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Вебинар: SAST как Quality Gate - 13.03

Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью …

Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью диагностики V614

V614. Use of 'Foo' uninitialized variable.

Trans-Proteomic Pipeline

V614 Uninitialized variable 'fval' used. tpplib mixturemodel.cxx 834

void MixtureModel::assessPeptideProperties(char* filename,
                               Boolean icat, Boolean glyc)
  double fval;
  // fval is not used
  if(! icat && strstr(pep, "C") != NULL && fval >= min_fval) {

Trans-Proteomic Pipeline

V614 Uninitialized variable 'iSeqSize' used. xtandem mscore_c.cpp 552

double mscore_c::dot_hr(unsigned long *_v)
  int iSeqSize;
  //perform a single pass through each array.
  //check every point in m_pfSeq,
  //but don't revisit positions in m_vmiType
  for (int a = 0; a < iSeqSize; a++) {

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V614 Uninitialized variable 'separator' used. pwiz sampledatum.hpp 95
  • V614 Uninitialized variable 'close' used. pwiz sampledatum.hpp 96
  • V614 Uninitialized variable 'threshold' used. pwiz spectrumlistfactory.cpp 497
  • And 3 additional diagnostic messages.

IPP Samples

V614 Potentially uninitialized pointer 'pDirEntry' used. Consider checking the first actual argument of the 'vm_dir_close' function. loadcodec.c 287

Ipp32s GetUSCCodecParamsByFormat(
  LoadedCodec *codec, Ipp32s lQuery,FILE *f_log)
   vm_dir *pDirEntry;
   if(codec->pSOHandle==NULL) {
      st = vm_dir_open(&pDirEntry,SO_FILE_MASK);
   return -1;


V614 Potentially uninitialized variable 'rtRefClockTimeNow' used. syncrenderer.cpp 3604

void CSyncAP::RenderThread()
  REFERENCE_TIME rtRefClockTimeNow;
  if (m_pRefClock) {
  LONG lLastVsyncTime =
    (LONG)((m_llEstVBlankTime - rtRefClockTimeNow) / 10000);


V614 Uninitialized pointer 'hKey' used. Consider checking the first actual argument of the 'RegCreateKeyExW' function. tcpipconf_notify.c 3138

  INetCfgComponentControl * iface)
  HKEY hKey;
  if (RegCreateKeyExW(hKey,
      ....) == ERROR_SUCCESS)


V614 Potentially uninitialized variable 'nSqlRet' used. odbcsapi.cpp 220

int OdbcDisconnect(void* pvSqlCtx)
  if (nRet == SUCCESS)
    nSqlRet = SQLDisconnect(pSqlCtx->hDbc);
  if (SQLRET_FAIL(nSqlRet))

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V614 Potentially uninitialized variable 'dwNumRows' used. session.cpp 2112
  • V614 Potentially uninitialized variable 'dwNumRows' used. session.cpp 7525
  • V614 Potentially uninitialized variable 'dwNumRows' used. session.cpp 7659
  • And 3 additional diagnostic messages.


V614 Potentially uninitialized variable 'result' used. ie_event_sink.cc 240

HRESULT IEEventSink::Attach(IWebBrowser2* browser) {
  HRESULT result;
  if (browser) {
    web_browser2_ = browser;
    result = DispEventAdvise(web_browser2_,
  return result;


V614 Potentially uninitialized variable 'skip_dir_check' used. Consider checking the fifth actual argument of the 'Bind' function. save_package.cc 1326

void SavePackage::GetSaveInfo() {
  bool skip_dir_check;
  if (....) {
    ....->GetSaveDir(...., &skip_dir_check);
                          base::Bind(..., skip_dir_check, ...));

Embedded SSL Library

V614 Potentially uninitialized variable 'rhSize' used. sniffer.c 2255

static int ProcessMessage(....)
  int rhSize;
  notEnough = 0;
  if (sslBytes >= RECORD_HEADER_SZ) {
    if (GetRecordHeader(sslFrame, &rh, &rhSize) != 0) {
      return -1;
    notEnough = 1;
  if (notEnough || rhSize > (sslBytes - RECORD_HEADER_SZ)) {

  tmp = sslFrame + rhSize;   // <=

Trans-Proteomic Pipeline

V614 Potentially uninitialized pointer 'pScanIndex' used. sqt2xml.cxx 476

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  ramp_fileoffset_t *pScanIndex;
  if ( (pFI=rampOpenFile(mzXmlPath_.c_str()))==NULL) {
  } else {
    pScanIndex = readIndex(pFI, indexOffset,
                           &iAnalysisLastScan );
  if (pScanIndex != NULL)

  return 0;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V614 Potentially uninitialized pointer 'fp_' used. Consider checking the second actual argument of the 'PRINT_DATA' function. dta-xml.cpp 307


