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Вебинар: ГОСТ Р 71207–2024 - Статический анализ программного обеспечения. Терминология - 31.07

Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью …

Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью диагностики V669

V669. Argument is a non-constant reference. The analyzer is unable to determine the position where this argument is modified. Consider checking the function for an error.


V669 The 'sel1' argument is a non-constant reference. The analyzer is unable to determine the position at which this argument is being modified. It is possible that the function contains an error. dirview.cpp 1322

bool CDirView::OpenOneItem(
  UINT_PTR pos1, DIFFITEM **di1, DIFFITEM **di2,
  String &path1, String &path2, int & sel1, bool & isDir)
  // Variable 'sel1' don't modified.

CryEngine 3 SDK

V669 The 'outThreat' argument is a non-constant reference. The analyzer is unable to determine the position at which this argument is being modified. It is possible that the function contains an error. targettrackthreatmodifier.cpp 48

void CTargetTrackThreatModifier::ModifyTargetThreat(
  IAIObject &ownerAI, IAIObject &targetAI,
  const ITargetTrack &track,
  float &outThreatRatio,
  EAITargetThreat &outThreat) const
  if (track.GetTargetType() > AITARGET_SOUND &&
      outThreat >= AITHREAT_AGGRESSIVE)
    outThreatRatio = 1.0f;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V669 The 'chatter', 'actorId' arguments are non-constant references. The analyzer is unable to determine the position at which this argument is being modified. It is possible that the function contains an error. battlechatter.cpp 418


V669 The 'offset' argument is a non-constant reference. The analyzer is unable to determine the position at which this argument is being modified. It is possible that the function contains an error. pgFocus.cpp 356

int pgFocus::GetOffset(double& offset)
  deviceInfo_.offset = offset;
  return DEVICE_OK;

Strange code. Most likely this is what should be written here: offset = deviceInfo_.offset;


V669 The 'uiHealedAmount' argument is a non-constant reference. The analyzer is unable to determine the position at which this argument is being modified. It is possible that the function contains an error. boss_twinemperors.cpp 109

HealedBy(Unit* pHealer, uint32& uiHealedAmount) override
  if (!m_pInstance)

  if (Creature* pTwin =
        m_creature->GetEntry() == NPC_VEKLOR ?
                                  NPC_VEKNILASH :
      float fHealPercent = ((float)uiHealedAmount) /

      uint32 uiTwinHeal =
        (uint32)(fHealPercent * ((float)pTwin->GetMaxHealth()));

      uint32 uiTwinHealth = pTwin->GetHealth() + uiTwinHeal;

      pTwin->SetHealth(uiTwinHealth < pTwin->GetMaxHealth() ?
                                      uiTwinHealth :