAVE_FORMAT_48S08)
     || (fmt && WAVE_FORMAT_96M08)
     || (fmt && WAVE_FORMAT_96S08)

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: 0x00000002. QtMultimedia qaudiodeviceinfo_win32_p.cpp 323
  • V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: 0x00000010. QtMultimedia qaudiodeviceinfo_win32_p.cpp 324
  • V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: 0x00000020. QtMultimedia qaudiodeviceinfo_win32_p.cpp 325
  • And 6 additional diagnostic messages.


V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: 0xFF. qmng libmng_pixels.c 14670

mng_retcode mng_promote_g8_g16 (mng_datap pData)
  mng_uint16 iW;
  *pDstline     = (mng_uint8)(iW >> 8);
  *(pDstline+1) = (mng_uint8)(iW && 0xFF);

This is what should have been written here: *(pDstline+1) = (mng_uint8)(iW & 0xFF);

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: 0xFF. qmng libmng_pixels.c 14788
  • V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: 0xFF. qmng libmng_pixels.c 14909
  • V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: 0xFF. qmng libmng_pixels.c 15043
  • And 21 additional diagnostic messages.

Apache HTTP Server

V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: 0x04. pcre pcre.c 3366

static BOOL
  else if ((digitab[ptr[1]] && ctype_digit) != 0)

This is what should have been written here: else if ((digitab[ptr[1]] & ctype_digit) != 0)


V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: embedded_block != first_block. Fireflies concurrent_hash_map.h 1299

static size_type const embedded_block = 1;
static size_type const first_block = 8;

<typename Key, typename T, typename HashCompare, typename A>
void concurrent_hash_map<Key,T,HashCompare,A>::clear() {
  else if(s == embedded_block && embedded_block != first_block)


V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: ACO_AUTOSUGGEST. shell32 autocomplete.c 451


static LRESULT APIENTRY ACEditSubclassProc()
  if ((This->options && ACO_AUTOSUGGEST) &&
      ((HWND)wParam != This->hwndListBox))

&& and & are mixed up. This is what should have been written here: if ((This->options & ACO_AUTOSUGGEST) &&.


V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: 2. netshell lanstatusui.c 182

UpdateLanStatus(HWND hwndDlg,  LANSTATUSUI_CONTEXT * pContext)
  else if (IfEntry.dwOperStatus ==

|| and | are mixed up.


V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: 10035L. adns transmit.c 203

void adns__querysend_tcp(adns_query qu, struct timeval now) {
  if (!(errno == EAGAIN || EWOULDBLOCK ||
        errno == EINTR || errno == ENOSPC ||
        errno == ENOBUFS || errno == ENOMEM)) {

A comparison is missing. This is what should have been written here: ... || errno == EWOULDBLOCK || ...


V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: 20. lextads3.cxx 700

#define SCE_T3_OPERATOR 5
#define SCE_T3_BRACE 20

static inline bool IsAnOperator(const int style) {
  return style == SCE_T3_OPERATOR || SCE_T3_BRACE;

This is what should have been written here: return style == SCE_T3_OPERATOR || style == SCE_T3_BRACE;


V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: !found_break. DeSmuME_VS2005 gdbstub.cpp 1002

INLINE static int check_breaks_gdb(....) {
  int found_break = 0;
  while ( bpoint != NULL && !found_break) {
    found_break not used inside loop
  return found_break;


V560 A part of conditional expression is always false: it > 20. d_migrate.cpp 565

void doRemove( OldDataCleanup& cleanup ) {
  int it = 0;
  while ( true ) {
    if ( it > 20 && it % 10 == 0 )
      scoped_lock ll(_workLock);
      if ( ! _active ) {
    sleepmillis( 1000 );

'it' doesn't change.

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: it % 10 == 0. d_migrate.cpp 565


V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: 0x2. ffdshowremoteapi.cpp 314


virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Register(DWORD grfFlags, ....);

LRESULT CALLBACK Tremote::remoteWndProc(
  HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wprm, LPARAM lprm)
        (IUnknown*)pGraph, pMoniker, &pdwROT);



V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: 0xFF. libmng_pixels.c 15540

mng_retcode mng_promote_idx8_rgb16 (mng_datap pData)
  *(pDstline+1)   = (mng_uint8)(iR && 0xFF);
  *(pDstline+2)   = (mng_uint8)(iG >> 8);
  *(pDstline+3)   = (mng_uint8)(iG && 0xFF);
  *(pDstline+4)   = (mng_uint8)(iB >> 8);
  *(pDstline+5)   = (mng_uint8)(iB && 0xFF);

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: 0xFF. libmng_pixels.c 15542
  • V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: 0xFF. libmng_pixels.c 15544


V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: (p->height = 2760). libdcr.c 7479

void DCR_CLASS dcr_identify(DCRAW* p)
  if (--p->height == 2798 && (p->height = 2760))
    p->top_margin = 15;

NetDefender Firewall

V560 A part of conditional expression is always false: nIdDll. pphtmldrawer.cpp 2723

SIZE CPPHtmlDrawer::DrawHtmlString (
  CPPString & sHtml, LPCRECT lpRect)
  nIdRes = 0;
  nIdDll = 0;
  while (nIndex < sProperties.GetLength())
    if (sParameter == _T("idres"))
      nIdRes = GetLengthUnit(sValue, nIdRes);
    else if (sParameter == _T("iddll"))
      nIdRes = GetLengthUnit(sValue, nIdDll);
  if (nIdRes || nIdDll)

Most likely this is what should be written here: nIdDll = GetLengthUnit(sValue, nIdDll);

Multi Theft Auto

V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: 0xff. c3dmarkersa.cpp 78

SColor C3DMarkerSA::GetColor()
  DEBUG_TRACE("RGBA C3DMarkerSA::GetColor()");
  // From ABGR
  unsigned long ulABGR = this->GetInterface()->rwColour;
  SColor color;
  color.A = ( ulABGR >> 24 ) && 0xff;
  color.B = ( ulABGR >> 16 ) && 0xff;
  color.G = ( ulABGR >> 8 ) && 0xff;
  color.R = ulABGR && 0xff;
  return color;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: 0xff. c3dmarkersa.cpp 79
  • V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: 0xff. c3dmarkersa.cpp 80
  • V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: 0xff. c3dmarkersa.cpp 81
  • And 4 additional diagnostic messages.