V614 Uninitialized variable 'i' used. mayadmtypes.h 1728

void write(FILE* file) const
  fprintf(file,"%i %i %i %i ",
    sDivisionCount, tDivisionCount, uDivisionCount, pointCount);
  size_t size = pointCount*3;
  for(size_t i; i<size; ++i)
    fprintf(file, "%f", points[i]);
    if(i+1<size) fprintf(file, " ");

Apache HTTP Server

V614 Potentially uninitialized pointer 'wch' used. apr start.c 58

static int warrsztoastr(const char * const * *retarr,
                        const wchar_t * arrsz, int args)
  const apr_wchar_t *wch;

  if (args < 0) {
    for (args = 1, wch = arrsz; wch[0] || wch[1]; ++wch)
      if (!*wch)
  wsize = 1 + wch - arrsz;

Geant4 software

V614 Potentially uninitialized iterator 'insert_index' used. g4excitedstring.hh 193

typedef std::vector<G4Parton *> G4PartonVector;

void G4ExcitedString::InsertParton(
  G4Parton *aParton, const G4Parton * addafter)
  G4PartonVector::iterator insert_index;
  if ( addafter != NULL )
                           thePartons.end(), addafter);
  thePartons.insert(insert_index+1, aParton);

GNU C Library

V614 Uninitialized variable 'resplen' used. res_send.c 790

static int send_vc(....)
  int truncating, connreset, resplen, n;
  #ifdef _STRING_ARCH_unaligned
    *anssizp2 = orig_anssizp - resplen;
    *ansp2 = *ansp + resplen;


V614 Uninitialized variable 'sdl_operator' used. sdl.cpp 404

static const UCHAR* compile(const UCHAR* sdl, sdl_arg* arg)
  SLONG n, count, variable, value, sdl_operator;
  switch (op)
    case isc_sdl_add:
      sdl_operator = op_add;
    case isc_sdl_subtract:
      if (!sdl_operator)
        sdl_operator = op_subtract;


V614 Potentially uninitialized pointer 'fieldNode' used. blb.cpp 1043

void blb::move(....)
  const FieldNode* fieldNode;
  if (field)
    if ((fieldNode = ExprNode::as<FieldNode>(field)))
  const USHORT id = fieldNode->fieldId;


V614 Potentially uninitialized variable 'info_bits' used. g723_1.c 2335

static int pack_bitstream(G723_1_Context *p,
  unsigned char *frame, int size)
  int info_bits;
  if (p->cur_rate == RATE_6300) {
    info_bits = 0;
    put_bits(&pb, 2, info_bits);
  return frame_size[info_bits];


V614 Potentially uninitialized pointer 'loc' used. getfunctionbyname.c 61

typedef void (*voidf)();

voidf GetFunctionByName (char *name, int *rep, FTAB *table)
  void (*loc)();
  if (name)
    loc = Emptyfunc;

Word for Windows 1.1a

V614 Uninitialized pointer 'pfl' used. Consider checking the first actual argument of the 'fclose' function. eldes.c 87

main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char * argv [];
  FILE * pfl;
  for (argi = 1; argi < argc; ++argi)
    if (FWild(argv[argi]))
      FEnumWild(argv[argi], FEWild, 0);
      FEWild(argv[argi], 0);


Word for Windows 1.1a

V614 Uninitialized pointer 'rgsz0' used. Consider checking the first actual argument of the 'strcpy' function. makeopus.c 961

FPathSpawn( rgsz )
char *rgsz[];
{ /* puts the correct path at the beginning of rgsz[0]
     and calls FSpawnRgsz */
  char *rgsz0;

  strcpy(rgsz0, szToolsDir);
  strcat(rgsz0, "\\");
  strcat(rgsz0, rgsz[0]);
  return FSpawnRgsz(rgsz0, rgsz);


V614 Potentially uninitialized pointer 'layout' used. ogdf ogmlparser.cpp 2337

bool OgmlParser::buildAttributedClusterGraph(....)
  XmlTagObject* layout;
  if (structure->m_pBrother != NULL) {
    layout = structure->m_pBrother;
  if ((layout) &&
      (layout->getName() == Ogml::s_tagNames[Ogml::t_layout]))


