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Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью …

Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью диагностики V627

V627. Argument of sizeof() is a macro, which expands to a number. Consider inspecting the expression.


V627 Consider inspecting the expression. The argument of sizeof() is the macro which expands to a number. regfio.c 1470

#define HBIN_HDR_SIZE    4

char header[HBIN_HDR_SIZE];

static REGF_HBIN* regf_hbin_allocate(REGF_FILE *file,
                                     uint32 block_size)
  REGF_HBIN *hbin;
  memcpy( hbin->header, "hbin", sizeof(HBIN_HDR_SIZE) );

It works. Good luck: sizeof(4) == 4.

Network Security Services (NSS)

V627 Consider inspecting the expression. The argument of sizeof() is the macro which expands to a number. ssl3ext.c 1541


  if (buffer_len < sizeof(SSL3_MASTER_SECRET_LENGTH))
    goto no_ticket;

Data Distribution Service

V627 Consider inspecting the expression. The argument of sizeof() is the macro which expands to a number. test_position_independent_malloc.cpp 61

static void *
initialize (TEST_MALLOC *allocator)
                        allocator->malloc (sizeof (256)),

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V627 Consider inspecting the expression. The argument of sizeof() is the macro which expands to a number. malloc_test.cpp 168


V627 Consider inspecting the expression. The argument of sizeof() is the macro which expands to a number. fsmdef.c 4481


static sm_rcs_t
fsmdef_ev_idle_feature (sm_event_t *event)
  memset(data->newcall.redirect.redirects[0].number, 0,

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V627 Consider inspecting the expression. The argument of sizeof() is the macro which expands to a number. fsmdef.c 4508
  • V627 Consider inspecting the expression. The argument of sizeof() is the macro which expands to a number. fsmxfr.c 800
  • V627 Consider inspecting the expression. The argument of sizeof() is the macro which expands to a number. fsmxfr.c 1600

Haiku Operation System

V627 Consider inspecting the expression. The argument of sizeof() is the macro which expands to a number. device.c 72

#define PCI_line_size 0x0c /* (1 byte) cache line size in 32 bit words */

static status_t
wb840_open(const char* name, uint32 flags, void** cookie)
  data->wb_cachesize = gPci->read_pci_config(data->pciInfo->bus,
    data->pciInfo->device, data->pciInfo->function, PCI_line_size,
    sizeof(PCI_line_size)) & 0xff;

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