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Вебинар: SAST как Quality Gate - 13.03

Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью …

Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью диагностики V583

V583. The '?:' operator, regardless of its conditional expression, always returns the same value.


V583 The '?:' operator, regardless of its conditional expression, always returns one and the same value: ",(%d,". 9900dasm.c 670

unsigned Dasm9900 (char *buffer, unsigned pc, int model_id,
                   const UINT8 *oprom, const UINT8 *opram)
  buffer += sprintf(buffer,
    bit_position ? ",(%d," : ",(%d,", bit_position);


V583 The '?:' operator, regardless of its conditional expression, always returns one and the same value: "createComplexSparseMatrixInList". api_list.cpp 2398

static SciErr fillCommonSparseMatrixInList(....)
  addErrorMessage(&sciErr, API_ERROR_FILL_SPARSE_IN_LIST,
   _("%s: Unable to create list item #%d in Scilab memory"),
   _iComplex ? "createComplexSparseMatrixInList" :
   _iItemPos + 1);

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V583 The '?:' operator, regardless of its conditional expression, always returns one and the same value: "createComplexSparseMatrixInList". api_list.cpp 2411
  • V583 The '?:' operator, regardless of its conditional expression, always returns one and the same value: "createComplexSparseMatrixInList". api_list.cpp 2418
  • V583 The '?:' operator, regardless of its conditional expression, always returns one and the same value: "createComplexSparseMatrixInList". api_list.cpp 2464
  • And 1 additional diagnostic messages.


V583 The '?:' operator, regardless of its conditional expression, always returns one and the same value: ATLAS_REPEAT. atlas.cpp 219

spAtlas* spAtlas_readAtlas (....)
  page->uWrap = *str.begin == 'x' ? ATLAS_REPEAT :
    (*str.begin == 'y' ? ATLAS_CLAMPTOEDGE : ATLAS_REPEAT);
  page->vWrap = *str.begin == 'x' ? ATLAS_CLAMPTOEDGE :
    (*str.begin == 'y' ? ATLAS_REPEAT : ATLAS_REPEAT);     // <=

Oracle VM Virtual Box

V583 The '?:' operator, regardless of its conditional expression, always returns one and the same value: g_acDaysInMonthsLeap[pTime->u8Month - 1]. time.cpp 453

static const uint8_t g_acDaysInMonths[12] =
  /*Jan Feb Mar Arp May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec */
    31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31

static const uint8_t g_acDaysInMonthsLeap[12] =
  /*Jan Feb Mar Arp May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec */
    31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31

static PRTTIME rtTimeNormalizeInternal(PRTTIME pTime)
  unsigned cDaysInMonth = fLeapYear
    ? g_acDaysInMonthsLeap[pTime->u8Month - 1]          // <=
    : g_acDaysInMonthsLeap[pTime->u8Month - 1];         // <=

Miranda NG

V583 The '?:' operator, regardless of its conditional expression, always returns one and the same value: urc->dlgNewSize.cy - si->iSplitterY. TabSRMM window.cpp 473

static int RoomWndResize(...., UTILRESIZECONTROL *urc)
  urc->rcItem.top = (bToolbar && !bBottomToolbar) ?
                      urc->dlgNewSize.cy - si->iSplitterY :
                      urc->dlgNewSize.cy - si->iSplitterY;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V583 The '?:' operator, regardless of its conditional expression, always returns one and the same value: 1. TabSRMM tools.cpp 301
  • V583 The '?:' operator, regardless of its conditional expression, always returns one and the same value: 9. TabSRMM msglog.cpp 367
  • V583 The '?:' operator, regardless of its conditional expression, always returns one and the same value: 2. TabSRMM themes.cpp 2287
  • And 8 additional diagnostic messages.