V614 Potentially uninitialized pointer 'wch' used. libapr start.c 58

static int warrsztoastr(const char * const * *retarr,
                        const wchar_t * arrsz, int args)
  const apr_wchar_t *wch;
  if (args < 0) {
    for (args = 1, wch = arrsz; wch[0] || wch[1]; ++wch)
      if (!*wch)
  wsize = 1 + wch - arrsz;

Mozilla Firefox

V614 Potentially uninitialized pointer 'device' used. nptest_windows.cpp 164

static ID3D10Device1*
  ID3D10Device1 *device;
  if (createDXGIFactory1)
    hr = createD3DDevice(...., &device);
  return device;

Oracle VM Virtual Box

V614 Potentially uninitialized variable 'rc' used. suplib-win.cpp 367

static int suplibOsStopService(void)
  /* Assume it didn't exist, so we'll create the service. */
  int  rc;
  SC_HANDLE  hSMgr = OpenSCManager(....);
  if (hSMgr)
    rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
  return rc;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V614 Potentially uninitialized variable 'rc' used. suplib-win.cpp 416

Miranda NG

V614 Potentially uninitialized pointer 'url' used. IEView ieview.cpp 1117

BSTR IEView::getHrefFromAnchor(IHTMLElement *element)
  if (SUCCEEDED(....) {
    VARIANT variant;
    BSTR url;
    if (SUCCEEDED(element->getAttribute(L"href", 2, &variant) &&
        variant.vt == VT_BSTR))
      url = mir_tstrdup(variant.bstrVal);
    return url;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V614 Potentially uninitialized pointer 'hTimeZone' used. Consider checking the second actual argument of the 'Template_MakeRelativeDate' function. TabSRMM msglog.cpp 799
  • V614 Potentially uninitialized pointer 'tSet' used. TabSRMM templates.cpp 221
  • V614 Potentially uninitialized pointer 'szLast' used. Consider checking the first actual argument of the 'null_strdup' function. ICQ icq_servlist.cpp 1714
  • And 17 additional diagnostic messages.

Godot Engine

V614 Potentially uninitialized pointer 'name' used. cp_player_data_control.cpp 244

const char* CPPlayer::get_voice_sample_name(int p_voice)
  const char *name;
  if (!voice[p_voice].sample_ptr)
  return name;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V614 Potentially uninitialized pointer 'name' used. cp_player_data_control.cpp 313


V614 Potentially uninitialized pointer 't' used. vhdlparser.cc 4127

QCString VhdlParser::extended_identifier()
  Token *t;
  if (!hasError)
    t = jj_consume_token(EXTENDED_CHARACTER);
  return t->image.c_str();

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V614 Potentially uninitialized pointer 'tmpEntry' used. vhdlparser.cc 4451
  • V614 Potentially uninitialized pointer 't' used. vhdlparser.cc 5304

Mozilla Thunderbird

V614 Potentially uninitialized pointer 'hOldFont' used. progressui_win.cpp 168

static void InitDialog(....)
  HFONT hInfoFont, hOldFont;
  hInfoFont = (HFONT)SendMessage(hWndInfo, WM_GETFONT, 0, 0);

  if (hInfoFont)
    hOldFont = (HFONT)SelectObject(hDCInfo, hInfoFont);
  if (hOldFont)
    SelectObject(hDCInfo, hOldFont);

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V614 Potentially uninitialized pointer 'queryD3DKMTStatistics' used. gfxwindowsplatform.cpp 206


V614 Potentially uninitialized pointer 'socket' used. Consider checking the first actual argument of the 'connect' function. tmsgcore.cpp 36

void TMsgCore::OnNewConnection() //server side
  QTcpSocket *socket;
  if (m_tcpServer)
    socket = m_tcpServer->nextPendingConnection();

  bool ret = connect(socket, ....);
  ret = ret && connect(socket, ....);


V614 Uninitialized iterator 'it1' used. fxcommand.cpp 2096

QString DeleteLinksUndo::getHistoryString()
  std::list<TFxP>::const_iterator it1; // <=
  std::list<TFx *>::const_iterator ft;
  for (ft = m_terminalFxs.begin(); ft != ....end(); ++ft) {
    if (ft != m_terminalFxs.begin())
      str += QString(",  ");
    str += QString("%1- -Xsheet")


V614 Potentially uninitialized pointer 'pptr' used. Consider checking the first actual argument of the 'check_hierarchical' function. uri.c 6838

static HRESULT parse_canonicalize(....)
  const WCHAR **pptr;
  if(uri->scheme_start > -1 && uri->path_start > -1) {
    ptr = uri->canon_uri+uri->scheme_start+uri->scheme_len+1;
    pptr = &ptr;
  reduce_path = !(flags & URL_DONT_SIMPLIFY) &&
                  ptr && check_hierarchical(pptr);

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V614 Potentially uninitialized pointer 'name' used. Consider checking the third actual argument of the 'disp_get_id' function. engine.c 928
  • V614 Potentially uninitialized pointer 'name_str' used. Consider checking the first actual argument of the 'jsstr_release' function. engine.c 929
  • V614 Potentially uninitialized pointer 'FileHandle' used. Consider checking the first actual argument of the 'CloseHandle' function. dosfiles.c 402
  • And 3 additional diagnostic messages.