V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: ((imgdata.color.maximum) = 0xfff). dcraw_common.cpp 8496

void CLASS identify()
  if (!load_raw && (maximum = 0xfff))


V560 A part of conditional expression is always false: (m1 != n1). sci_playsound.c 66

int sci_Playsound (char *fname,unsigned long fname_len)
  int m1 = 0, n1 = 0;
  if ( (m1 != n1) && (n1 != 1) )
    Scierror(999,_("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: ")
                 _("A string expected.\n"),fname,1);
    return 0;
  sciErr = getMatrixOfWideString(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarOne,
             &m1,&n1,&lenStVarOne, NULL);

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: (n1 != 1). sci_playsound.c 66


V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: 0xffffffff. hashing.h 255

//! Specialized default hash function for pointer types.
template<> class DefHashFunc<void *> {
  size_t hash(const void * &key) const
    { return size_t(key && 0xffffffff); }


V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: UpperCharState_UnEquipingWeap. openmw character.cpp 949

enum UpperBodyCharacterState

bool CharacterController::updateWeaponState()
  if((weaptype != WeapType_None ||
      UpperCharState_UnEquipingWeap) && animPlaying)


V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: RLCP. pi.c 1708

typedef enum PROG_ORDER {
  LRCP = 0,
  RLCP = 1,
  RPCL = 2,
  PCRL = 3,
  CPRL = 4

OPJ_INT32 pi_check_next_level(....)
  case 'P':
      case LRCP||RLCP:
        if(tcp->prc_t == tcp->prcE){

Most likely this is what should be written here: case LRCP: .... case RLCP: ....

Miranda NG

V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: 0x0040. TopToolBar toolbar.cpp 307

#define TTBBF_ISLBUTTON      0x0040

INT_PTR TTBAddButton(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
  if (!(but->dwFlags && TTBBF_ISLBUTTON) &&
    return -1;

Spring Engine

V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: 0xFFFF. engine-dedicated%engine-headless%engine-legacy%unitsync cpuid.cpp 144

void CpuId::getMasksIntelLeaf11Enumerate()
  if ((ebx && 0xFFFF) == 0)        // <=

  if (((ecx >> 8) & 0xFF) == 1) {
    LOG_L(L_DEBUG,"[CpuId] SMT level found");
    shiftCore = eax & 0xf;
  } else {
    LOG_L(L_DEBUG,"[CpuId] No SMT level supported");


V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: 0xff. seti_header.cpp 96

struct SETI_WU_INFO : public track_mem<SETI_WU_INFO>
  int splitter_version;

SETI_WU_INFO::SETI_WU_INFO(const workunit &w):....
    splitter_cfg->version)*0x100) && 0xff;

Unreal Engine 4

V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: FBasicToken::TOKEN_Guid. k2node_mathexpression.cpp 235

virtual FString ToString() const override
  if (Token.TokenType == FBasicToken::TOKEN_Identifier ||
      FBasicToken::TOKEN_Guid)                      // <=
    return FString::Printf(TEXT("%s"), Token.Identifier);
  else if (Token.TokenType == FBasicToken::TOKEN_Const)
    return FString::Printf(TEXT("%s"),*Token.GetConstantValue());

Unreal Engine 4

V560 A part of conditional expression is always false: !FileReader. savepackage.cpp 721

CompressFile( const TCHAR* DstFilename, ULinkerSave* SrcLinker )
 FMemoryReader Reader(*(FBufferArchive*)(SrcLinker->Saver),true);
 FArchive* FileReader = &Reader;
 FArchive* FileWriter = IFileManager::Get()....
 // ... and abort if either operation wasn't successful.
 if( !FileReader || !FileWriter )

Apple II emulator

V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: (byteval[1] = 0xAA). diskimagehelper.cpp 439

void CImageBase::DenibblizeTrack(....)
  BYTE byteval[3] = {0,0,0};
  int  bytenum    = 0;
  if ((bytenum == 3) && (byteval[1] = 0xAA))

It is necessary to use comparision operator instead of assignment one: if ((bytenum == 3) && (byteval[1] == 0xAA))

Gamer_Z eXtreme Party

V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: (3). adminspectate.cxx 43

bool PlayerSpactatable(int playerid)
  static int state;
  state = GetPlayerState(playerid);
  return (state == PLAYER_STATE_ONFOOT ||
          state == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER ||
          PLAYER_STATE_PASSENGER);                // <=


V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: !found. util.cpp 4264

bool getDefs(....)
  bool found=FALSE;
  MemberListIterator mmli(*mn);
  MemberDef *mmd;
  for (mmli.toFirst();((mmd=mmli.current()) && !found);++mmli)
    //variable 'found' does not change value


V560 A part of conditional expression is always false: (flags() &!0x0008). qfile_win32.cpp 267

#define IO_Truncate    0x0008

bool QFile::open(....)
  int length = INT_MAX;
  if ((flags() & !IO_Truncate) && length == 0 && isReadable())

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V560 A part of conditional expression is always false: (flags() &!0x0008). qfile_win32.cpp 337


V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: radius < 16. Telegram images.cpp 241

QImage imageBlur(QImage img)
  const int radius = 3;
  if (radius < 16 && ....)

