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Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью …

Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью диагностики V665

V665. Possible incorrect use of '#pragma warning(default: X)'. The '#pragma warning(push/pop)' should be used instead.

Windows 8 Driver Samples

V665 Possibly, the usage of '#pragma warning(default: X)' is incorrect in this context. The '#pragma warning(push/pop)' should be used instead. Check lines: 23, 25. common.h 25

// disable nameless struct/union warnings
#pragma warning(disable:4201)
#include <wdf.h>
#pragma warning(default:4201)

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V665 Possibly, the usage of '#pragma warning(default: X)' is incorrect in this context. The '#pragma warning(push/pop)' should be used instead. Check lines: 25, 29. protnotify.cpp 29
  • V665 Possibly, the usage of '#pragma warning(default: X)' is incorrect in this context. The '#pragma warning(push/pop)' should be used instead. Check lines: 27, 29. common.h 29
  • V665 Possibly, the usage of '#pragma warning(default: X)' is incorrect in this context. The '#pragma warning(push/pop)' should be used instead. Check lines: 30, 34. hidkmdf.c 34
  • And 15 additional diagnostic messages.


V665 Possibly, the usage of '#pragma warning(default: X)' is incorrect in this context. The '#pragma warning(push/pop)' should be used instead. Check lines: 42, 46. logdlg.h 46

#pragma warning(disable : 4278)
#pragma warning(disable : 4146)
#pragma warning(disable : 4298)
#include "dte80a.tlh"
#pragma warning(default : 4146)
#pragma warning(default : 4278)
#pragma warning(default : 4298)

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V665 Possibly, the usage of '#pragma warning(default: X)' is incorrect in this context. The '#pragma warning(push/pop)' should be used instead. Check lines: 40, 45. logdlg.h 45
  • V665 Possibly, the usage of '#pragma warning(default: X)' is incorrect in this context. The '#pragma warning(push/pop)' should be used instead. Check lines: 41, 44. logdlg.h 44
  • V665 Possibly, the usage of '#pragma warning(default: X)' is incorrect in this context. The '#pragma warning(push/pop)' should be used instead. Check lines: 984, 995. svn.cpp 995


V665 Possibly, the usage of '#pragma warning(default: X)' is incorrect in this context. The '#pragma warning(push/pop)' should be used instead. Check lines: 116, 119. hung_window_detector.cc 119

bool HungWindowDetector::CheckChildWindow(HWND child_window) {
#pragma warning(disable:4312)
  SetProp(child_window, kHungChildWindowTimeout,
#pragma warning(default:4312)

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V665 Possibly, the usage of '#pragma warning(default: X)' is incorrect in this context. The '#pragma warning(push/pop)' should be used instead. Check lines: 98, 101. hung_window_detector.cc 101
  • V665 Possibly, the usage of '#pragma warning(default: X)' is incorrect in this context. The '#pragma warning(push/pop)' should be used instead. Check lines: 134, 137. hung_plugin_action.cc 137
  • V665 Possibly, the usage of '#pragma warning(default: X)' is incorrect in this context. The '#pragma warning(push/pop)' should be used instead. Check lines: 127, 131. hung_plugin_action.cc 131

Multi Theft Auto

V665 Possibly, the usage of '#pragma warning(default: X)' is incorrect in this context. The '#pragma warning(push/pop)' should be used instead. Check lines: 713, 719. pthread.h 719

#if defined(_MSC_VER)
/* Disable MSVC 'anachronism used' warning */
#pragma warning( disable : 4229 )

typedef void (* PTW32_CDECL ptw32_cleanup_callback_t)(void *);

#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma warning( default : 4229 )

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V665 Possibly, the usage of '#pragma warning(default: X)' is incorrect in this context. The '#pragma warning(push/pop)' should be used instead. Check lines: 366, 416. setup_once.h 416
  • V665 Possibly, the usage of '#pragma warning(default: X)' is incorrect in this context. The '#pragma warning(push/pop)' should be used instead. Check lines: 208, 234. easy.c 234

PostgreSQL Database Management System

V665 Possibly, the usage of '#pragma warning(default: X)' is incorrect in this context. The '#pragma warning(push/pop)' should be used instead. Check lines: 303, 313. postgres pg_config_os.h 313