V614 Potentially uninitialized pointer 'sigint_event' used. semaphore.c 120

static PyObject *
semlock_acquire(SemLockObject *self,
                PyObject *args,
                PyObject *kwds)
  HANDLE handles[2], sigint_event;
  /* prepare list of handles */
  nhandles = 0;
  handles[nhandles++] = self->handle;
  if (_PyOS_IsMainThread()) {
    sigint_event = _PyOS_SigintEvent();
    assert(sigint_event != NULL);
    handles[nhandles++] = sigint_event;

  /* do the wait */
  if (sigint_event != NULL)  // <=

FreeBSD Kernel

V614 Uninitialized variable 'status' used. tdioctl.c 3396

osGLOBAL bit32
      tiRoot_t             *tiRoot,
      tiIOCTLPayload_t     *agIOCTLPayload,
      void                 *agParam1,
      void                 *agParam2,
      unsigned long        resetType
  bit32    status;
  tmf_pass_through_req_t  *tmf_req = ....;
#if !(defined(__FreeBSD__))
  status = ostiSendResetDeviceIoctl(tiRoot, agParam2,
    tmf_req->pathId, tmf_req->targetId, tmf_req->lun, resetType);
    "Status returned from ostiSendResetDeviceIoctl is %d\n",
  if(status != IOCTL_CALL_SUCCESS)
    agIOCTLPayload->Status = status;
    return status;
  return status;


V614 Potentially uninitialized variable 'sparse_input_start' used. sample_inputs_op.cc 351

void Compute(OpKernelContext* context) override {
  int64 sparse_input_start;                               // <=
  if (sparse_input) {
    num_total_features += GetNumSparseFeatures(
      sparse_input_indices, *it, &sparse_input_start);    // <=
  if (num_total_features == 0) {
    LOG(WARNING) << "num total features is zero.";
  if (rand_feature < input_spec_.dense_features_size()) {
  } else {
    const int32 sparse_index = sparse_input_start +       // <=
      rand_feature - input_spec_.dense_features_size();

EFL Core Libraries

V614 Uninitialized variable 'temp' used. Consider checking the first actual argument of the 'gmtime' function. elm_calendar.c 720

extern struct tm *gmtime (const time_t *__timer)
  __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

static void
_set_headers(Evas_Object *obj)
  static char part[] = "ch_0.text";
  int i;
  struct tm *t;
  time_t temp;


  sd->filling = EINA_TRUE;

  t = gmtime(&temp);


V614 Uninitialized variable 'pageWidth' used. Consider checking the third actual argument of the 'doCredits' function. importmxmlpass1.cpp 944

void MusicXMLParserPass1::scorePartwise()
  int pageWidth;
  int pageHeight;

  while (_e.readNextStartElement()) {
    if (_e.name() == "part")
    else if (_e.name() == "part-list") {
      doCredits(_score, credits, pageWidth, pageHeight);// <= USE
    else if (_e.name() == "defaults")
      defaults(pageWidth, pageHeight);                 // <= INIT


V614 Uninitialized variable 'req.height' used. Consider checking the second actual argument of the 'set_size_request' function. time_axis_view.cc 159

TimeAxisView::TimeAxisView (....)
  boost::scoped_ptr<Gtk::Entry> an_entry (new FocusEntry);
  an_entry->set_name (X_("TrackNameEditor"));
  Gtk::Requisition req;
  an_entry->size_request (req);

  name_label.set_size_request (-1, req.height);
  name_label.set_ellipsize (Pango::ELLIPSIZE_MIDDLE);

void size_request(const Requisition& requisition);


V614 CWE-457 Uninitialized variable 'command.result[0]' used. lpc_iap.c 187

typedef struct {
    uint32_t cmd;   // Command
    uint32_t param[4];      // Parameters
    uint32_t status;        // status code
    uint32_t result[4];     // Result