Spring Engine

V583 The '?:' operator, regardless of its conditional expression, always returns one and the same value: player.cpuUsage. engine-dedicated%engine-headless%engine-legacy gameserver.cpp 902

void CGameServer::LagProtection()
  const float playerCpuUsage =
    player.isLocal ? player.cpuUsage : player.cpuUsage; // <=

Haiku Operation System

V583 The '?:' operator, regardless of its conditional expression, always returns one and the same value. impactv.c 520

void Radeon_CalcImpacTVRegisters(....)
  values->tv_hstart =
    internal_encoder ?
    values->tv_hdisp + 1 - params->mode888 + 12 :
    values->tv_hdisp + 1 - params->mode888 + 12;


V583 The '?:' operator, regardless of its conditional expression, always returns one and the same value: 12. Telegram window.cpp 1607

void Window::placeSmallCounter(.... int size, int count, ....)
  QString cnt = (count < 100) ? QString("%1").arg(count) :
                count % 10, 1, 10, QChar('0'));
  int32 cntSize = cnt.size();
  int32 fontSize;
  if (size == 16) {
    fontSize = 8;
  } else if (size == 32) {
    fontSize = (cntSize < 2) ? 12 : 12;
  } else {
    fontSize = (cntSize < 2) ? 22 : 22;

FreeBSD Kernel

V583 The '?:' operator, regardless of its conditional expression, always returns one and the same value: td->td_name. subr_turnstile.c 1029

static void
print_thread(struct thread *td, const char *prefix)
  db_printf("%s%p (tid %d, pid %d, ....", prefix, td, td->td_tid,
      td->td_proc->p_pid, td->td_name[0] != '\0' ? td->td_name :

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V583 The '?:' operator, regardless of its conditional expression, always returns one and the same value: td->td_name. subr_turnstile.c 1112
  • V583 The '?:' operator, regardless of its conditional expression, always returns one and the same value: td->td_name. subr_turnstile.c 1196

CryEngine V

V583 The '?:' operator, regardless of its conditional expression, always returns one and the same value: -1.8f. posealignerc3.cpp 330

ILINE bool InitializePoseAlignerPinger(....)
  chainDesc.offsetMin = Vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, bIsMP ? -1.8f : -1.8f);
  chainDesc.offsetMax = Vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, bIsMP ? +0.75f : +1.f);

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V583 The '?:' operator, regardless of its conditional expression, always returns one and the same value: -1.8f. posealignerc3.cpp 313
  • V583 The '?:' operator, regardless of its conditional expression, always returns one and the same value: -2.f. posealignerc3.cpp 347
  • V583 The '?:' operator, regardless of its conditional expression, always returns one and the same value: D3D11_RTV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE2DARRAY. d3dtexture.cpp 2277
  • And 3 additional diagnostic messages.


V583 The '?:' operator, regardless of its conditional expression, always returns one and the same value: "vlvResult". common.c 2119

static int
  tool_write_ldif( ldif ? LDIF_PUT_COMMENT : LDIF_PUT_VALUE,
      ldif ? "vlvResult" : "vlvResult", buf, rc ); // <=


V583 The '?:' operator, regardless of its conditional expression, always returns one and the same value: 1. configurator_impl.cc 133

int ConfiguratorImpl::StepDelay() const
  return fast_update_ ? 1 : 1;


V583 The '?:' operator, regardless of its conditional expression, always returns one and the same value: SAY_BELNISTRASZ_AGGRO_1. razorfen_downs.cpp 104

void AttackedBy(Unit* pAttacker) override
  if (!m_bAggro)
    DoScriptText(urand(0, 1) ?
                 SAY_BELNISTRASZ_AGGRO_1 : // <=
                 SAY_BELNISTRASZ_AGGRO_1,  // <=
                 m_creature, pAttacker);
    m_bAggro = true;


V583 The '?:' operator, regardless of its conditional expression, always returns one and the same value: true. TimeTrack.cpp 296

void TimeTrack::WriteXML(XMLWriter &xmlFile) const
  // MB: so why don't we just call Invalidate()? :)
  mRuler->SetFlip(GetHeight() > 75 ? true : true);

V8 JavaScript Engine

V583 CWE-783 The '?:' operator, regardless of its conditional expression, always returns one and the same value: "<RemoteObject>". objects.cc 2993

void JSObject::JSObjectShortPrint(StringStream* accumulator) {
  accumulator->Add(global_object ? "<RemoteObject>" :

Most likely, there's some sort of a typo.


