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Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью …

Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью диагностики V704

V704. The expression is always false on newer compilers. Avoid using 'this == 0' comparison.

Miranda NG

V704 '!this ||!dat' expression should be avoided: 'this' pointer can never be NULL on newer compilers. GG image.cpp 1157

BOOL GGPROTO::img_sendonrequest(gg_event* e)
  if (!this || !dat || !isonline())
    return FALSE;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V704 'this' expression in conditional statements should be avoided - this expression is always true on newer compilers, because 'this' pointer can never be NULL. IRC irclib.cpp 176
  • V704 'this' expression in conditional statements should be avoided - this expression is always true on newer compilers, because 'this' pointer can never be NULL. ICQ icq_avatar.cpp 42
  • V704 'this' expression in conditional statements should be avoided - this expression is always true on newer compilers, because 'this' pointer can never be NULL. ICQ icq_rates.cpp 109
  • And 9 additional diagnostic messages.


V704 'this == nullptr' expression should be avoided - this expression is always false on newer compilers, because 'this' pointer can never be NULL. ClrJit gentree.cpp 12731

bool FieldSeqNode::IsFirstElemFieldSeq()
  if (this == nullptr)
    return false;
  return m_fieldHnd == FieldSeqStore::FirstElemPseudoField;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V704 'this == nullptr' expression should be avoided - this expression is always false on newer compilers, because 'this' pointer can never be NULL. ClrJit gentree.cpp 12738
  • V704 'this == nullptr' expression should be avoided - this expression is always false on newer compilers, because 'this' pointer can never be NULL. ClrJit gentree.cpp 12745
  • V704 'this == 0' expression should be avoided - this expression is always false on newer compilers, because 'this' pointer can never be NULL. bcltype sstring.inl 650
  • And 15 additional diagnostic messages.

Serious Engine 1 v.1.10

V704 'this != 0' expression should be avoided - this expression is always true on newer compilers, because 'this' pointer can never be NULL. entity.h 697

inline void CEntity::AddReference(void) {
  if (this!=NULL) { // <=


V704 '!this' expression in conditional statements should be avoided - this expression is always false on newer compilers, because 'this' pointer can never be NULL. sp-lpe-item.cpp 213

bool SPLPEItem::performPathEffect(....) {
  if (!this) {
    return false;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V704 'this' expression in conditional statements should be avoided - this expression is always true on newer compilers, because 'this' pointer can never be NULL. sp-paint-server.cpp 42


V704 '!this ||!pVictim' expression should be avoided: 'this' pointer can never be NULL on newer compilers. Unit.cpp 1417

void Unit::CalculateSpellDamage(....)
  if (!this || !pVictim)

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V704 '!this ||!pVictim' expression should be avoided: 'this' pointer can never be NULL on newer compilers. Unit.cpp 1476
  • V704 '!this ||!pVictim' expression should be avoided: 'this' pointer can never be NULL on newer compilers. Unit.cpp 1511
  • V704 '!this ||!pVictim' expression should be avoided: 'this' pointer can never be NULL on newer compilers. Unit.cpp 1797


V704 '!this' expression in conditional statements should be avoided - this expression is always false on newer compilers, because 'this' pointer can never be NULL. notepad_plus.cpp 4980

void Notepad_plus::notifyBufferChanged(Buffer * buffer, int mask)
  // To avoid to crash while MS-DOS style is set as default
  // language,
  // Checking the validity of current instance is necessary.
  if (!this) return;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V704 'this && type == DOCUMENT' expression should be avoided: 'this' pointer can never be NULL on newer compilers. tinyxmla.h 505
  • V704 'this && type == ELEMENT' expression should be avoided: 'this' pointer can never be NULL on newer compilers. tinyxmla.h 506
  • V704 'this && type == COMMENT' expression should be avoided: 'this' pointer can never be NULL on newer compilers. tinyxmla.h 507
  • And 10 additional diagnostic messages.

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