IAP_STATUS_CODE BlankCheckSector(
  uint32_t start_sec, uint32_t end_sec,
  uint32_t *first_nblank_loc,
  uint32_t *first_nblank_val)
  IAP_COMMAND_Type command;

  command.cmd    = IAP_BLANK_CHECK;
  command.param[0] = start_sec;
  command.param[1] = end_sec;
  IAP_Call (&command.cmd, &command.status);

  if(command.status == SECTOR_NOT_BLANK)
    // Update out value
    if(first_nblank_loc != NULL)
      *first_nblank_loc =  command.result[0];
    if(first_nblank_val != NULL)
      *first_nblank_val =  command.result[1];

  return (IAP_STATUS_CODE)command.status;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V614 CWE-457 Uninitialized variable 'command.result[1]' used. lpc_iap.c 189
  • V614 CWE-457 Uninitialized variable 'command.result[0]' used. lpc_iap.c 236
  • V614 CWE-457 Uninitialized variable 'command.result[i]' used. lpc_iap.c 264


V614 CWE-457 Uninitialized variable 'k' used. lpc_lcd.c 510

void LCD_PutPixel (LCD_PANEL panel, uint32_t X_Left,
                   uint32_t Y_Up, LcdPixel_t color)
  uint32_t k;
  uint32_t * pWordData = NULL;
  uint8_t*   pByteData = NULL;
  uint32_t  bitOffset;
  uint8_t*   pByteSrc = (uint8_t*)&color;
  uint8_t  bpp = bits_per_pixel[lcd_config.lcd_bpp];
  uint8_t  bytes_per_pixel = bpp/8;
  uint32_t start_bit;

  if((X_Left >= lcd_hsize)||(Y_Up >= lcd_vsize))

  if(panel == LCD_PANEL_UPPER)
    pWordData = (uint32_t*) LPC_LCD->UPBASE +
    pWordData = (uint32_t*) LPC_LCD->LPBASE +

  bitOffset = LCD_GetBitOffset(X_Left,Y_Up);
  pByteData = (uint8_t*) pWordData;
  pByteData += bitOffset/8;

  start_bit =  bitOffset%8;

  if(bpp < 8)
    uint8_t bit_pos = start_bit;
    uint8_t bit_ofs = 0;
    for(bit_ofs = 0;bit_ofs <bpp; bit_ofs++,bit_pos++)
      *pByteData &= ~ (0x01 << bit_pos);
      *pByteData |=
        ((*pByteSrc >> (k+bit_ofs)) & 0x01) << bit_pos;   // <=


V614 CWE-457 Uninitialized variable 't.tv_nsec' used. clock_ns.h 55

struct timespec
  __time_t tv_sec;    /* Seconds.  */
  long int tv_nsec;   /* Nanoseconds.  */

static inline timespec NsToTimespec(int64_t ns) {
  timespec t;
  int32_t remainder;

  t.tv_sec = ns / kNanosPerSecond;
  remainder = ns % kNanosPerSecond;
  if (remainder < 0) {
    remainder += kNanosPerSecond;
  t.tv_nsec = remainder;

  return t;


V614 CWE-824 Potentially uninitialized pointer 'p_opt' used. Consider checking the second actual argument of the 'memcpy' function. mca_main.cc 252

void mca_set_cfg_by_tbl(....) {
  tMCA_DCB* p_dcb;
  const tL2CAP_FCR_OPTS* p_opt;

  if (p_tbl->tcid == MCA_CTRL_TCID) {
    p_opt = &mca_l2c_fcr_opts_def;
  } else {
    p_dcb = mca_dcb_by_hdl(p_tbl->cb_idx);
    if (p_dcb) {
      p_opt = &p_dcb->p_chnl_cfg->fcr_opt;
      fcs = p_dcb->p_chnl_cfg->fcs;
  memset(p_cfg, 0, sizeof(tL2CAP_CFG_INFO));
  p_cfg->mtu_present = true;
  p_cfg->mtu = p_tbl->my_mtu;
  p_cfg->fcr_present = true;
  memcpy(&p_cfg->fcr, p_opt, sizeof(tL2CAP_FCR_OPTS));    // <=

System Shock

V614 Potentially uninitialized pointer 'pc1' used. AI.C 597

typedef enum ObjClass {
} ObjClass;
errtype do_random_loot(ObjID corpse)
 int *pc1, *pc2;
   if (....)
     switch (objs[corpse].obclass)
       case CLASS_CONTAINER:
       *pc1 = 0;
       *pc2 = 0;
        pc1 = &objSmallstuffs[osid].data1;
        pc2 = &objSmallstuffs[osid].data2;

      if (*pc1 == 0)
      if (*pc2 == 0)

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V614 Potentially uninitialized pointer 'pc2' used. AI.C 609

