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Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью …

Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью диагностики V617

V617. Argument of the '|' bitwise operation always contains non-zero value. Consider inspecting the condition.


V617 Consider inspecting the condition. The '0x0002' argument of the '|' bitwise operation contains a non-zero value. tffdshowpageenc.cpp 425

#define ODA_SELECT 0x0002

INT_PTR TffdshowPageEnc::msgProc(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam,
                                            LPARAM lParam)
  if ((dis->itemAction | ODA_SELECT)
    && (dis->itemState & ODS_SELECTED)) {


V617 Consider inspecting the condition. The '0x00000001' argument of the '|' bitwise operation contains a non-zero value. kitcpp.cpp 304

#define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY 0x00000001

BOOL DeleteAnyFile( char* cFileName ) {
    SetFileAttributes( cFileName, nAttr ) ;


V617 Consider inspecting the condition. The '0x00000800' argument of the '|' bitwise operation contains a non-zero value. resizablepageex.cpp 88

#define PSP_HIDEHEADER 0x00000800

BOOL CResizablePageEx::NeedsRefresh(....)
  if (m_psp.dwFlags | PSP_HIDEHEADER)
    return TRUE;


V617 Consider inspecting the condition. The '0x0010' argument of the '|' bitwise operation contains a non-zero value. s3_srvr.c 2343

#define EVP_PKT_SIGN 0x0010

int ssl3_get_cert_verify(SSL *s)
  int type=0, i, j;
  if ((peer != NULL) && (type | EVP_PKT_SIGN))

Multi Theft Auto

V617 Consider inspecting the condition. The '0x00000002l' argument of the '|' bitwise operation contains a non-zero value. cproxydirect3ddevice9.cpp 520

#define D3DCLEAR_ZBUFFER 0x00000002l

HRESULT CProxyDirect3DDevice9::Clear(....)
  if ( Flags | D3DCLEAR_ZBUFFER )
      GetRenderItemManager ()->SaveReadableDepthBuffer();

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V617 Consider inspecting the condition. The '0x00080000' argument of the '|' bitwise operation contains a non-zero value. cvehiclesa.cpp 1791

Word for Windows 1.1a

V617 Consider inspecting the condition. The '(0x0008 + 0x2000 + 0x4000)' argument of the '|' bitwise operation contains a non-zero value. dlgmisc.c 409

#define wkHdr    0x4000
#define wkFtn    0x2000
#define wkAtn    0x0008
#define wkSDoc    (wkAtn+wkFtn+wkHdr)

CMD CmdGoto (pcmb)
CMB * pcmb;
  int wk = PwwdWw(wwCur)->wk;
    if (wk | wkSDoc)
      NewCurWw((*hmwdCur)->wwUpper, fTrue);

Most likely this is what should be written here: if (wk & wkSDoc)


V617 Consider inspecting the condition. The 'MAYBE_LOCAL_SSRC' argument of the '|' bitwise operation contains a non-zero value. mediapipelinefilter.cpp 118

static const uint8_t MAYBE_LOCAL_SSRC = 1;

bool MediaPipelineFilter::CheckRtcpSsrc(
  const unsigned char* data,
  size_t len,
  size_t ssrc_offset,
  uint8_t flags) const
  if (flags | MAYBE_LOCAL_SSRC) {

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V617 Consider inspecting the condition. The 'MAYBE_REMOTE_SSRC' argument of the '|' bitwise operation contains a non-zero value. mediapipelinefilter.cpp 124

FreeBSD Kernel

V617 Consider inspecting the condition. The '0x00000080' argument of the '|' bitwise operation contains a non-zero value. mac_bsdextended.c 128

#define  MBO_TYPE_DEFINED 0x00000080

static int
ugidfw_rule_valid(struct mac_bsdextended_rule *rule)
  if ((rule->mbr_object.mbo_neg | MBO_TYPE_DEFINED) &&      // <=
      (rule->mbr_object.mbo_type | MBO_ALL_TYPE) != MBO_ALL_TYPE)
    return (EINVAL);
  if ((rule->mbr_mode | MBI_ALLPERM) != MBI_ALLPERM)
    return (EINVAL);
  return (0);

XNU kernel

V617 CWE-480 Consider inspecting the condition. The '0x0001' argument of the '|' bitwise operation contains a non-zero value. nfs_upcall.c 331

#define NFS_UC_QUEUE_SLEEPING  0x0001

static void
nfsrv_uc_proxy(socket_t so, void *arg, int waitflag)
  if (myqueue->ucq_flags | NFS_UC_QUEUE_SLEEPING)


V617 CWE-480 Consider inspecting the condition. The '0x00000001' argument of the '|' bitwise operation contains a non-zero value. egl.cpp 1329


EGLContext eglCreateContext(....)
    if ((attrib_val | EGL_CONTEXT_OPENGL_DEBUG_BIT_KHR) ||
        (attrib_val | EGL_CONTEXT_OPENGL_FORWARD_C....) ||
      context_flags = attrib_val;
    } else {

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V617 CWE-480 Consider inspecting the condition. The '0x00000001' argument of the '|' bitwise operation contains a non-zero value. egl.cpp 1338

Command & Conquer

V617 Consider inspecting the condition. The '((1L << STRUCT_CHRONOSPHERE))' argument of the '|' bitwise operation contains a non-zero value. HOUSE.CPP 5089

typedef enum StructType : char {


UrgencyType HouseClass::Check_Build_Power(void) const
  if (State == STATE_THREATENED || State == STATE_ATTACKED) {
    if (BScan | (STRUCTF_CHRONOSPHERE)) {  // <=
      urgency = URGENCY_HIGH;

POCO C++ Libraries

V617 Consider inspecting the condition. The '(0x0010)' argument of the '|' bitwise operation contains a non-zero value. PollSet.cpp(398)

// WinSock2.h
#define POLLWRNORM  0x0010

bool hasSignaledFDs()
    for (const auto& pollfd : _pollfds)
        if ((pollfd.revents | POLLOUT) &&
            (_wantPOLLOUT.find(pollfd.fd) != _wantPOLLOUT.end()))
            return true;
    return false;


V617 Consider inspecting the condition. The 'purefs::fs::inotify_flags::close_write' argument of the '|' bitwise operation contains a non-zero value. InotifyHandler.cpp 76

namespace purefs::fs
  enum class inotify_flags : unsigned
    attrib        = 0x01,
    close_write   = 0x02,
    close_nowrite = 0x04,
    del           = 0x08,
    move_src      = 0x10,
    move_dst      = 0x20,
    open          = 0x40,
    dmodify       = 0x80,

sys::MessagePointer InotifyHandler::handleInotifyMessage
                                   (purefs::fs::message::inotify *inotify)
  if (inotify->flags
      &&   (purefs::fs::inotify_flags::close_write
          | purefs::fs::inotify_flags::move_dst))
  else if (inotify->flags
           &&   ( purefs::fs::inotify_flags::del
                | purefs::fs::inotify_flags::move_src))

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V617 Consider inspecting the condition. The 'purefs::fs::inotify_flags::del' argument of the '|' bitwise operation contains a non-zero value. InotifyHandler.cpp 79

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