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Вебинар: SAST как Quality Gate - 13.03

Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью …

Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью диагностики V624

V624. Use of constant NN. The resulting value may be inaccurate. Consider using the M_NN constant from <math.h>.


V624 The constant 3.1415926 is being utilized. The resulting value could be inaccurate. Consider using the M_PI constant from <math.h>. timgfilterchroma.cpp 34

  for (int i = -180, ii = 0; i <= 180; ii++, i++) {
    double Hue = (i * 3.1415926) / 180.0;
    hueSin[ii] = short(sin(Hue) * 128);
    hueCos[ii] = short(cos(Hue) * 128);


V624 The constant 3.1415 is being utilized. The resulting value could be inaccurate. Consider using the M_PI constant from <math.h>. trenderedtextsubtitleword.cpp 290

void TrenderedTextSubtitleWord::Transform(CPoint org)
  double caz = cos((3.1415 / 180) * mprops.angleZ);
  double saz = sin((3.1415 / 180) * mprops.angleZ);
  double cax = cos((3.1415 / 180) * mprops.angleX);
  double sax = sin((3.1415 / 180) * mprops.angleX);
  double cay = cos((3.1415 / 180) * mprops.angleY);
  double say = sin((3.1415 / 180) * mprops.angleY);

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V624 The constant 3.1415 is being utilized. The resulting value could be inaccurate. Consider using the M_PI constant from <math.h>. trenderedtextsubtitleword.cpp 291
  • V624 The constant 3.1415 is being utilized. The resulting value could be inaccurate. Consider using the M_PI constant from <math.h>. trenderedtextsubtitleword.cpp 292
  • V624 The constant 3.1415 is being utilized. The resulting value could be inaccurate. Consider using the M_PI constant from <math.h>. trenderedtextsubtitleword.cpp 293
  • And 2 additional diagnostic messages.


V624 The constant 3.14159 is being utilized. The resulting value could be inaccurate. Consider using the M_PI constant from <math.h>. posteriorerrorprobabilitymodel.c 92

bool PosteriorErrorProbabilityModel::fit(
  std::vector<double> & search_engine_scores)
  incorrectly_assigned_fit_param_.A =
    1 / sqrt(2 * 3.14159 *
             pow(incorrectly_assigned_fit_param_.sigma, 2));

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V624 The constant 3.14159 is being utilized. The resulting value could be inaccurate. Consider using the M_PI constant from <math.h>. posteriorerrorprobabilitymodel.c 101
  • V624 The constant 3.14159 is being utilized. The resulting value could be inaccurate. Consider using the M_PI constant from <math.h>. posteriorerrorprobabilitymodel.c 110
  • V624 The constant 3.14159 is being utilized. The resulting value could be inaccurate. Consider using the M_PI constant from <math.h>. posteriorerrorprobabilitymodel.c 155
  • And 1 additional diagnostic messages.

Geant4 software

V624 The constant 3.1416 is being utilized. The resulting value could be inaccurate. Consider using the M_PI constant from <math.h>. g4elastichadrnucleushe.cc 750

G4double G4ElasticHadrNucleusHE::
   HadrNucDifferCrSec(G4int Nucleus, G4double aQ2)
  dSigPodT = HadrTot*HadrTot*(1+HadrReIm*HadrReIm)*
                Coeff2*std::exp( Slope2*(ConstU)+aQ2)+

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V624 The constant 0.785398164 is being utilized. The resulting value could be inaccurate. Consider using the M_PI_4 constant from <math.h>. g4diffuseelastic.hh 285
  • V624 The constant 0.636619772 is being utilized. The resulting value could be inaccurate. Consider using the M_2_PI constant from <math.h>. g4diffuseelastic.hh 297
  • V624 The constant 0.636619772 is being utilized. The resulting value could be inaccurate. Consider using the M_2_PI constant from <math.h>. g4diffuseelastic.hh 348
  • And 67 additional diagnostic messages.


V624 The constant 0.707107 is being utilized. The resulting value could be inaccurate. Consider using the M_SQRT1_2 constant from <math.h>. PathOutline.cpp 1198

Path::OutlineJoin (....)
  if (fabs(c2) > 0.707107) {

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V624 The constant 1.414213562 is being utilized. The resulting value could be inaccurate. Consider using the M_SQRT2 constant from <math.h>. verbs.cpp 1848
  • V624 The constant 3.14159 is being utilized. The resulting value could be inaccurate. Consider using the M_PI constant from <math.h>. odf.cpp 1568
  • V624 The constant 1.414213562 is being utilized. The resulting value could be inaccurate. Consider using the M_SQRT2 constant from <math.h>. inkscape-preferences.cpp 1334


V624 The constant 3.141592 is being utilized. The resulting value could be inaccurate. Consider using the M_PI constant from <math.h>. apps_view_circle.c 306

#define PI 3.141592

void __apps_view_circle_get_pos(int radius, double angle,
                                int *x, int *y)
  *x = radius * sin(angle * PI / 180);
  *y = radius * cos(angle * PI / 180);

  *x = *x + WINDOW_CENTER_X;
  *y = WINDOW_CENTER_Y - *y;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V624 The constant 3.141592 is being utilized. The resulting value could be inaccurate. Consider using the M_PI constant from <math.h>. apps_view_circle.c 307

Bullet Physics SDK

V624 There is probably a misprint in '3.141592538' constant. Consider using the M_PI constant from <math.h>. PhysicsClientC_API.cpp 4109

B3_SHARED_API void b3ComputeProjectionMatrixFOV(float fov, ....)
  float yScale = 1.0 / tan((3.141592538 / 180.0) * fov / 2);


V624 The constant 3.14159265 is being utilized. The resulting value could be inaccurate. Consider using the M_PI constant from <math.h>. 3dstocmod.cpp 62

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  Model* newModel = GenerateModelNormals(*model,
    float(smoothAngle * 3.14159265 / 180.0), weldVertices, weldTolerance);

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