System Shock

V614 Uninitialized variable 'err' used. EVENT.C 953

errtype uiInit(uiSlab* slab)
  errtype err;
  // err = ui_init_cursors();
  if (err != OK) return err;

NCBI Genome Workbench

V614 Uninitialized variable 'm_BitSet' used. SnpBitAttributes.hpp 187

/// SNP bit attribute container.
class CSnpBitAttributes
  /// Internal storage for bits.
  Uint8 m_BitSet;

inline CSnpBitAttributes::CSnpBitAttributes(Uint8 bits) : m_BitSet(bits)

inline CSnpBitAttributes::CSnpBitAttributes(const vector<char>& octet_string)
  auto count = sizeof(m_BitSet);
  auto byte = octet_string.end();

    m_BitSet = (m_BitSet << 8) | *--byte;
  while (--count > 0);

Haiku Operation System

V614 Uninitialized pointer 'res' used. commands.c 2873

struct addrinfo {
 int ai_flags;
 int ai_family;
 int ai_socktype;
 int ai_protocol;
 socklen_t ai_addrlen;
 char *ai_canonname;
 struct sockaddr *ai_addr;
 struct addrinfo *ai_next;

static int
sourceroute(struct addrinfo *ai, char *arg, char **cpp,
            int *lenp, int *protop, int *optp)
  static char buf[1024 + ALIGNBYTES];
  char *cp, *cp2, *lsrp, *ep;
  struct sockaddr_in *_sin;
#ifdef INET6
  struct sockaddr_in6 *sin6;
  struct ip6_rthdr *rth;
  struct addrinfo hints, *res;     // <=
  int error;
  char c;

  if (cpp == NULL || lenp == NULL)
    return -1;
  if (*cpp != NULL) {
    switch (res->ai_family) {      // <=
    case AF_INET:
      if (*lenp < 7)
        return -1;

error = getaddrinfo(cp, NULL, &hints, &res);

Haiku Operation System

V614 Uninitialized variable 'rval' used. fetch.c 1727

auto_fetch(int argc, char *argv[])
  volatile int  argpos;
  int    rval;
  argpos = 0;

  if (sigsetjmp(toplevel, 1)) {
    if (connected)
      disconnect(0, NULL);
    if (rval > 0)
      rval = argpos + 1;
    return (rval);


V614 Uninitialized pointer 'str' used. cmVSSetupHelper.h 80

class SmartBSTR
  SmartBSTR() { str = NULL; }
  SmartBSTR(const SmartBSTR& src)
    if (src.str != NULL) {
      str = ::SysAllocStringByteLen((char*)str, ::SysStringByteLen(str));
    } else {
      str = ::SysAllocStringByteLen(NULL, 0);

Espressif IoT Development Framework

V614 Uninitialized buffer 'hex' used. Consider checking the second actual argument of the 'memcpy' function. wps_registrar.c 1657

int wps_build_cred(struct wps_data *wps, struct wpabuf *msg)
  } else if (wps->use_psk_key && wps->wps->psk_set) {
    char hex[65];
    wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG,  "WPS: Use PSK format for Network Key");
    os_memcpy(wps->cred.key, hex, 32 * 2);
    wps->cred.key_len = 32 * 2;
  } else if (wps->wps->network_key) {

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V614 Uninitialized buffer 'hex' used. Consider checking the second actual argument of the 'memcpy' function. wps_registrar.c 1678

Espressif IoT Development Framework

V614 Potentially uninitialized buffer 'seq' used. Consider checking the first actual argument of the 'strlen' function. linenoise.c 435

void refreshShowHints(struct abuf *ab, struct linenoiseState *l, int plen) {
    char seq[64];
    if (hintsCallback && plen+l->len < l->cols) {
        int color = -1, bold = 0;
        char *hint = hintsCallback(l->buf,&color,&bold);
        if (hint) {
            int hintlen = strlen(hint);
            int hintmaxlen = l->cols-(plen+l->len);
            if (hintlen > hintmaxlen) hintlen = hintmaxlen;
            if (bold == 1 && color == -1) color = 37;
            if (color != -1 || bold != 0)
            abAppend(ab,seq,strlen(seq));                       // <=
            if (color != -1 || bold != 0)
            /* Call the function to free the hint returned. */
            if (freeHintsCallback) freeHintsCallback(hint);

Espressif IoT Development Framework

V614 Potentially uninitialized buffer 'k' used. Consider checking the second actual argument of the 'sae_derive_keys' function. sae.c 854

int sae_process_commit(struct sae_data *sae)
  if (sae->tmp == NULL ||
      (sae->tmp->ec && sae_derive_k_ecc(sae, k) < 0) ||
      (sae->tmp->dh && sae_derive_k_ffc(sae, k) < 0) ||
      sae_derive_keys(sae, k) < 0)
    return ESP_FAIL;
  return ESP_OK;


