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Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью …

Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью диагностики V655

V655. Strings were concatenated but not used. Consider inspecting the expression.


V655 The strings were concatenated but are not utilized. Consider inspecting the 'szCurLevel + "."' expression. sci_displaytree.cpp 80

int sci_displaytree(char *fname, unsigned long fname_len)
  string szCurLevel = "";
  //Add node level
  if (szCurLevel != "")
    szCurLevel + ".";

K Desktop Environment

V655 The strings were concatenated but are not utilized. Consider inspecting the expression. entrydetailsdialog.cpp 225

void EntryDetails::updateButtons()
  foreach (....) {
    QString text = info.name;
    if (!info.distributionType.trimmed().isEmpty()) {
      text + " (" + info.distributionType.trimmed() + ")"; // <=
    QAction* installAction =
      installMenu->addAction(KIcon("dialog-ok"), text);

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V655 The strings were concatenated but are not utilized. Consider inspecting the expression. itemsgridviewdelegate.cpp 365
  • V655 The strings were concatenated but are not utilized. Consider inspecting the expression. itemsviewdelegate.cpp 159


V655 The strings were concatenated but are not utilized. Consider inspecting the expression. propertyitem.cpp 1013

PropertyVectorDistanceItem::setValue(const QVariant& variant)
  if (!variant.canConvert<Base::Vector3d>())
  const Base::Vector3d& value = variant.value<Base::Vector3d>();

  Base::Quantity q = Base::Quantity(value.x, Base::Unit::Length);
  QString unit = QString::fromLatin1("('%1 %2'").arg(....;
  q = Base::Quantity(value.y, Base::Unit::Length);
  unit + QString::fromLatin1("'%1 %2'").arg(....;   // <=



V655 The strings were concatenated, but are not utilized. Consider inspecting the 'alias + "]"' expression. plasticdeformerfx.cpp 150

string PlasticDeformerFx::getAlias(....) const
  std::string alias(getFxType());
  alias += "[";
  if (sd)
    alias += ", "+toString(sd, meshColumnObj->paramsTime(frame));

  alias + "]"; // <=

  return alias;


V655 [CWE-480] The strings were concatenated but are not utilized. Consider inspecting the 'Result + Name.str()' expression. Symbol.cpp 32

LLVM_DUMP_METHOD void Symbol::dump(raw_ostream &OS) const {
  std::string Result;
  if (isUndefined())
    Result += "(undef) ";
  if (isWeakDefined())
    Result += "(weak-def) ";
  if (isWeakReferenced())
    Result += "(weak-ref) ";
  if (isThreadLocalValue())
    Result += "(tlv) ";
  switch (Kind) {
  case SymbolKind::GlobalSymbol:
    Result + Name.str();                        // <=
  case SymbolKind::ObjectiveCClass:
    Result + "(ObjC Class) " + Name.str();      // <=
  case SymbolKind::ObjectiveCClassEHType:
    Result + "(ObjC Class EH) " + Name.str();   // <=
  case SymbolKind::ObjectiveCInstanceVariable:
    Result + "(ObjC IVar) " + Name.str();       // <=
  OS << Result;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V655 [CWE-480] The strings were concatenated but are not utilized. Consider inspecting the 'Result + "(ObjC Class) " + Name.str()' expression. Symbol.cpp 35
  • V655 [CWE-480] The strings were concatenated but are not utilized. Consider inspecting the 'Result + "(ObjC Class EH) " + Name.str()' expression. Symbol.cpp 38
  • V655 [CWE-480] The strings were concatenated but are not utilized. Consider inspecting the 'Result + "(ObjC IVar) " + Name.str()' expression. Symbol.cpp 41

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