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Вебинар: SAST как Quality Gate - 13.03

Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью …

Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью диагностики V705

V705. It is possible that 'else' block was forgotten or commented out, thus altering the program's operation logics.

K Desktop Environment

V705 It is possible that 'else' block was forgotten or commented out, thus altering the program's operation logics. entrydetailsdialog.cpp 149

void EntryDetails::entryChanged(const KNS3::EntryInternal& entry)
  } else                                // <=

  if (!m_entry.previewUrl((....)type).isEmpty()) {

Miranda NG

V705 It is possible that 'else' block was forgotten or commented out, thus altering the program's operation logics. LinkList linklist_fct.cpp 92

int ExtractURI(....)
  while ( msg[i] && !_istspace(msg[i]))
    if ( IsDBCSLeadByte(msg[i] ) && msg[i+1]) i++;
    else                                               // <=

    if ( _istalnum(msg[i]) || msg[i]==_T('/'))
      cpLastAlphaNum = charCount;
      iLastAlphaNum = i;

Linux Kernel

V705 It is possible that 'else' block was forgotten or commented out, thus altering the program's operation logics. grip.c 152

static int grip_xt_read_packet(....)
  if ((u ^ v) & 1) {
    buf = (buf << 1) | (u >> 1);
    t = strobe;
  } else

  if ((((u ^ v) & (v ^ w)) >> 1) & ~(u | v | w) & 1) {

FreeBSD Kernel

V705 It is possible that 'else' block was forgotten or commented out, thus altering the program's operation logics. scsi_da.c 3231

static void
dadone(struct cam_periph *periph, union ccb *done_ccb)
   * If we tried READ CAPACITY(16) and failed,
   * fallback to READ CAPACITY(10).
  if ((state == DA_CCB_PROBE_RC16) &&
  } else                                                    // <=
   * Attach to anything that claims to be a
   * direct access or optical disk device,
   * as long as it doesn't return a "Logical
   * unit not supported" (0x25) error.
  if ((have_sense) && (asc != 0x25)                         // <=
  } else {

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V705 It is possible that 'else' block was forgotten or commented out, thus altering the program's operation logics. bxe_elink.c 1407


V705 It is possible that 'else' block was forgotten or commented out, thus altering the program's operation logics. readelf.c 2231

Bool ML_(read_elf_debug_info) ( struct _DebugInfo* di )
  if (inrw && sdynbss_present) {
    sdynbss_present = False;
    vg_assert(di->sbss_svma + di->sbss_size == svma);
    di->sbss_size += size;
  } else                                                // <=

  if (inrw && !di->sbss_present) {
    di->sbss_present = True;
    di->sbss_svma = svma;
    di->sbss_avma = svma + inrw->bias;

XNU kernel

V705 CWE-691 It is possible that 'else' block was forgotten or commented out, thus altering the program's operation logics. vm_resident.c 1248

void vm_page_release_startup(vm_page_t mem);
  vm_offset_t *startp,
  vm_offset_t *endp)
  // -debug code remove
  if (2 == vm_himemory_mode) {
    for (i = 1; i <= pages_initialized; i++) {
  // debug code remove-

   * Release pages in reverse order so that physical pages
   * initially get allocated in ascending addresses. This keeps
   * the devices (which must address physical memory) happy if
   * they require several consecutive pages.
  for (i = pages_initialized; i > 0; i--) {
    if(fill) fillPage(....);
    vm_page_release_startup(&vm_pages[i - 1]);

A very suspicious 'else' keyword. Maybe it is superfluous and it changes the logic of the program.

Haiku Operation System

V705 It is possible that 'else' block was forgotten or commented out, thus altering the program's operation logics. HostnameView.cpp 109

  BString fHostnameString;
  char hostname[MAXHOSTNAMELEN];

  if (gethostname(hostname, MAXHOSTNAMELEN) == 0) {

    fHostnameString.SetTo(hostname, MAXHOSTNAMELEN);

    return B_OK;
  } else

  return B_ERROR;

Command & Conquer

V705 It is possible that 'else' block was forgotten or commented out, thus altering the program's operation logics. NETDLG.CPP 1506

static int Net_Join_Dialog(void)
  F4/SEND/'M' = edit a message
  if (Messages.Get_Edit_Buf()==NULL) {
  } else

  If we're already editing a message and the user clicks on
  'Send', translate our input to a Return so Messages.Input() will
  work properly.
  if (input==(BUTTON_SEND | KN_BUTTON)) {
    input = KN_RETURN;

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