Oracle VM Virtual Box

V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: 0x1fbe. tstiprtministring.cpp 442

static void test2(RTTEST hTest)
  for (RTUNICP uc = 1; uc <= 0x10fffd; uc++)
    if (uc == 0x131 || uc == 0x130 || uc == 0x17f || 0x1fbe)// <=
      continue;                                    //^^^^^^

    if (RTUniCpIsLower(uc))
      RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(....), ("%#x\n", uc));
    if (RTUniCpIsUpper(uc))
      RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(....), ("%#x\n", uc));

The GTK+ Project

V560 A part of conditional expression is always false: !auto_mnemonics. gtklabel.c 2693

static void
gtk_label_set_markup_internal (....)

  gboolean enable_mnemonics = TRUE;
  gboolean auto_mnemonics = TRUE;

  g_object_get (gtk_widget_get_settings (GTK_WIDGET (label)),
                "gtk-enable-mnemonics", &enable_mnemonics,

  if (!(enable_mnemonics && priv->mnemonics_visible &&
        (!auto_mnemonics ||
         (gtk_widget_is_sensitive (GTK_WIDGET (label)) &&
          (!priv->mnemonic_widget ||
           gtk_widget_is_sensitive (priv->mnemonic_widget))))))

Variable 'enable_mnemonics' is created near the 'auto_mnemonics' variable and is then initialized to a value from the settings. Perhaps the value for 'auto_mnemonics' must have been retrieved in a similar way, too.

The GTK+ Project

V560 A part of conditional expression is always false: !auto_mnemonics. gtklabel.c 2923

static void
gtk_label_set_pattern_internal (....)
  gboolean enable_mnemonics = TRUE;
  gboolean auto_mnemonics = TRUE;

  g_object_get (gtk_widget_get_settings (GTK_WIDGET (label)),
                "gtk-enable-mnemonics", &enable_mnemonics,

  if (enable_mnemonics && priv->mnemonics_visible && pattern &&
      (!auto_mnemonics ||
       (gtk_widget_is_sensitive (GTK_WIDGET (label)) &&
        (!priv->mnemonic_widget ||
         gtk_widget_is_sensitive (priv->mnemonic_widget)))))

Variable 'enable_mnemonics' is created near the 'auto_mnemonics' variable and is then initialized to a value from the settings. Perhaps the value for 'auto_mnemonics' must have been retrieved in a similar way, too.


V560 A part of conditional expression is always false: !field. int_cxx.cpp 217

static void asgn_from( ref* reference, int column)
  TEXT variable[MAX_REF_SIZE];

  for (; reference; reference = reference->ref_next)
    const gpre_fld* field = reference->ref_field;

    if (!field || field->fld_dtype == dtype_text)
    else if (!field || field->fld_dtype == dtype_cstring)

Open X-Ray Engine

V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: 0x000000FF. nvi_image.cpp 170

void NVI_Image::ABGR8_To_ARGB8()
  // swaps RGB for all pixels
  assert(GetBytesPerPixel() == 4);
  UINT hxw = GetNumPixels();
  for (UINT i = 0; i < hxw; i++)
    DWORD col;
    GetPixel_ARGB8(&col, i);
    DWORD a = (col >> 24) && 0x000000FF;
    DWORD b = (col >> 16) && 0x000000FF;
    DWORD g = (col >> 8)  && 0x000000FF;
    DWORD r = (col >> 0)  && 0x000000FF;
    col = (a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b;
    SetPixel_ARGB8(i, col);

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: 0x000000FF. nvi_image.cpp 171
  • V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: 0x000000FF. nvi_image.cpp 172
  • V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: 0x000000FF. nvi_image.cpp 173

WPF samples by Microsoft

V560 A part of conditional expression is always true. aitdecoder.cpp 634

enum WICBitmapDecoderCapabilities
  WICBitmapDecoderCapabilitySameEncoder = 0x1,
  WICBitmapDecoderCapabilityCanDecodeAllImages = 0x2,
  WICBitmapDecoderCapabilityCanDecodeSomeImages = 0x4,
  WICBitmapDecoderCapabilityCanEnumerateMetadata = 0x8,
  WICBitmapDecoderCapabilityCanDecodeThumbnail = 0x10,

STDMETHODIMP AitDecoder::QueryCapability(....)
  // If this is our format, we can do everything
  if (strcmp(bh.Name, "AIT") == 0)
     *pCapability =
       WICBitmapDecoderCapabilityCanDecodeAllImages ||
       WICBitmapDecoderCapabilityCanDecodeThumbnail ||
       WICBitmapDecoderCapabilityCanEnumerateMetadata ||


V560 A part of conditional expression is always false: 0. addnode.cpp 435

Node *AddLNode::Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape) {
  if( op2 == Op_AddL &&
      in2->in(1) == in1 &&
      op1 != Op_ConL &&
      0 ) {


V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: nearest == 0. boids.c 361

static int rule_avoid_collision(....)
    int n, neighbors = 0, nearest = 0; // <=
    if (ptn && nearest==0)             // <=

    return ret;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: edit == 0. particle.c 3781
  • V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: !error. pointcache.c 154
  • V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: !error. pointcache.c 2742
  • And 14 additional diagnostic messages.


V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: !saveit. syncprov.c 1510

static void
syncprov_matchops( Operation *op, opcookie *opc, int saveit )
  if ( saveit || op->o_tag == LDAP_REQ_ADD ) {
  } else if ( op->o_tag == LDAP_REQ_MODRDN && !saveit ) {


V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: Key == 0x75. Key.cpp 493

int FTP::ProcessKey(int Key, unsigned int ControlState)
  if(   !ShowHosts
     && (ControlState == 0 || ControlState == PKF_SHIFT)
     && Key == VK_F6)                     // <=
    FTP *ftp = OtherPlugin(this);
    int  rc;

    if(   !ftp
       && ControlState == 0
       && Key == VK_F6)                   // <=
      return FALSE;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: !cps. DString.cpp 47
  • V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: !ShowHosts. FGet.cpp 139
  • V560 A part of conditional expression is always false: !wsz. cnDownload.cpp 190
  • And 1 additional diagnostic messages.

