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Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью …

Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью диагностики V600

V600. The 'Foo' pointer is always not equal to NULL. Consider inspecting the condition.


V600 Consider inspecting the condition. The 'headerM' pointer is always not equal to NULL. notepadPlus printer.cpp 378

size_t Printer::doPrint(bool justDoIt)
  TCHAR headerM[headerSize] = TEXT("");
  if (headerM != '\0')

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V600 Consider inspecting the condition. The 'headerR' pointer is always not equal to NULL. notepadPlus printer.cpp 390


V600 Consider inspecting the condition. The 'mainVerStr' pointer is always not equal to NULL. Notepad++ nppbigswitch.cpp 938

LRESULT Notepad_plus::process(
  HWND hwnd, UINT Message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
  TCHAR mainVerStr[16];
  TCHAR auxVerStr[16];
  if (mainVerStr)
    mainVer = generic_atoi(mainVerStr);
  if (auxVerStr)
    auxVer = generic_atoi(auxVerStr);

Unnecessary checks.

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V600 Consider inspecting the condition. The 'auxVerStr' pointer is always not equal to NULL. Notepad++ nppbigswitch.cpp 940
  • V600 Consider inspecting the condition. The 'intStr' pointer is always not equal to NULL. Notepad++ preferencedlg.cpp 1871
  • V600 Consider inspecting the condition. The 'intStr' pointer is always not equal to NULL. Notepad++ userdefinedialog.cpp 222
  • And 1 additional diagnostic messages.


V600 Consider inspecting the condition. The 'dsa_c[i]' pointer is always not equal to NULL. speed.c 1486

int MAIN(int argc, char **argv)
  long dsa_c[DSA_NUM][2];
  if (dsa_c[i] == 0)

Most likely this is what should be written here: (dsa_c[i][0] == 0).

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V600 Consider inspecting the condition. The 'ecdsa_c[i]' pointer is always not equal to NULL. speed.c 1506
  • V600 Consider inspecting the condition. The 'ecdsa_c[i]' pointer is always not equal to NULL. speed.c 1523
  • V600 Consider inspecting the condition. The 'ecdsa_c[i]' pointer is always not equal to NULL. speed.c 1540
  • And 3 additional diagnostic messages.

Multi Theft Auto

V600 Consider inspecting the condition. The 'szSerial' pointer is always not equal to NULL. cluafunctiondefs.player.cpp 508

int CLuaFunctionDefs::GetPlayerSerial ( lua_State* luaVM )
  char szSerial [ 64 ];
  g_pCore->GetNetwork()->GetSerial(szSerial, sizeof(szSerial));

  if ( szSerial )
    lua_pushstring ( luaVM, szSerial );
    return 1;

  lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, false );
  return 1;


V600 Consider inspecting the condition. The 'dbb_file->fil_string' pointer is always not equal to NULL. sdw.cpp 961

class jrd_file : public pool_alloc_rpt<SCHAR, type_fil>
  SCHAR fil_string[1];

void SDW_start(....)
  if (dbb_file && dbb_file->fil_string &&
      expanded_name == dbb_file->fil_string)


V600 Consider inspecting the condition. The 'process_id' pointer is always not equal to NULL. itkmultithreaderwinthreads.cxx 90

void MultiThreader::MultipleMethodExecute()
  process_id[thread_loop] = (void *) _beginthreadex(0, 0, ....);

  if ( process_id == 0 )
    itkExceptionMacro("Error in thread creation !!!");

Most likely this is what should be written here: if ( process_id[thread_loop] == 0 )


V600 Consider inspecting the condition. The 'name' pointer is always not equal to NULL. fsodbc.cpp 323

  SQLCHAR name[1024] = "";                                  // <=
  SQLCHAR *data = _colbuf;
  SQLLEN pcbValue;

  SQLDescribeCol(_stmt, x, name, sizeof(name), ....);       // <=
  SQLGetData(_stmt, x, SQL_C_CHAR, _colbuf, _cblen, &pcbValue);

  if (name) {                                               // <=
    if (SQL_NULL_DATA == pcbValue) {
        (const char *)name), Null(info.GetIsolate()));
    } else {
        (const char *)name), String::NewFromUtf8(GetIsolate(),
        data ? (const char *)data : ""));

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