V614 Uninitialized variable 'best' used. sdt.c 572

sdt_early_init( void )
  if (MH_MAGIC_KERNEL != _mh_execute_header.magic) {
  } else {
    for (....) {
    const char *funcname;
    unsigned long best;
    funcname = "<unknown>";
    for (i = 0; i < orig_st->nsyms; i++) {
      char *jname = strings + sym[i].n_un.n_strx;
      if ((unsigned long)sym[i].n_value > best) {
        best = (unsigned long)sym[i].n_value;
        funcname = jname;


V614 [CWE-457, CERT-EXP53-CPP] Potentially uninitialized variable 'PointerEdgeKind' used. EHFrameSupport.cpp 704

Expected<std::pair<JITTargetAddress, Edge::Kind>>
EHFrameEdgeFixer::readEncodedPointer(uint8_t PointerEncoding,
                                     JITTargetAddress PointerFieldAddress,
                                     BinaryStreamReader &RecordReader) {
  Edge::Kind PointerEdgeKind;

  switch (EffectiveType) {
  case DW_EH_PE_udata4: {
    PointerEdgeKind = Delta32;
  case DW_EH_PE_udata8: {
    PointerEdgeKind = Delta64;
  case DW_EH_PE_sdata4: {
    PointerEdgeKind = Delta32;
  case DW_EH_PE_sdata8: {
    PointerEdgeKind = Delta64;

  if (PointerEdgeKind == Edge::Invalid)
    return make_error<JITLinkError>(
        "Unspported edge kind for encoded pointer at " +
        formatv("{0:x}", PointerFieldAddress));

  return std::make_pair(Addr, Delta64);

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V614 [CWE-457, CERT-EXP53-CPP] Potentially uninitialized variable 'Result' used. llvm-rtdyld.cpp 998

Protocol Buffers

V614 [CWE-457] Potentially null smart pointer 'file_generator' used. java_kotlin_generator.cc 100

bool KotlinGenerator::Generate(....)
  std::unique_ptr<FileGenerator> file_generator;
  if (file_options.generate_immutable_code) {
        new FileGenerator(file, file_options, /* immutable_api = */ true));

  if (!file_generator->Validate(error)) {
    return false;


V614 The 'host_interface' smart pointer is utilized immediately after being declared or reset. It is suspicious that no value was assigned to it. main.cpp 45

static std::unique_ptr<NoGUIHostInterface> CreateHostInterface()
  const char* platform = std::getenv("DUCKSTATION_NOGUI_PLATFORM");
  std::unique_ptr<NoGUIHostInterface> host_interface;

#ifdef WITH_SDL2
  if (   !host_interface && (!platform
      || StringUtil::Strcasecmp(platform, "sdl") == 0)
      && IsSDLHostInterfaceAvailable())
    host_interface = SDLHostInterface::Create();   }

#ifdef WITH_VTY
  if (  !host_interface && (!platform
      || StringUtil::Strcasecmp(platform, "vty") == 0))
    host_interface = VTYHostInterface::Create();

#ifdef _WIN32
  if (  !host_interface && (!platform
      || StringUtil::Strcasecmp(platform, "win32") == 0))
    host_interface = Win32HostInterface::Create();


  return host_interface;


V614 Uninitialized variable 'lodLevel.reductionValue' used. main.cpp 806

struct _OgreLodExport LodLevel
  // ....
  VertexReductionMethod reductionMethod;
  Real reductionValue;
  // ....
// ....
numLod = opts.numLods;
LodLevel lodLevel;            // <=
lodLevel.distance = 0.0;
for (unsigned short iLod = 0; iLod < numLod; ++iLod)

  lodLevel.reductionMethod = opts.usePercent
    : LodLevel::VRM_CONSTANT;

  if (opts.usePercent)
    lodLevel.reductionValue += opts.lodPercent * 0.01f;    // <=
    lodLevel.reductionValue += (Ogre::Real)opts.lodFixed;  // <=

  lodLevel.distance += opts.lodDist;

In this code fragment, the LodLevel structure is declared. It does not have a user-defined default constructor and default member initializers for non-static class data members.

