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Вебинар: SAST как Quality Gate - 13.03

Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью …

Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью диагностики V645

V645. Function call may lead to buffer overflow. Bounds should not contain size of a buffer, but a number of characters it can hold.


V645 The 'strncat' function call could lead to the 'CmdLine' buffer overflow. The bounds should not contain the size of the buffer, but a number of characters it can hold. cmds.c 1314

void shell(int argc, const char *argv[])
  char CmdLine[MAX_PATH];
  strcpy( CmdLine, ShellCmd );

  if (argc > 1)
    strncat(CmdLine, " /C", MAX_PATH);

  for (i=1; i<argc; i++)
    strncat(CmdLine, " ", MAX_PATH);
    strncat(CmdLine, argv[i], MAX_PATH);

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V645 The 'strncat' function call could lead to the 'CmdLine' buffer overflow. The bounds should not contain the size of the buffer, but a number of characters it can hold. cmds.c 1319
  • V645 The 'strncat' function call could lead to the 'CmdLine' buffer overflow. The bounds should not contain the size of the buffer, but a number of characters it can hold. cmds.c 1320
  • V645 The 'wcsncat' function call could lead to the 'szFileName' buffer overflow. The bounds should not contain the size of the buffer, but a number of characters it can hold. logfile.c 50


V645 The 'strncat' function call could lead to the 'plugin_file' buffer overflow. The bounds should not contain the size of the buffer, but a number of characters it can hold. icuplug.c 739

#define uprv_strncat(dst, src, n) \
  U_STANDARD_CPP_NAMESPACE strncat(dst, src, n)

static char plugin_file[2048] = "";

uplug_init(UErrorCode *status)
  uprv_strncpy(plugin_file, plugin_dir, 2047);
  uprv_strncat(plugin_file, U_FILE_SEP_STRING,2047);
  uprv_strncat(plugin_file, "icuplugins",2047);
  uprv_strncat(plugin_file, U_ICU_VERSION_SHORT ,2047);
  uprv_strncat(plugin_file, ".txt" ,2047);

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V645 The 'strncat' function call could lead to the 'plugin_file' buffer overflow. The bounds should not contain the size of the buffer, but a number of characters it can hold. icuplug.c 741
  • V645 The 'strncat' function call could lead to the 'plugin_file' buffer overflow. The bounds should not contain the size of the buffer, but a number of characters it can hold. icuplug.c 740

Multi Theft Auto

V645 The 'strncat' function call could lead to the 'szRightName' buffer overflow. The bounds should not contain the size of the buffer, but a number of characters it can hold. cluaacldefs.cpp 400

int CLuaACLDefs::aclListRights ( lua_State* luaVM )
  char szRightName [128];
  strncat ( szRightName, (*iter)->GetRightName (), 128 );

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V645 The 'strncat' function call could lead to the 'szObjectType' buffer overflow. The bounds should not contain the size of the buffer, but a number of characters it can hold. caccesscontrollistgroup.cpp 226

Miranda NG

V645 The 'strncat' function call could lead to the 'buff' buffer overflow. The bounds should not contain the size of the buffer, but a number of characters it can hold. Miranda fontoptions.cpp 162

BOOL ExportSettings(....)
  char header[512], buff[1024], abuff[1024];
  strncat(buff, abuff, SIZEOF(buff));

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V645 The 'strncat' function call could lead to the 'buff' buffer overflow. The bounds should not contain the size of the buffer, but a number of characters it can hold. Miranda fontoptions.cpp 179
  • V645 The 'strncat' function call could lead to the 'buff' buffer overflow. The bounds should not contain the size of the buffer, but a number of characters it can hold. Miranda fontoptions.cpp 183
  • V645 The 'strncat' function call could lead to the 'buff' buffer overflow. The bounds should not contain the size of the buffer, but a number of characters it can hold. Miranda fontoptions.cpp 186
  • And 45 additional diagnostic messages.