FreeBSD Kernel

V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: 0x2002. sampirsp.c 7224

#define OSSA_MPI_ENC_ERR_ILLEGAL_DEK_PARAM            0x2001

GLOBAL bit32 mpiDekManagementRsp(
  agsaRoot_t               *agRoot,
  agsaDekManagementRsp_t   *pIomb
    agEvent.eq = errorQualifier;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: 0x7dac. t4_main.c 8001

FreeBSD Kernel

V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: 0x7dac. t4_main.c 8001

#define A_TP_KEEP_INTVL 0x7dac

static int
  struct adapter *sc = arg1;
  int reg = arg2;
  u_int tre;
  u_long tp_tick_us, v;
  u_int cclk_ps = 1000000000 / sc->params.vpd.cclk;

  MPASS(reg == A_TP_RXT_MIN || reg == A_TP_RXT_MAX ||
      reg == A_TP_PERS_MIN || reg == A_TP_PERS_MAX ||
      reg == A_TP_KEEP_IDLE || A_TP_KEEP_INTVL ||           // <=
      reg == A_TP_INIT_SRTT || reg == A_TP_FINWAIT2_TIMER);


V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: 0xff. babygrid.cpp 711

  int returnvalue;
  TCHAR mbuffer[100];
  int result;
  BYTE keys[256];
  WORD dwReturnedValue;
  result = ToAscii(static_cast<UINT>(wParam),
    (lParam >> 16) && 0xff, keys, &dwReturnedValue, 0); // <=
  returnvalue = (TCHAR) dwReturnedValue;
  if(returnvalue < 0){returnvalue = 0;}
  wsprintf(mbuffer, TEXT("return value = %d"), returnvalue);
  if(result!=1){returnvalue = 0;}
  return (TCHAR)returnvalue;

This is what should have been written here: &.


V560 A part of conditional expression is always false: val == 1. player_es_push_test.c 284

int bytestream2nalunit(FILE * fd, unsigned char *nal)
  unsigned char val, zero_count, i;
  val = buffer[0];
  while (!val) {                                           // <=
    if ((zero_count == 2 || zero_count == 3) && val == 1)  // <=
    result = fread(buffer, 1, read_size, fd);

    if (result != read_size)
    val = buffer[0];


V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: GT_SEARCH_ONLY_LONGER. scim_generic_table.cpp 1884

const int GT_SEARCH_NO_LONGER = 0,
          GT_SEARCH_ONLY_LONGER = 2;

bool GenericTableContent::search (const String &key,
                                  int search_type) const
  else if (nkeys.size () > 1 && GT_SEARCH_ONLY_LONGER) {

Most likely this is what should be written here: (nkeys.size () > 1 && search_type == GT_SEARCH_ONLY_LONGER)


V560 A part of conditional expression is always false: (len > 1). e_fm.c 6110

static void
_e_fm2_typebuf_char_backspace(Evas_Object *obj)
  int len, p, dec;
  if ((len > 1) || (sd->typebuf.buf[0] == '/'))
  else if ((len > 1) || (sd->typebuf.buf[0] != '~'))       // <=
  else if (!memcmp(sd->typebuf.buf, "~/", 2))


V560 A part of conditional expression is always false: (!ec). e_comp_x.c 2481

static Eina_Bool _e_comp_x_mouse_up(....)
  E_Client *ec;
  ec = _e_comp_x_client_find_by_window(ev->window);
  if ((!ec) && (ev->window != ev->event_window))
    ec = _e_comp_x_client_find_by_window(ev->event_window);
  if (!ec)
    if (e_client_comp_grabbed_get())
      ec = e_client_action_get();
    if (!ec) return ECORE_CALLBACK_RENEW;
  if ((!ec) || e_client_util_ignored_get(ec))              // <=

EFL Core Libraries

V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: headbyte <= - 1. evas_image_load_psd.c 221

static unsigned int
  signed char headbyte;
  if (headbyte >= 0)
  else if (headbyte >= -127 && headbyte <= -1)     // <=

EFL Core Libraries

V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: (!test). eeze_disk.c 55

static Eeze_Disk_Type
_eeze_disk_type_find(Eeze_Disk *disk)
  const char *test;
  test = udev_device_get_property_value(disk->device, "ID_BUS");
  if (test)
    if (!strcmp(test, "ata")) return EEZE_DISK_TYPE_INTERNAL;
    if (!strcmp(test, "usb")) return EEZE_DISK_TYPE_USB;
  if ((!test) && (!filesystem))                            // <=

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: (!second_exist_twice). evas_3d_utils.h 1346
  • V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: (first_exist_twice < 2). evas_3d_utils.h 1354
  • V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: (second_exist_twice < 2). evas_3d_utils.h 1354
  • And 26 additional diagnostic messages.


V560 A part of conditional expression is always false: strack > - 1. edit.cpp 3669

void Score::undoAddElement(Element* element)
  QList<Staff* > staffList;
  Staff* ostaff = element->staff();
  int strack = -1;
  if (ostaff) {
    if (ostaff->score()->excerpt() && strack > -1)
     strack = ostaff->score()->excerpt()->tracks().key(...);
     strack = ostaff->idx() * VOICES + element->track() % VOICES;


V560 A part of conditional expression is always false: singleStaff. NotationScene.cpp 1707

void NotationScene::layout(....)
  bool full = (singleStaff == 0 && startTime == endTime);


  if (full) {
    Profiler profiler("....", true);


    bool first = true;

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_segments.size(); ++i) {

      if (singleStaff &&  // <= Always False
          m_segments[i] != &singleStaff->getSegment()) {

      timeT thisStart = m_segments[i]->getClippedStartTime();
      timeT thisEnd = m_segments[i]->getEndMarkerTime();

      if (first || thisStart < startTime) startTime = thisStart;
      if (first || thisEnd > endTime) endTime = thisEnd;

      first = false;


V560 CWE-570 A part of conditional expression is always false: bad_message. declarative_rule.h 472

template <typename ConditionT, typename ActionT>
std::unique_ptr<DeclarativeRule<ConditionT, ActionT>>
DeclarativeRule<ConditionT, ActionT>::Create(....) {
  bool bad_message = false;                                 // <=
  std::unique_ptr<ActionSet> actions = ActionSet::Create(
      browser_context, extension, rule->actions, error,
      &bad_message);                                        // <=
  if (bad_message) {                                        // <=
    *error = "An action of a rule set had an invalid "
             "structure that should have been caught "
             "by the JSON validator.";
    return std::move(error_result);
  if (!error->empty() || bad_message)                       // <=
    return std::move(error_result);

XNU kernel

V560 CWE-570 A part of conditional expression is always false: ((* state & 3) > 3). vm_user.c 3415


memory_entry_purgeable_control_internal(...., int *state)
  if ((control == VM_PURGABLE_SET_STATE ||
      (((*state & ~(VM_PURGABLE_ALL_MASKS)) != 0) ||
       ((*state & VM_PURGABLE_STATE_MASK) >

Let's leave the main point: ((* state & 3) > 3). The expression has no sense.