Captain Blood

V614 [CWE-457, CERT-EXP53-CPP] Uninitialized variable 'color.c' used. Color.h 1268

class DColor

#ifndef _XBOX
    unsigned char b;
    unsigned char g;
    unsigned char r;
    unsigned char a;
    unsigned char a;
    unsigned char r;
    unsigned char g;
    unsigned char b;
    dword c;
    dword color;

mathinline dword mathcall Color::GetDword() const
  DColor color;
  color.r = (byte)(r * 255.0f);
  color.g = (byte)(g * 255.0f);
  color.b = (byte)(b * 255.0f);
  color.a = (byte)(a * 255.0f);

  return color.c;


V614 Uninitialized buffer 'buf' used. Consider checking the first actual argument of the 'Write' function. wxSerialize.cpp:1039

bool wxSerialize::WriteDouble(wxFloat64 value)
  if (CanStore())

    wxInt8 buf[10];
    m_odstr.Write(buf, 10);

  return IsOk();

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V614 Potentially uninitialized pointer 'm_item' used. wxc_aui_tool_stickiness.cpp:8
  • V614 Potentially uninitialized variable 'err' used. cppcheck.cpp:175
  • V614 The 'p' smart pointer is utilized immediately after being declared or reset. It is suspicious that no value was assigned to it. connection_impl.hpp:2200


V614 Uninitialized variable 'func_info.ctc_flags' used. gcc/dwarf2ctf.cc 676

static ctf_id_t
gen_ctf_function_type (ctf_container_ref ctfc,
                       dw_die_ref function,
                       bool from_global_func)
  ctf_funcinfo_t func_info;
    if (....)

        if (....)
        else if (....)
          func_info.ctc_flags |= CTF_FUNC_VARARG;

Dagor Engine

V614 Uninitialized pointer 'module' used. DagorEngine/prog/1stPartyLibs/daScript/src/builtin/module_builtin_ast_serialize.cpp 1303

void ExprField::serialize ( AstSerializer & ser ) {
  Module * module; ser << module;

AstSerializer & AstSerializer::operator << ( Module * & module ) {
  bool is_null = module == nullptr;


V614 Uninitialized buffer 'init_co' used. Consider checking the seventh actual argument of the 'gpencil_add_new_points' function. gpencil_curve_legacy.cc 439

static void gpencil_convert_spline(....)
  float init_co[3];

  switch (nu->type) {
    case CU_POLY:
    case CU_BEZIER:
    case CU_NURBS:
      if (nu->pntsv == 1)
        gpencil_add_new_points (gps, coord_array, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0,
                                gps->totpoints, init_co, false);  // <=

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V614 Uninitialized variable 'efd.distance' used. boids.cc 133
  • V614 Potentially uninitialized pointer 'g_prev' used. Consider checking the third actual argument of the 'blf_font_width_to_strlen_glyph_process' function. blf_font.cc 784
  • V614 Uninitialized variable 'dummy_matrix[0][0]' used. Consider checking the first actual argument of the 'GPU_uniform' function. node_shader_tex_coord.cc 43


V614 Uninitialized variable 'desc.page_count' used. xex_module.cc 594

struct xex2_page_descriptor
    xe::be<uint32_t> value;  // 0x0

      xex2_section_type info : 4;
      uint32_t page_count : 28;
  char data_digest[0x14];  // 0x4

int XexModule::ReadImageBasicCompressed(....)
  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < xex_security_info()->page_descriptor_count; i++)
    // Byteswap the bitfield manually.

    xex2_page_descriptor desc;
    desc.value = xe::byte_swap(

    total_size += desc.page_count * heap->page_size();                 // <=

When working with union in C++, we can read only from the active data member that was last written to. Otherwise, the behavior is undefined. This sets C++ apart from C, where we can write to one data member and read from another.

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V614 Uninitialized variable 'desc.page_count' used. xex_module.h 89
  • V614 Uninitialized variable 'desc.page_count' used. xex_module.cc 995
  • V614 Uninitialized variable 'desc.info' used. xex_module.cc 996
  • And 4 additional diagnostic messages.


V614 The 'backend' smart pointer is utilized immediately after being declared or reset. It is suspicious that no value was assigned to it. ppc_testing_main.cc 201

bool Setup(TestSuite& suite)
  // Reset memory.

  std::unique_ptr<xe::cpu::backend::Backend> backend;
  if (!backend)
    if (cvars::cpu == "x64")
      backend.reset(new xe::cpu::backend::x64::X64Backend());
#endif  // XE_ARCH
    if (cvars::cpu == "any")
      if (!backend)
          backend.reset(new xe::cpu::backend::x64::X64Backend());
#endif  // XE_ARCH

The std::unique_ptr constructor creates an object and initializes it to null by default. That's why the check after the declaration doesn't matter; the control flow will always proceed to the then branch.

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