Miranda NG

V645 The 'strncat' function call could lead to the 'filename' buffer overflow. The bounds should not contain the size of the buffer, but a number of characters it can hold. GG filetransfer.cpp 273

void __cdecl GGPROTO::dccmainthread(void*)
  strncat(filename, (char*)local_dcc->file_info.filename,
          sizeof(filename) - strlen(filename));

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V645 The 'strncat' function call could lead to the 'filename' buffer overflow. The bounds should not contain the size of the buffer, but a number of characters it can hold. GG filetransfer.cpp 304
  • V645 The 'strncat' function call could lead to the 'filename' buffer overflow. The bounds should not contain the size of the buffer, but a number of characters it can hold. GG filetransfer.cpp 503
  • V645 The 'strncat' function call could lead to the 'filename' buffer overflow. The bounds should not contain the size of the buffer, but a number of characters it can hold. GG filetransfer.cpp 534
  • And 31 additional diagnostic messages.


V645 The 'strncat' function call could lead to the 'transients' buffer overflow. The bounds should not contain the size of the buffer, but a number of characters it can hold. e_info_server.c 739

static void
  char availables[256] = { 0, };

  for (i = 0; i < target_ec->e.state.rot.count; i++)
    char tmp[16];
    snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%d ",
    strncat(availables, tmp,                             // <=
            sizeof(availables) - strlen(availables));

The correct variant of the code: sizeof(availables) - strlen(availables) - 1

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V645 The 'strncat' function call could lead to the 'shape_rects' buffer overflow. The bounds should not contain the size of the buffer, but a number of characters it can hold. e_info_server.c 751
  • V645 The 'strncat' function call could lead to the 'shape_input' buffer overflow. The bounds should not contain the size of the buffer, but a number of characters it can hold. e_info_server.c 763
  • V645 The 'strncat' function call could lead to the 'availables' buffer overflow. The bounds should not contain the size of the buffer, but a number of characters it can hold. e_info_server.c 924


V645 The 'strncat' function call could lead to the 'dd_info->object_uri' buffer overflow. The bounds should not contain the size of the buffer, but a number of characters it can hold. oma-parser-dd1.c 422

#define OP_MAX_URI_LEN 2048

char object_uri[OP_MAX_URI_LEN];

void op_libxml_characters_dd1(....)
  strncat(dd_info->object_uri, ch_str,
          OP_MAX_URI_LEN - strlen(dd_info->object_uri));

The correct variant of the code: OP_MAX_URI_LEN - strlen(dd_info->object_uri) - 1

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V645 The 'strncat' function call could lead to the 'dd_info->name' buffer overflow. The bounds should not contain the size of the buffer, but a number of characters it can hold. oma-parser-dd1.c 433

Haiku Operation System

V645 The 'strncat' function call could lead to the 'output' buffer overflow. The bounds should not contain the size of the buffer, but a number of characters it can hold. NamespaceDump.cpp 101

static void
dump_acpi_namespace(acpi_ns_device_info *device, char *root, int indenting)
  char output[320];
  char tabs[255] = "";
  strlcat(tabs, "|--- ", sizeof(tabs));
  while (....) {
    uint32 type = device->acpi->get_object_type(result);
    snprintf(output, sizeof(output), "%s%s", tabs, result + depth);
    switch(type) {
        strncat(output, "     INTEGER", sizeof(output));
      case ACPI_TYPE_STRING:
        strncat(output, "     STRING", sizeof(output));

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V645 The 'strncat' function call could lead to the 'output' buffer overflow. The bounds should not contain the size of the buffer, but a number of characters it can hold. NamespaceDump.cpp 104
  • V645 The 'strncat' function call could lead to the 'output' buffer overflow. The bounds should not contain the size of the buffer, but a number of characters it can hold. NamespaceDump.cpp 107
  • V645 The 'strncat' function call could lead to the 'output' buffer overflow. The bounds should not contain the size of the buffer, but a number of characters it can hold. NamespaceDump.cpp 110
  • And 15 additional diagnostic messages.

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