#if _MSC_VER >= 1600
#pragma warning(disable:4005)
#pragma warning(default:4005)

Source Engine SDK

V665 Possibly, the usage of '#pragma warning(default: X)' is incorrect in this context. The '#pragma warning(push/pop)' should be used instead. Check lines: 577, 624. Captioncompiler convar.h 624

#pragma warning (disable : 4355 )
#pragma warning ( default : 4355 )

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V665 Possibly, the usage of '#pragma warning(default: X)' is incorrect in this context. The '#pragma warning(push/pop)' should be used instead. Check lines: 795, 849. Client (HL2) bspfile.h 849
  • V665 Possibly, the usage of '#pragma warning(default: X)' is incorrect in this context. The '#pragma warning(push/pop)' should be used instead. Check lines: 5151, 5260. Client (HL2) bone_setup.cpp 5260
  • V665 Possibly, the usage of '#pragma warning(default: X)' is incorrect in this context. The '#pragma warning(push/pop)' should be used instead. Check lines: 117, 139. Client (HL2) camomaterialproxy.cpp 139
  • And 12 additional diagnostic messages.

Data Distribution Service

V665 Possibly, the usage of '#pragma warning(default: X)' is incorrect in this context. The '#pragma warning(push/pop)' should be used instead. Check lines: 63, 167. zerocopyseq_t.cpp 167

#if defined (_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1400)
#pragma warning (disable:4996)
#if defined (_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1400)
#pragma warning (default:4996)

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V665 Possibly, the usage of '#pragma warning(default: X)' is incorrect in this context. The '#pragma warning(push/pop)' should be used instead. Check lines: 63, 153. zerocopyseq_t.cpp 153
  • V665 Possibly, the usage of '#pragma warning(default: X)' is incorrect in this context. The '#pragma warning(push/pop)' should be used instead. Check lines: 63, 120. zerocopyseq_t.cpp 120


V665 Possibly, the usage of '#pragma warning(default: X)' is incorrect in this context. The '#pragma warning(push/pop)' should be used instead. Check lines: 1089, 1102. enums.h 1102

#pragma warning(disable: 4369)
public enum class WaveFormatTag : System::Int32
#pragma warning(default: 4369)

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V665 Possibly, the usage of '#pragma warning(default: X)' is incorrect in this context. The '#pragma warning(push/pop)' should be used instead. Check lines: 215, 224. enums.h 224
  • V665 Possibly, the usage of '#pragma warning(default: X)' is incorrect in this context. The '#pragma warning(push/pop)' should be used instead. Check lines: 303, 321. devicecontext11.cpp 321
  • V665 Possibly, the usage of '#pragma warning(default: X)' is incorrect in this context. The '#pragma warning(push/pop)' should be used instead. Check lines: 343, 370. device11.cpp 370
  • And 4 additional diagnostic messages.

Crash Server Library

V665 Possibly, the usage of '#pragma warning(default: X)' is incorrect in this context. The '#pragma warning(push/pop)' should be used instead. Check lines: 851, 853. SendRpt atlapp.h 853

inline int vsprintf_x(....)
  #pragma warning(disable: 4996)
  return _vstprintf(lpstrBuff, lpstrFormat, args);
  #pragma warning(default: 4996)


V665 Possibly, the usage of '#pragma warning(default: X)' is incorrect in this context. The '#pragma warning(push/pop)' should be used instead. Check lines: 132, 134. Utils mailmsg.cpp 134

BOOL CMailMsg::DetectMailClient(CString& sMailClientName)
  #pragma warning(disable:4996)
  LONG result = regKey.QueryValue(buf, _T(""), &buf_size);
  #pragma warning(default:4996)

Newton Game Dynamics

V665 Possibly, the usage of '#pragma warning(default: X)' is incorrect in this context. The '#pragma warning(push/pop)' should be used instead. Check lines: 733, 739. pthread.h 739

#if defined(_MSC_VER)
/* Disable MSVC 'anachronism used' warning */
#pragma warning( disable : 4229 )

typedef void (* PTW32_CDECL ptw32_cleanup_callback_t)(void *);

