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Вебинар: SAST как Quality Gate - 13.03

Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью …

Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью диагностики V664

V664. Pointer is dereferenced on the initialization list before its check for null inside the body of a constructor function.


V664 [CWE-476, CERT-EXP34-C] The 'valobj_sp' pointer is being dereferenced on the initialization list before it is verified against null inside the body of the constructor function. Check lines: 211, 212. LibCxx.cpp 211

typedef std::shared_ptr<lldb_private::ValueObject> ValueObjectSP;

    LibCxxMapIteratorSyntheticFrontEnd(lldb::ValueObjectSP valobj_sp)
    : SyntheticChildrenFrontEnd(*valobj_sp), m_pair_ptr(), m_pair_sp() {
  if (valobj_sp)

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V664 [CWE-476, CERT-EXP34-C] The 'valobj_sp' pointer is being dereferenced on the initialization list before it is verified against null inside the body of the constructor function. Check lines: 381, 382. LibCxx.cpp 381
  • V664 [CWE-476, CERT-EXP34-C] The 'valobj_sp' pointer is being dereferenced on the initialization list before it is verified against null inside the body of the constructor function. Check lines: 551, 552. LibCxx.cpp 551
  • V664 [CWE-476, CERT-EXP34-C] The 'valobj_sp' pointer is being dereferenced on the initialization list before it is verified against null inside the body of the constructor function. Check lines: 635, 636. LibCxx.cpp 635
  • And 14 additional diagnostic messages.


V664 [CWE-476, CERT-EXP34-C] The 'TransformedView' pointer is being dereferenced on the initialization list before it is verified against null inside the body of the constructor function. Check lines: 57, 66. TaskTransformedParameters.cpp 57

  ViewProviderTransformed *TransformedView, QWidget *parent)
    : TaskBox(...., TransformedView->menuName, true, parent)     // <=
    , proxy(nullptr)
    , TransformedView(TransformedView)
    , parentTask(nullptr)
    , insideMultiTransform(false)
    , blockUpdate(false)
  selectionMode = none;

  if (TransformedView) {                                         // <=
     Gui::Document* doc = TransformedView->getDocument();


V664 The 'restrict' pointer is being dereferenced on the initialization list before it is verified against null inside the body of the constructor function. Check lines: 1605, 1607. types.cpp 1605

PClassPointer::PClassPointer(PClass *restrict)
  : PPointer(restrict->VMType), ClassRestriction(restrict)
  if (restrict) mDescriptiveName.Format("ClassPointer<%s>",
  else mDescriptiveName = "ClassPointer";
  loadOp = OP_LP;
  storeOp = OP_SP;
  Flags |= TYPE_ClassPointer;
  mVersion = restrict->VMType->mVersion;

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