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Вебинар: SAST как Quality Gate - 13.03

Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью …

Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью диагностики V639

V639. One of closing ')' parentheses is probably positioned incorrectly. Consider inspecting the expression for function call.

CryEngine 3 SDK

V639 Consider inspecting the expression for 'ShouldRecordEvent' function call. It is possible that one of the closing ')' brackets was positioned incorrectly. actortelemetry.cpp 288

bool ShouldRecordEvent(
  size_t eventID, IActor* pActor=NULL) const;

void CActorTelemetry::SubscribeToWeapon(EntityId weaponId)
  else if(pMgr->ShouldRecordEvent(eSE_Weapon), pOwnerRaw)


V639 Consider inspecting the expression for 'isApprox' function call. It is possible that one of the closing ')' brackets was positioned incorrectly. polynomialsolver.cpp 123

template<typename Scalar> EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC
inline bool isApprox(const Scalar& x, const Scalar& y,
  typename NumTraits<Scalar>::Real precision =

template< .... >
void evalSolverSugarFunction(....)
  const Scalar psPrec = sqrt( test_precision<Scalar>() );
  if (internal::isApprox(
        calc_realRoots[i], real_roots[j] ), psPrec)
    found = true;


V639 Consider inspecting the expression for 'GetPropertyValue' function call. It is possible that one of the closing ')' brackets was positioned incorrectly. pptx-epptbase.cxx 442

#define sal_True ((sal_Bool)1)

static bool GetPropertyValue(
  ::com::sun::star::uno::Any& rAny,
  const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference<
                  ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet > &,
  const OUString& rPropertyName,
  bool bTestPropertyAvailability = false );

sal_Int32 PPTWriterBase::GetLayoutOffset( .... ) const
  ::com::sun::star::uno::Any aAny;
  sal_Int32 nLayout = 20;
  if ( GetPropertyValue(
          aAny, rXPropSet, OUString( "Layout" ) ), sal_True )
    aAny >>= nLayout;

  DBG(printf("GetLayoutOffset %" SAL_PRIdINT32 "\n", nLayout));
  return nLayout;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V639 Consider inspecting the expression for 'GetPropertyValue' function call. It is possible that one of the closing ')' brackets was positioned incorrectly. epptso.cxx 993
  • V639 Consider inspecting the expression for 'GetPropertyValue' function call. It is possible that one of the closing ')' brackets was positioned incorrectly. epptso.cxx 3677
  • V639 Consider inspecting the expression for 'GetPropertyValue' function call. It is possible that one of the closing ')' brackets was positioned incorrectly. pptx-text.cxx 518
  • And 6 additional diagnostic messages.


V639 Consider inspecting the expression for 'isStoreUsed' function call. It is possible that one of the closing ')' parentheses was positioned incorrectly. ShrinkWrapping.cpp 80

bool isStoreUsed(const FrameIndexEntry &StoreFIE, ExprIterator Candidates,
                 bool IncludeLocalAccesses = true) const;

void CalleeSavedAnalysis::analyzeSaves() {
  // If this stack position is accessed in another function, we are
  // probably dealing with a parameter passed in a stack -- do not mess
  // with it
  if (SRU.isStoreUsed(*FIE,
                      Prev ? SRU.expr_begin(*Prev) : SRU.expr_begin(BB)),
      /*IncludeLocalAccesses=*/false) {
    Prev = &Inst;

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