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Вебинар: SAST как Quality Gate - 13.03

Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью …

Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью диагностики V6032

V6032. It is odd that the body of 'Foo_1' function is fully equivalent to the body of 'Foo_2' function.


V6032 It is odd that the body of method 'setUpdatedAtFromDefinition' is fully equivalent to the body of another method 'setUpdatedAtFromMetadata'. Check lines: 396, 405. RuleDto.java 396

public class RuleDto {
  private final RuleDefinitionDto definition;
  private final RuleMetadataDto metadata;
  private void setUpdatedAtFromDefinition(@Nullable Long updatedAt) {
    if (updatedAt != null && updatedAt > definition.getUpdatedAt()) {

  private void setUpdatedAtFromMetadata(@Nullable Long updatedAt) {
    if (updatedAt != null && updatedAt > definition.getUpdatedAt()) {

A definition field is used in the method setUpdatedAtFromMetadata. Most likely, the metadata field should be used. This is very similar to the effects of a failed Copy-Paste.

CUBA Platform

V6032 It is odd that the body of method 'firstItemId' is fully equivalent to the body of another method 'lastItemId'. ContainerTableItems.java(213), ContainerTableItems.java(219)

public Object firstItemId() {
  List<E> items = container.getItems();
  return items.isEmpty() ? null : items.get(0).getId();

public Object lastItemId() {
  List<E> items = container.getItems();
  return items.isEmpty() ? null : items.get(0).getId();

CUBA Platform

V6032 It is odd that the body of method is fully equivalent to the body of another method. SearchComboBoxPainter.java(495), SearchComboBoxPainter.java(501)

private void paintBackgroundDisabledAndEditable(Graphics2D g) {
  rect = decodeRect1();

private void paintBackgroundEnabledAndEditable(Graphics2D g) {
  rect = decodeRect1();

Huawei Cloud

V6032 It is odd that the body of method 'enable' is fully equivalent to the body of another method 'disable'. ServiceAction.java(32), ServiceAction.java(36)

public class ServiceAction implements ModelEntity
  private String binary;
  private String host;

  private ServiceAction(String binary, String host) {
    this.binary = binary;
    this.host = host;

  public static ServiceAction enable(String binary, String host) { // <=
    return new ServiceAction(binary, host);

  public static ServiceAction disable(String binary, String host) { // <=
    return new ServiceAction(binary, host);

Apache Flink

V6032 It is odd that the body of method 'seekToFirst' is fully equivalent to the body of another method 'seekToLast'. RocksIteratorWrapper.java(53), RocksIteratorWrapper.java(59)

public class RocksIteratorWrapper implements RocksIteratorInterface, Closeable {
  private RocksIterator iterator;

  public void seekToFirst() {
    iterator.seekToFirst(); // <=

  public void seekToLast() {
    iterator.seekToFirst();  // <=


public class RocksIterator extends AbstractRocksIterator<RocksDB>

public abstract class AbstractRocksIterator<...> extends ...
  public void seekToFirst() // <=
    assert this.isOwningHandle();

  public void seekToLast() // <=
    assert this.isOwningHandle();


V6032 It is odd that the body of method 'endCheckSwitch' is fully equivalent to the body of another method 'endCheckTry'. Node.java(681), Node.java(717)

public class Node implements Iterable<Node> {
  private int endCheckSwitch() {
    int rv = END_UNREACHED;

    // examine the cases
    //         for (n = first.next; n != null; n = n.next)
    //         {
    //             if (n.type == Token.CASE) {
    //                 rv |= ((Jump)n).target.endCheck();
    //             } else
    //                 break;
    //         }

    //         // we don't care how the cases drop into each other
    //         rv &= ~END_DROPS_OFF;

    //         // examine the default
    //         n = ((Jump)this).getDefault();
    //         if (n != null)
    //             rv |= n.endCheck();
    //         else
    //             rv |= END_DROPS_OFF;

    //         // remove the switch block
    //         rv |= getIntProp(CONTROL_BLOCK_PROP, END_UNREACHED);

    return rv;
  private int endCheckTry() {
    int rv = END_UNREACHED;

    // a TryStatement isn't a jump - needs rewriting

    // check the finally if it exists
    //         n = ((Jump)this).getFinally();
    //         if(n != null) {
    //             rv = n.next.first.endCheck();
    //         } else {
    //             rv = END_DROPS_OFF;
    //         }

    //         // if the finally block always returns, then none of the returns
    //         // in the try or catch blocks matter
    //         if ((rv & END_DROPS_OFF) != 0) {
    //             rv &= ~END_DROPS_OFF;

    //             // examine the try block
    //             rv |= first.endCheck();

    //             // check each catch block
    //             n = ((Jump)this).target;
    //             if (n != null)
    //             {
    //                 // point to the first catch_scope
    //                 for (n = n.next.first; n != null; n = n.next.next)
    //                 {
    //                     // check the block of user code in the catch_scope
    //                     rv |= n.next.first.next.first.endCheck();
    //                 }
    //             }
    //         }

    return rv;

NetBeans 21

V6032 It is odd that the body of method 'addPropertyChangeListener' is fully equivalent to the body of another method 'removePropertyChangeListener'. EditorMimeTypesImpl.java(63), EditorMimeTypesImpl.java(69)

public final class EditorMimeTypesImpl
             implements EditorMimeTypesImplementation {

  private final PropertyChangeSupport listeners;

  public void addPropertyChangeListener(@NonNull final
                                    PropertyChangeListener listener) {
    Parameters.notNull("listener", listener);   //NOI18N

  public void removePropertyChangeListener(@NonNull final
                                    PropertyChangeListener listener) {
    Parameters.notNull("listener", listener);   //NOI18N

NetBeans 21

V6032 It is odd that the body of method 'getWidth' is fully equivalent to the body of another method 'getHeight'. MethodParamsTipPaintComponent.java(121), MethodParamsTipPaintComponent.java(126)

public class MethodParamsTipPaintComponent extends JToolTip {
  protected int getWidth(String s, Font font) {
    if (font == null) return fontMetrics.stringWidth(s);
      return getFontMetrics(font).stringWidth(s);

  protected int getHeight(String s, Font font) {
    if (font == null) return fontMetrics.stringWidth(s);
      return getFontMetrics(font).stringWidth(s);

Apache Solr

V6032 It is odd that the body of method 'makeFeatures' is fully equivalent to the body of another method 'makeFilterFeatures'. TestLTRScoringQuery.java 66, TestLTRScoringQuery.java 79

private static List<Feature> makeFeatures(int[] featureIds) {
  final List<Feature> features = new ArrayList<>();
  for (final int i : featureIds) {
    Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    params.put("value", i);
    final Feature f = Feature.getInstance(solrResourceLoader,
                       ValueFeature.class.getName(), "f" + i, params);
  return features;

private static List<Feature> makeFilterFeatures(int[] featureIds) {
  final List<Feature> features = new ArrayList<>();
  for (final int i : featureIds) {
    Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    params.put("value", i);
    final Feature f = Feature.getInstance(solrResourceLoader,
                       ValueFeature.class.getName(), "f" + i, params);
  return features;

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