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Вебинар: SAST как Quality Gate - 13.03

Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью …

Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью диагностики V620

V620. Expression of sizeof(T)*N kind is summed up with pointer to T type. Consider inspecting the expression.

Apache Xerces Project

V620 It's unusual that the expression of sizeof(T) kind is being subtracted from the pointer to T type. domnormalizer.cpp 277

const XMLCh *DOMNormalizer::integerToXMLCh(unsigned int i) const
  XMLCh *buf = (XMLCh*)
               fMemoryManager->allocate(15 * sizeof(XMLCh));
  XMLCh *pos = buf + sizeof(buf) - sizeof(XMLCh);


V620 It's unusual that the expression of sizeof(T) kind is being summed with the pointer to T type. wsnes9x.cpp 6145

typedef wchar_t TCHAR;

  TCHAR *tmp, *tmp2;
  while(tmp2=_tcsstr(tmp, TEXT("\\")))

Most likely this is what should be written here: tmp=tmp2+1;

Miranda NG

V620 It's unusual that the expression of sizeof(T)*N kind is being summed with the pointer to T type. Scriver input.cpp 387

BOOL HandleLinkClick(....)
  MoveMemory(tr.lpstrText + sizeof(TCHAR)* 7,
             sizeof(TCHAR)*(tr.chrg.cpMax - tr.chrg.cpMin + 1));

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V620 It's unusual that the expression of sizeof(T)*N kind is being summed with the pointer to T type. UInfoEx ctrl_edit.cpp 351


V620 It's unusual that the expression of sizeof(T)*N kind is being summed with the pointer to T type. string_conversion.cc 62

int UTF8ToUTF16Char(const char *in,
                    int in_length,
                    uint16_t out[2])
  const UTF8 *source_ptr = reinterpret_cast<const UTF8 *>(in);
  const UTF8 *source_end_ptr = source_ptr + sizeof(char);
  uint16_t *target_ptr = out;
  uint16_t *target_end_ptr =
    target_ptr + 2 * sizeof(uint16_t); // <=
  out[0] = out[1] = 0;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V620 It's unusual that the expression of sizeof(T)*N kind is being summed with the pointer to T type. string_conversion.cc 106

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