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V560 CWE-570 A part of conditional expression is always false: ((* state & 3) > 3). vm_map.c 15809


V560 CWE-571 A part of conditional expression is always true: 0xFFFF0000. peci.c 372

#define PECI_M0D0C_HITHR_M      0xFFFF0000  // High Threshold
#define PECI_M0D0C_LOTHR_M      0x0000FFFF  // Low Threshold

  unsigned long ulTemp;
  ulTemp = HWREG(ulBase + PECI_O_M0D0C + (ulDomain * 4));
  *pulHigh =
    ((ulTemp && PECI_M0D0C_HITHR_M) >> PECI_M0D0C_HITHR_S);
  *pulLow =
    ((ulTemp && PECI_M0D0C_LOTHR_M) >> PECI_M0D0C_LOTHR_S);

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V560 CWE-571 A part of conditional expression is always true: 0x0000FFFF. peci.c 373


V560 A part of conditional expression is always true. KoTextLayoutArea.cpp 1622

qreal KoTextLayoutArea::addLine(QTextLine &line,
                                FrameIterator *cursor,
                                KoTextBlockData &blockData)
  if (!d->documentLayout->changeTracker()
   || !d->documentLayout->changeTracker()->displayChanges()
   || !d->documentLayout->changeTracker()->...
   || !d->documentLayout->changeTracker()->...
   || !d->documentLayout->changeTracker()->elementById(....)
   || !d->documentLayout->changeTracker()->elementById(....)
   || ....
   || d->documentLayout->changeTracker()->displayChanges()) {


V560 CWE-570 A part of conditional expression is always false: ns != 1. fingerprint.c 126

static void saveFingerprint(worker_thread_t* listener, int idx) {
  int ns = fwrite(&listener->secureid[idx],
                  sizeof(uint64_t), 1, fp);
  int nf = fwrite(&listener->fingerid[idx],
                  sizeof(uint64_t), 1, fp);

  if (ns != 1 || ns !=1)                               // <=
    ALOGW("Corrupt emulator fingerprints storage; "
          "could not save fingerprints");



V560 CWE-571 A part of conditional expression is always true: (j < 4). ipphelper.c 926

void parse_printerAttributes(....) {
  ipp_t *collection = ippGetCollection(attrptr, i);

  for (j = 0, attrptr = ippFirstAttribute(collection);
      (j < 4) && (attrptr != NULL);
      attrptr = ippNextAttribute(collection))
    if (strcmp("....", ippGetName(attrptr)) == 0) {
      ....TopMargin = ippGetInteger(attrptr, 0);
    } else if (strcmp("....", ippGetName(attrptr)) == 0) {
      ....BottomMargin = ippGetInteger(attrptr, 0);
    } else if (strcmp("....", ippGetName(attrptr)) == 0) {
      ....LeftMargin = ippGetInteger(attrptr, 0);
    } else if (strcmp("....", ippGetName(attrptr)) == 0) {
      ....RightMargin = ippGetInteger(attrptr, 0);


V560 CWE-570 A part of conditional expression is always false: f->mode & 00000000. fec_read.cpp 322

#define O_RDONLY 00000000
#define O_WRONLY 00000001
#define O_RDWR   00000002

static ssize_t verity_read(fec_handle *f, ....)
  /* if we are in read-only mode and expect to read a zero
     block, skip reading and just return zeros */
  if (f->mode & O_RDONLY && expect_zeros) {
      memset(data, 0, FEC_BLOCKSIZE);
      goto valid;

System Shock

V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: 0xffff0000. INTERP.C 355

void g3_interpret_object(....)
  temp = (((ulong) _view_position.gX)>>16);  // get high 16 bits
  if (((temp<<scale) && 0xffff0000)!=0) goto Exit; // overflow
  temp = (((ulong) _view_position.gY)>>16);  // get high 16 bits
  if (((temp<<scale) && 0xffff0000)!=0) goto Exit; // overflow
  temp = (((ulong) _view_position.gZ)>>16);  // get high 16 bits
  if (((temp<<scale) && 0xffff0000)!=0) goto Exit; // overflow


V560 CWE-570 A part of conditional expression is always false: c > 'z'. qdir.cpp 77

#if defined(Q_OS_WIN)
static QString driveSpec(const QString &path)
  if (path.size() < 2)
    return QString();
  char c = path.at(0).toLatin1();
  if (c < 'a' && c > 'z' && c < 'A' && c > 'Z')
    return QString();
  if (path.at(1).toLatin1() != ':')
    return QString();
  return path.mid(0, 2);


V560 CWE-570 A part of conditional expression is always false: currentType == QMetaType::Char. qvariant.cpp 3529

bool QVariant::canConvert(int targetTypeId) const
  if (currentType == QMetaType::SChar || currentType == QMetaType::Char)
    currentType = QMetaType::UInt;
  if (targetTypeId == QMetaType::SChar || currentType == QMetaType::Char)
    targetTypeId = QMetaType::UInt;


V560 CWE-571 A part of conditional expression is always true: doc. qtextdocument.cpp 2992

QString QTextHtmlExporter::findUrlForImage(const QTextDocument *doc, ....)
  QString url;
  if (!doc)
    return url;

  if (QTextDocument *parent = qobject_cast<QTextDocument *>(doc->parent()))
      return findUrlForImage(parent, cacheKey, isPixmap);

  if (doc && doc->docHandle()) {

NCBI Genome Workbench

V560 A part of conditional expression is always false: s1.IsSet(). valid_biosource.cpp 3073

static bool s_PCRPrimerSetLess(const CPCRPrimerSet& s1, const CPCRPrimerSet& s2)
  if (!s1.IsSet() && s1.IsSet()) {
    return true;
  } else if (s1.IsSet() && !s2.IsSet()) {
    return false;
  } else if (!s1.IsSet() && !s2.IsSet()) {
    return false;
  } else if (s1.Get().size() < s2.Get().size()) {
    return true;
  } else if (s1.Get().size() > s2.Get().size()) {
    return false;
  } else {


