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Вебинар: SAST как Quality Gate - 13.03

Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью …

Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью диагностики V695

V695. Range intersections are possible within conditional expressions.

Linux Kernel

V695 Range intersections are possible within conditional expressions. Example: if (A < 5) { ... } else if (A < 2) { ... }. Check lines: 2147, 2162. phy.c 2162

void b43legacy_phy_set_antenna_diversity(....)
  if (phy->rev >= 2) {
      dev, 0x0461, b43legacy_phy_read(dev, 0x0461) | 0x0010);
  } else if (phy->rev >= 6)
    b43legacy_phy_write(dev, 0x049B, 0x00DC);

Linux Kernel

V695 Range intersections are possible within conditional expressions. Example: if (A < 5) { ... } else if (A < 2) { ... }. Check lines: 3858, 3860. scsi_debug.c 3860

static int __init scsi_debug_init(void)
  if (scsi_debug_dev_size_mb >= 16)
    sdebug_heads = 32;
  else if (scsi_debug_dev_size_mb >= 256)
   sdebug_heads = 64;

Linux Kernel

V695 Range intersections are possible within conditional expressions. Example: if (A < 5) { ... } else if (A < 2) { ... }. Check lines: 439, 441. ad5933.c 441

static ssize_t ad5933_store(....)
  /* 2x, 4x handling, see datasheet */
  if (val > 511)
    val = (val >> 1) | (1 << 9);
  else if (val > 1022)
    val = (val >> 2) | (3 << 9);

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V695 Range intersections are possible within conditional expressions. Example: if (A < 5) { ... } else if (A < 2) { ... }. Check lines: 1417, 1422. bnx2i_hwi.c 1422
  • V695 Range intersections are possible within conditional expressions. Example: if (A < 5) { ... } else if (A < 2) { ... }. Check lines: 4815, 4831. stv090x.c 4831

The GTK+ Project

V695 Range intersections are possible within conditional expressions. Example: if (A < 5) { .... } else if (A < 2) { .... }. Check lines: 580, 587. broadway-server.c 587

static void
parse_input (BroadwayInput *input)
  while (input->buffer->len > 2)
      if (payload_len > 125)
      else if (payload_len > 126)

CryEngine V

V695 Range intersections are possible within conditional expressions. Example: if (A < 5) { ... } else if (A < 2) { ... }. Check lines: 538, 540. statobjrend.cpp 540

bool CStatObj::RenderDebugInfo(....)
  ColorB clr(0, 0, 0, 0);
  if (nRenderMats == 1)
    clr = ColorB(0, 0, 255, 255);
  else if (nRenderMats == 2)
    clr = ColorB(0, 255, 255, 255);
  else if (nRenderMats == 3)
    clr = ColorB(0, 255, 0, 255);
  else if (nRenderMats == 4)
    clr = ColorB(255, 0, 255, 255);
  else if (nRenderMats == 5)
    clr = ColorB(255, 255, 0, 255);
  else if (nRenderMats >= 6)          // <=
    clr = ColorB(255, 0, 0, 255);
  else if (nRenderMats >= 11)         // <=
    clr = ColorB(255, 255, 255, 255);

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V695 Range intersections are possible within conditional expressions. Example: if (A < 5) { ... } else if (A < 2) { ... }. Check lines: 338, 340. modelmesh_debugpc.cpp 340

CryEngine V

V695 Range intersections are possible within conditional expressions. Example: if (A < 5) { ... } else if (A < 2) { ... }. Check lines: 393, 399. xmlcpb_nodelivewriter.cpp 399

enum eNodeConstants
  CHILDBLOCKS_MAX_DIST_FOR_8BITS = BIT(7) - 1,    // 127

void CNodeLiveWriter::Compact()
  if (dist <= CHILDBLOCKS_MAX_DIST_FOR_8BITS) // dist <= 127
    uint8 byteDist = dist;
    writeBuffer.AddData(&byteDist, sizeof(byteDist));
    isChildBlockSaved = true;
  else if (dist <= CHILDBLOCKS_MAX_DIST_FOR_16BITS) // dist <= 63
    uint8 byteHigh = CHILDBLOCKS_USING_MORE_THAN_8BITS | ....);
    uint8 byteLow = dist & 255;
    writeBuffer.AddData(&byteHigh, sizeof(byteHigh));
    writeBuffer.AddData(&byteLow, sizeof(byteLow));
    isChildBlockSaved = true;


V695 Range intersections are possible within conditional expressions. Example: if (A < 5) { ... } else if (A < 2) { ... }. Check lines: 438, 442. sci_sorder.c 442

int sci_sorder(char *fname, void* pvApiCtx)
  if (iRows * iCols > 0)
      dblTol1 = pdblTol[0];
  else if (iRows * iCols > 1)
      dblTol2 = pdblTol[1];


V695 Range intersections are possible within conditional expressions. Example: if (A > 0 && A < 5) { ... } else if (A > 3 && A < 9) { ... }. Check lines: 209, 216. e_powf.c 216

__ieee754_powf(float x, float y)
  int32_t i,j,k,yisint,n;
  if (j>0x43000000)                          /* if z > 128 */
      return sn*huge*huge;                   /* overflow */
  else if (j==0x43000000) {                  /* if z == 128 */
      if(p_l+ovt>z-p_h) return sn*huge*huge; /* overflow */
  else if ((j&0x7fffffff)>0x43160000)        /* z <= -150 */
      return sn*tiny*tiny;                   /* underflow */
  else if (j==0xc3160000){                   /* z == -150 */
      if(p_l<=z-p_h) return sn*tiny*tiny;    /* underflow */

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