#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma warning( default : 4229 )


V665 Possibly, the usage of '#pragma warning(default: X)' is incorrect in this context. The '#pragma warning(push/pop)' should be used instead. Check lines: 802, 837. switch_utils.h 837

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(disable:6011)
static inline char *switch_lc_strdup(const char *it)

static inline char *switch_uc_strdup(const char *it)
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(default:6011)

Dolphin Smalltalk 7

V665 Possibly, the usage of '#pragma warning(default: X)' is incorrect in this context. The '#pragma warning(push/pop)' should be used instead. Check lines: 99, 101. compact.cpp 101

// Perform a compacting GC
size_t ObjectMemory::compact()
  #pragma warning (disable : 4127)
  #pragma warning (default : 4127)

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V665 Possibly, the usage of '#pragma warning(default: X)' is incorrect in this context. The '#pragma warning(push/pop)' should be used instead. Check lines: 244, 246. expire.cpp 246
  • V665 Possibly, the usage of '#pragma warning(default: X)' is incorrect in this context. The '#pragma warning(push/pop)' should be used instead. Check lines: 226, 241. expire.cpp 241
  • V665 Possibly, the usage of '#pragma warning(default: X)' is incorrect in this context. The '#pragma warning(push/pop)' should be used instead. Check lines: 126, 128. interfac.cpp 128
  • And 1 additional diagnostic messages.


V665 Possibly, the usage of '#pragma warning(default: X)' is incorrect in this context. The '#pragma warning(push/pop)' should be used instead. Check lines: 20, 205. tspectrum.h 205

#ifdef WIN32
#pragma warning(disable : 4251)
#ifdef WIN32
#pragma warning(default : 4251)

Apache HTTP Server

V665 Possibly, the usage of '#pragma warning(default: X)' is incorrect in this context. The '#pragma warning(push/pop)' should be used instead. Check lines: 38, 40. apr_getpass.c 40

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(disable: 4032)
#include <conio.h>
#pragma warning(default: 4032)
#include <conio.h>


V665 Possibly, the usage of '#pragma warning(default: X)' is incorrect in this context. The '#pragma warning(push/pop)' should be used instead. Check lines: 42, 1271. usrsctp.h 1271

#ifdef _WIN32
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(disable: 4200)    // <=
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <ws2tcpip.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(default: 4200)    // <=
#ifdef  __cplusplus

A compiler warning is incorrectly suppressed and restored. It's especially not good as it's a h-file.


V665 Possibly, the usage of '#pragma warning(default: X)' is incorrect in this context. The '#pragma warning(push/pop)' should be used instead. Check lines: 139, 146. util.h 146

inline std::string format_str(const char *fmt, ...) {
  static char buf[2048];

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(disable : 4996)
  va_list args;
  va_start(args, fmt);
  vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, args);
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(default : 4996)
  return std::string(buf);


V665 Possibly, the usage of '#pragma warning(default: X)' is incorrect in this context. The '#pragma warning(push/pop)' should be used instead. Check lines: 9170, 9172. sdsl.hpp 9172

char* str_from_errno()
  #pragma warning(disable:4996)
  return strerror(errno);
#pragma warning(default:4996)
  return strerror(errno);

Microsoft PowerToys

V665 Possibly, the usage of '#pragma warning(default: X)' is incorrect in this context. The '#pragma warning(push/pop)' should be used instead. Check lines: 6, 8. pch.h 8

#pragma warning(disable : 5205)
#include <winrt/base.h>
#pragma warning(default : 5205)

Qt Creator

V665 [CERT-MSC00-C] Possibly, the usage of '#pragma warning(default: X)' is incorrect in this context. The '#pragma warning(push/pop)' should be used instead. Check lines: 21, 23. common.h 23

#ifdef __clang__
#  pragma clang diagnostic push
#  pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wc++11-narrowing"
#  include <wdbgexts.h>
#  pragma clang diagnostic pop
#  pragma warning( disable : 4838  )
#  include <wdbgexts.h>
#  pragma warning( default : 4838  )
#endif // __clang__

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