V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: updatePos. StelGuiItems.cpp 732

void BottomStelBar::updateText(bool updatePos)
  updatePos = true;
  if (location->text() != newLocation || updatePos)
    updatePos = true;

Windows Calculator

V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: NumbersAndOperatorsEnum::None != op. CalcViewModel UnitConverterViewModel.cpp 991

void UnitConverterViewModel::OnPaste(String^ stringToPaste, ViewMode mode)
  NumbersAndOperatorsEnum op = MapCharacterToButtonId(*it, canSendNegate);

  if (NumbersAndOperatorsEnum::None != op)      // <=
    if (NumbersAndOperatorsEnum::None != op &&  // <=
        NumbersAndOperatorsEnum::Negate != op)


V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: !ruleFound. evaluator.cpp 1410

void Evaluator::compile(const Tokens& tokens)
  while (!syntaxStack.hasError()) {
    bool ruleFound = false;                                     // <=

    // Rule for function last argument: id (arg) -> arg.
    if (!ruleFound && syntaxStack.itemCount() >= 4) {           // <=
        Token par2 = syntaxStack.top();
        Token arg = syntaxStack.top(1);
        Token par1 = syntaxStack.top(2);
        Token id = syntaxStack.top(3);
        if (par2.asOperator() == Token::AssociationEnd
            && arg.isOperand()
            && par1.asOperator() == Token::AssociationStart
            && id.isIdentifier())
            ruleFound = true;                                   // <=
            syntaxStack.reduce(4, MAX_PRECEDENCE);
            m_codes.append(Opcode(Opcode::Function, argCount));
                dbg << "\tRule for function last argument "
                    << argCount << " \n";
            argCount = argStack.empty() ? 0 : argStack.pop();


V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: m_scrollDirection != 0. resultdisplay.cpp 242

void ResultDisplay::fullContentScrollEvent()
  QScrollBar* bar = verticalScrollBar();
  int value = bar->value();
  bool shouldStop = (m_scrollDirection == -1 && value <= 0) ||
                    (m_scrollDirection == 1 && value >= bar->maximum());

  if (shouldStop && m_scrollDirection != 0) {     // <=

  scrollLines(m_scrollDirection * 10);


V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: (rc >= 0). proxy.c 222

static BOOL check_no_proxy(....)
  int sub;
  int rc = sscanf(range, "%u", &sub);

  if ((rc == 1) && (rc >= 0))


V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: add > 0. scard.c 507

static void
inRepos(STREAM in, unsigned int read)
  SERVER_DWORD add = 4 - read % 4;
  if (add < 4 && add > 0)


V560 A part of conditional expression is always false: (cap_len < 0). xrdp_caps.c 616

// common/parse.h
#if defined(B_ENDIAN) || defined(NEED_ALIGN)
#define in_uint16_le(s, v) do \
#define in_uint16_le(s, v) do \
{ \
    (v) = *((unsigned short*)((s)->p)); \
    (s)->p += 2; \
} while (0)

xrdp_caps_process_confirm_active(struct xrdp_rdp *self, struct stream *s)
  int cap_len;
  in_uint16_le(s, cap_len);
  if ((cap_len < 0) || (cap_len > 1024 * 1024))


V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: (bpp != 16). libxrdp.c 704

libxrdp_send_pointer(struct xrdp_session *session, int cache_idx,
                     char *data, char *mask, int x, int y, int bpp)
  if ((bpp == 15) && (bpp != 16) && (bpp != 24) && (bpp != 32))
      g_writeln("libxrdp_send_pointer: error");
      return 1;


V560 [CWE-570] A part of conditional expression is always false: RegNo == 0xe. ARMDisassembler.cpp 939

static DecodeStatus DecodeGPRPairRegisterClass(MCInst &Inst, unsigned RegNo,
                                   uint64_t Address, const void *Decoder) {
  DecodeStatus S = MCDisassembler::Success;

  if (RegNo > 13)
    return MCDisassembler::Fail;

  if ((RegNo & 1) || RegNo == 0xe)
     S = MCDisassembler::SoftFail;


V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: (result >= 0). EASprintfOrdered.cpp 489

static int OVprintfCore(....)
  for(result = 1; (result >= 0) && (p < pEnd); ++p)
    if(pWriteFunction8(p, 1, pWriteFunctionContext8, kWFSIntermediate) < 0)
      return -1;
    nWriteCountSum += result;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: (result >= 0). EASprintfOrdered.cpp 852
  • V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: (result >= 0). EASprintfOrdered.cpp 1215


V560 A part of conditional expression is always false: last == 0x80. boc.cpp 78

class Slice {
  char operator[](size_t i) const;

td::Result<int> CellSerializationInfo::get_bits(td::Slice cell) const {
  int last = cell[data_offset + data_len - 1];
  if (!last || last == 0x80) { // <=
    return td::Status::Error("overlong encoding");


V560 A part of conditional expression is always false: c == '\t'. NptUtils.cpp:863

NPT_Result NPT_ParseMimeParameters(....)
    if (c <  ' ') return NPT_ERROR_INVALID_SYNTAX; // END or CTLs are invalid
    if (c == ' ' || c == '\t') continue; // ignore leading whitespace

Heawei Ark Compiler

V560 A part of conditional expression is always false: !firstImport. parser.cpp 2633

bool MIRParser::ParseMIRForImport() {
  if (paramIsIPA && firstImport) {
    BinaryMplt *binMplt = new BinaryMplt(mod);
    if (!(*binMplt).Import(...., paramIsIPA && !firstImport, paramIsComb)) {


V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: x >= 0. editor.cpp 1137

int editorclass::at( int x, int y )
  if(x<0) return at(0,y);
  if(y<0) return at(x,0);
  if(x>=40) return at(39,y);
  if(y>=30) return at(x,29);

  if(x>=0 && y>=0 && x<40 && y<30)
      return contents[x+(levx*40)+vmult[y+(levy*30)]];
  return 0;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: y >= 0. editor.cpp 1137
  • V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: x < 40. editor.cpp 1137
  • V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: y < 30. editor.cpp 1137


