Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью диагностики V574
V574. Pointer is used both as an array and as a pointer to single object.
Amazon FreeRTOS
V574 The '_requestPool.pRequestDatas' pointer is used simultaneously as an array and as a pointer to single object. Check lines: 931, 973. iot_demo_https_s3_download_async.c 973
* @brief Pool of request and associated response buffers,
* handles, and configurations.
static _requestPool_t _requestPool = { 0 };
static int _scheduleAsyncRequest(int reqIndex,
uint32_t currentRange)
/* Set the user private data to use in the asynchronous callback context.
_requestPool.pRequestDatas[reqIndex].pConnHandle = &_connHandle;
_requestPool.pRequestDatas[reqIndex].pConnConfig = &_connConfig;
_requestPool.pRequestDatas[reqIndex].reqNum = reqIndex;
_requestPool.pRequestDatas[reqIndex].currRange = currentRange;
_requestPool.pRequestDatas[reqIndex].currDownloaded = 0;
_requestPool.pRequestDatas[reqIndex].numReqBytes = numReqBytes;
_requestPool.pRequestDatas->scheduled = true;