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Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью …

Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью диагностики V672

V672. It is possible that creating a new variable is unnecessary. One of the function's arguments has the same name and this argument is a reference.


V672 There is probably no need in creating the new 'm' variable here. One of the function's arguments possesses the same name and this argument is a reference. Check lines: 25600, 25626. MathStructure.cc 25626

bool expand_partial_fractions(MathStructure &m, ....)
  if(b_poly && !mquo.isZero()) {
    MathStructure m = mquo;
    if(!mrem.isZero()) {
      m += mrem;
      m.last() *= mtest[i];
    expand_partial_fractions(m, eo, false);
    return true;

Haiku Operation System

V672 There is probably no need in creating the new 'path' variable here. One of the function's arguments possesses the same name and this argument is a reference. Check lines: 348, 429. translate.cpp 429

Translator::FindPath(...., TypeList &path, double &pathQuality)
  TypeList path;
  double quality;
  if (FindPath(&formats[j], stream, typesSeen, path, quality) == B_OK) {
    if (bestQuality < quality * formatQuality) {
      bestQuality = quality * formatQuality;
      status = B_OK;

Command & Conquer

V672 There is probably no need in creating the new 'damage' variable here. One of the function's arguments possesses the same name and this argument is a reference. Check lines: 1219, 1278. BUILDING.CPP 1278

ResultType BuildingClass::Take_Damage(int & damage, ....)
  if (tech && tech->IsActive && ....) {
    int damage = 500;
    tech->Take_Damage(damage, 0, WARHEAD_AP, source, forced);

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V672 There is probably no need in creating the new 'damage' variable here. One of the function's arguments possesses the same name and this argument is a reference. Check lines: 4031, 4068. TECHNO.CPP 4068

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