V560 [CWE-571] A part of conditional expression is always true: 0xff. timer.cc 198

cl_tim::read(class cl_memory_cell *cell)
  if (a == idx.pscrl)
    v= prescaler_preload && 0xff;
  else if (a == idx.pscrh)
    v= (prescaler_preload >> 8) & 0xff;


V560 A part of conditional expression is always false: ((machine_mode)(xop1)->mode) == xmode1. optabs.c 1053

#define GET_MODE(RTX)    ((machine_mode) (RTX)->mode)

static int
add_equal_note (rtx_insn *insns, rtx target, enum rtx_code code, rtx op0,
    rtx op1, machine_mode op0_mode)
  if (commutative_p
      && GET_MODE (xop0) != xmode0 && GET_MODE (xop1) != xmode1
      && GET_MODE (xop0) == xmode1 && GET_MODE (xop1) == xmode1)
    std::swap (xop0, xop1);


V560 A part of conditional expression is always false: y > max_spawn_y. mapgen_v7.cpp 262

int MapgenV7::getSpawnLevelAtPoint(v2s16 p)
  while (iters > 0 && y <= max_spawn_y) {               // <=
    if (!getMountainTerrainAtPoint(p.X, y + 1, p.Y)) {
      if (y <= water_level || y > max_spawn_y)          // <=
        return MAX_MAP_GENERATION_LIMIT; // Unsuitable spawn point

      // y + 1 due to biome 'dust'
      return y + 1;


V560 A part of conditional expression is always false: input[i] <= '9'. structopt.hpp 1870

static inline bool is_valid_number(const std::string &input) {
  else if (input[i] == 'e') {
    // set dot_or_exp = 1 when e is encountered.
    dot_or_exp = true;

    // if there is no digit before 'e'.
    if (!(input[i - 1] >= '0' && input[i - 1] <= '9'))
      return false;

    // If 'e' is the last Character
    if (i + 1 > input.length())
      return false;

    // if e is not followed either by
    // '+', '-' or a digit
    if (input[i + 1] != '+' && input[i + 1] != '-' &&
        (input[i + 1] >= '0' && input[i] <= '9'))        // <=
      return false;

Amnesia: The Dark Descent

V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: eLuxEnemyMoveState_Jogging. LuxEnemyMover.cpp 672

void cLuxEnemyMover::UpdateMoveAnimation(float afTimeStep)
  if(prevMoveState != mMoveState)

    if(mMoveState == eLuxEnemyMoveState_Backward)
    else if(mMoveState == eLuxEnemyMoveState_Walking)
      bool bSync =    prevMoveState == eLuxEnemyMoveState_Running
                   || eLuxEnemyMoveState_Jogging
                    ? true : false;


V560 [CWE-571] A part of conditional expression is always true: seq_index. gtkimcontextsimple.c 475

gtk_check_compact_table (const GtkComposeTableCompact  *table,
                         guint16                       *compose_buffer,
                         int                            n_compose,
                         gboolean                      *compose_finish,
                         gboolean                      *compose_match,
                         gunichar                      *output_char)
  int row_stride;
  guint16 *seq_index;

  seq_index = bsearch (compose_buffer,
                       sizeof (guint16) * table->n_index_stride,

  if (!seq_index)
    return FALSE;

  if (seq_index && n_compose == 1)
    return TRUE;

Most likely this is what should be written here: if (*seq_index && n_compose == 1)


V560 [CWE-570] A part of conditional expression is always false: time->second() == MSECS_PER_DAY - 1. qdatetime.cpp 2488

enum {
  MSECS_PER_DAY = 86400000,
  SECS_PER_MIN = 60,

int QTime::second() const
    if (!isValid())
        return -1;

    return (ds() / 1000)%SECS_PER_MIN;

static qint64 qt_mktime(QDate *date, QTime *time, ....)
  } else if (yy == 1969 && mm == 12 && dd == 31
             && time->second() == MSECS_PER_DAY - 1) {
      // There was, of course, a last second in 1969, at time_t(-1); we won't
      // rescue it if it's not in normalised form, and we don't know its DST
      // status (unless we did already), but let's not wantonly declare it
      // invalid.
  } else {


V560 [CWE-570] A part of conditional expression is always false: !month. qdatetime.cpp 4921

static const char qt_shortMonthNames[][4] = {
    "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
    "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"

static int fromShortMonthName(QStringView monthName)
  for (unsigned int i = 0;
       i < sizeof(qt_shortMonthNames) / sizeof(qt_shortMonthNames[0]); ++i)
    if (monthName == QLatin1String(qt_shortMonthNames[i], 3))
      return i + 1;
  return -1;

QDateTime QDateTime::fromString(QStringView string, Qt::DateFormat format)
  month = fromShortMonthName(parts.at(1));
  if (month)
    day = parts.at(2).toInt(&ok);

  // If failed, try day then month
  if (!ok || !month || !day) {
    month = fromShortMonthName(parts.at(2));
    if (month) {
      QStringView dayPart = parts.at(1);
      if (dayPart.endsWith(u'.'))
        day = dayPart.chopped(1).toInt(&ok);

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V560 [CWE-570] A part of conditional expression is always false: !month. qdatetime.cpp 4911


V560 A part of conditional expression is always false: !p->tcph. sp_rpc_check.c 285

int CheckRpc(void *option_data, Packet *p)
  if (!p->iph_api || (IsTCP(p) && !p->tcph)
    || (IsUDP(p) && !p->udph))
    return 0; /* if error occured while ip header
               * was processed, return 0 automagically.  */

#define IsTCP(p) (IsIP(p) && p->tcph)
#define IsUDP(p) (IsIP(p) && p->udph)


V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: hnode. spp_frag3.c 4364

static int Frag3Prune(FragTracker *not_me)
  SFXHASH_NODE *hnode;
  while (....)
    hnode = sfxhash_lru_node(f_cache);
    if (!hnode)

    if (hnode && hnode->data == not_me)