V583 CWE-783 The '?:' operator, regardless of its conditional expression, always returns one and the same value: get_file_node(y_file_id). filemanager.cpp 871

Result<FileId> FileManager::merge(FileId x_file_id,
                                  FileId y_file_id,
                                  bool no_sync)
  FileNodePtr x_node = no_sync ? get_file_node(x_file_id) :
  FileNodePtr y_node = no_sync ? get_file_node(y_file_id) :
                                 get_file_node(y_file_id);  // <=


V583 The '?:' operator, regardless of its conditional expression, always returns one and the same value: d->paragraphStylesDotXmlStyles.values(). KoTextSharedLoadingData.cpp 594

QList<KoParagraphStyle *>
KoTextSharedLoadingData::paragraphStyles(bool stylesDotXml) const
    return stylesDotXml ?
        d->paragraphStylesDotXmlStyles.values() :
        d->paragraphStylesDotXmlStyles.values(); // <=


V583 The '?:' operator, regardless of its conditional expression, always returns one and the same value: qFloor(axis). kis_transform_worker.cc 456

void mirror_impl(KisPaintDeviceSP dev,
                 qreal axis,
                 bool isHorizontal)
    int leftCenterPoint = qFloor(axis) < axis ?
        qFloor(axis) : qFloor(axis); // <=
    int leftEnd = qMin(leftCenterPoint, rightEnd);

    int rightCenterPoint = qFloor(axis) < axis ?
        qCeil(axis) : qFloor(axis);
    int rightStart = qMax(rightCenterPoint, leftStart);

Vangers: One For The Road

V583 CWE-783 The '?:' operator, regardless of its conditional expression, always returns one and the same value. iextern.cpp 2461

const char* iGetJoyBtnNameText(int vkey,int lang)
  const char *ret;
  if (vkey & VK_BUTTON)
    if (vkey >= VK_BUTTON_1 && vkey <= VK_BUTTON_32)
      ret = (lang)
        ? iJoystickButtons2[vkey - VK_BUTTON_1]
        : iJoystickButtons1[vkey - VK_BUTTON_1];
      return ret;
      return NULL; //WARNING NEED VIEW!!!
  if (vkey & VK_STICK_SWITCH)
    if (vkey >= VK_STICK_SWITCH_1 && vkey <= VK_STICK_SWITCH_9)
      ret = (lang)
        ? iJoystickStickSwitch2[vkey - VK_STICK_SWITCH_1]       // <=
        : iJoystickStickSwitch2[vkey - VK_STICK_SWITCH_1];      // <=
      return ret;
      return NULL; //WARNING NEED VIEW!!!


Haiku Operation System

V583 The '?:' operator, regardless of its conditional expression, always returns one and the same value: 500000. usb_modeswitch.cpp 361

static status_t
  do {
    bigtime_t timeout = directionIn ? 500000 : 500000;
    result = acquire_sem_etc(device->notify, 1, B_RELATIVE_TIMEOUT, timeout);
  } while (result == B_INTERRUPTED);

Command & Conquer

V583 The '?:' operator, regardless of its conditional expression, always returns one and the same value: 3072. STARTUP.CPP 1136

void Read_Setup_Options( RawFileClass *config_file )
  ScreenHeight = ini.Get_Bool("Options", "Resolution", false) ? 3072 : 3072;


V583 The '?:' operator, regardless of its conditional expression, always returns one and the same value. gamelistmodel.cpp 415

bool GameListModel::lessThan(...., int column, bool ascending) const
  const GameListEntry& left  = m_game_list->GetEntries()[left_row];
  const GameListEntry& right = m_game_list->GetEntries()[right_row];
    case Column_Type:
      return ascending ?
           <  static_cast<int>(right.type))
           >  static_cast<int>(left.type));

Captain Blood

V583 [CWE-783] The '?:' operator, regardless of its conditional expression, always returns one and the same value: 0xffff0000. NoFatality.cpp 63

void _cdecl NoFatality::Draw(float dltTime, long level)
  for (....)
    Render().DrawBox(...., IsActive() ? 0xffff0000 : 0xffff0000);

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