V560 A part of conditional expression is always false: index < 0. bsd_stubs.c:236

cdevsw_isfree(int index)
  struct cdevsw * devsw;

  if (index < 0) {
    if (index == -1) {
      index = 0;
    } else {
      index = -index;
    devsw = &cdevsw[index];
    for (; index < nchrdev; index++, devsw++) {
      if (memcmp(....) == 0) {

  if (index < 0 || index >= nchrdev) {
    return -1;
  return index;


V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: (bp->nb_dirtyoff < end). nfs_bio.c 3862

  struct nfsbuf *bp;
  off_t end = ....;

  /* check for any dirty data before the EOF */
  if ((bp->nb_dirtyend > 0) && (bp->nb_dirtyoff < end))
    /* clip dirty range to EOF */
    if (bp->nb_dirtyend > end)
      bp->nb_dirtyend = end;

      if (bp->nb_dirtyoff >= bp->nb_dirtyend)             // <=
        bp->nb_dirtyoff = bp->nb_dirtyend = 0;

    if ((bp->nb_dirtyend > 0) && (bp->nb_dirtyoff < end)) // <=

Storm Engine

V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: 0x00 <= c. utf8.h 187

inline bool IsValidUtf8(....)
  int c, i, ix, n, j;
  for (i = 0, ix = str.length(); i < ix; i++)s
    c = (unsigned char)str[i];
    if (0x00 <= c && c <= 0x7f)
      n = 0;


V560 A part of conditional expression is always false: idx < 0. alert.cpp 1885.

char const* operation_name(operation_t const op)
    static char const* const names[] = {

    int const idx = static_cast<int>(op);
    if (idx < 0 || idx >= int(sizeof(names) / sizeof(names[0])))
      return "unknown operation";
    return names[idx];


V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: i != 1. PPUTranslator.cpp 4252

void PPUTranslator::MTFSF(ppu_opcode_t op)
  const auto value = GetFpr(op.frb, 32, true);

  for (u32 i = 16; i < 20; i++)
    if (i != 1 && i != 2 && (op.flm & (128 >> (i / 4))) != 0)
      SetFPSCRBit(i, Trunc(m_ir->CreateLShr(value, i ^ 31),
                  GetType<bool>()), false);

  if (op.rc) SetCrFieldFPCC(1);


V560 Part of conditional expression is always true/false. OgreTerrainLodManager.cpp 62

void TerrainLodManager::open(const String& filename)
  if (!filename.empty() && filename.length() > 0)
       mDataStream =

Here, the developer checks that the std::string container is empty and its length is greater than 0. We can remove one of the condition parts


V560 [CWE-570] A part of conditional expression is always false: DefaultCC == ToCC. SemaType.cpp 7856

void Sema::adjustMemberFunctionCC(QualType &T, bool IsStatic, bool IsCtorOrDtor,
                                  SourceLocation Loc) {
  CallingConv CurCC = FT->getCallConv();
  CallingConv ToCC = Context.getDefaultCallingConvention(IsVariadic, !IsStatic);

  if (CurCC == ToCC)
  CallingConv DefaultCC =
    Context.getDefaultCallingConvention(IsVariadic, IsStatic);

  if (CurCC != DefaultCC || DefaultCC == ToCC)


V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: creature. CGarrisonInt.cpp 284

bool CGarrisonSlot::mustForceReselection() const
  if (!creature || !selection->creature)
    return false;
  if (!owner->removableUnits)
    if (selection->upg == EGarrisonType::UP)
      return true;
      return creature || upg == EGarrisonType::UP;


V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: bs.canFlee. BattleAI.cpp 837

std::optional<BattleAction> CBattleAI::considerFleeingOrSurrendering()
  if (!bs.canFlee || !bs.canSurrender)
    return std::nullopt;
  auto result = cb->makeSurrenderRetreatDecision(bs);
  if (!result && bs.canFlee && bs.turnsSkippedByDefense > 30)
    return BattleAction::makeRetreat(bs.ourSide);


V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: sym->tokenType != TK_FloatConst. sc_man.cpp 829

bool FScanner::GetFloat (bool evaluate)
  if(sym && sym->tokenType == TK_IntConst && sym->tokenType != TK_FloatConst)
    BigNumber = sym->Number;
    Number = (int)sym->Number;
    Float = sym->Float;
    // String will retain the actual symbol name.
    return true;


V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: adsi->pwfxSrc->wBitsPerSample == 16. imaadp32.c 794

  if (adsi->pwfxSrc->nSamplesPerSec != adsi->pwfxDst->nSamplesPerSec ||
      adsi->pwfxSrc->nChannels != adsi->pwfxDst->nChannels ||
      adsi->pwfxSrc->wBitsPerSample != 16)       // <=
        goto theEnd;


  if (adsi->pwfxSrc->wBitsPerSample == 16       // <=
   && adsi->pwfxSrc->nChannels == 2)
     aad->convert = cvtSS16imaK;
  if (adsi->pwfxSrc->wBitsPerSample == 16       // <=
   && adsi->pwfxSrc->nChannels == 1)
     aad->convert = cvtMM16imaK;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: adsi->pwfxSrc->wBitsPerSample == 16. imaadp32.c 796


V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: addr < _base + _size. cmd-undocumented.cpp 382

bool cbInstrVisualize(int argc, char* argv[])
  if(IsArgumentsLessThan(argc, 3))
    return false;
  duint start;
  duint maxaddr;
    Zydis zydis;
    duint _base = start;
    duint _size = maxaddr - start;
    Memory<unsigned char*> _data(_size);
    MemRead(_base, _data(), _size);
    for(duint addr = start, fardest = 0; addr < maxaddr;)
      //continue algorithm
      const unsigned char* curData =
        (addr >= _base && addr < _base + _size)         // <=
          ? _data() + (addr - _base)
          : nullptr;
      if(zydis.Disassemble(addr, curData, MAX_DISASM_BUFFER))
        if(addr + zydis.Size() > maxaddr)
          break; //we went past the maximum allowed address

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V560 A part of conditional expression is always false: !haveCurrValue. watch.cpp 61
  • V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: * memorySize <= 512. The value range of unsigned char type: [0, 255]. TraceRecord.cpp 239