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Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью …

Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью диагностики V728

V728. Excessive check can be simplified. The '||' operator is surrounded by opposite expressions 'x' and '!x'.

The GTK+ Project

V728 An excessive check can be simplified. The '||' operator is surrounded by opposite expressions '!mount' and 'mount'. gtkplacesview.c 708

static void
add_volume (....)
  GMount *mount;
  if (!mount ||
      (mount && !g_mount_is_shadowed (mount)))

The GTK+ Project

V728 An excessive check can be simplified. The '||' operator is surrounded by opposite expressions 'ret' and '!ret'. gtktreeview.c 13682

gtk_tree_view_get_cell_area (....)
  gboolean ret = ...;
      /* Get vertical coords */
      if ((!ret && tree == NULL) || ret)

PHP:Hypertext Preprocessor

V728 An excessive check can be simplified. The '||' operator is surrounded by opposite expressions '!path' and 'path'. plain_wrapper.c 1487

PHPAPI php_stream
  .... const char *path, ....)
  if (!path || (path && !*path)) {

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V728 An excessive check can be simplified. The '||' operator is surrounded by opposite expressions '!path' and 'path'. fopen_wrappers.c 643
  • V728 An excessive check can be simplified. The '||' operator is surrounded by opposite expressions '!headers_lc' and 'headers_lc'. sendmail.c 728


V728 An excessive check can be simplified. The '||' operator is surrounded by opposite expressions '!xnet_connect_mutex' and 'xnet_connect_mutex'. xnet.cpp 2231

bool XnetServerEndPoint::server_init(USHORT flag)
  xnet_connect_mutex = CreateMutex(ISC_get_security_desc(),
                          FALSE, name_buffer);

  if (!xnet_connect_mutex ||
          (xnet_connect_mutex && ERRNO == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS))


V728 An excessive check can be simplified. The '||' operator is surrounded by opposite expressions 'quotetabs' and '!quotetabs'. binascii.c 1453

static PyObject *
binascii_b2a_qp_impl(PyModuleDef *module,
                     Py_buffer *data,
                     int quotetabs,
                     int istext,
                     int header)
  Py_ssize_t in, out;
  const unsigned char *databuf;
  if ((databuf[in] > 126) ||
      (databuf[in] == '=') ||
      (header && databuf[in] == '_') ||
      ((databuf[in] == '.') && (linelen == 0) &&
      (databuf[in+1] == '\n' || databuf[in+1] == '\r' ||
                                 databuf[in+1] == 0)) ||
      (!istext && ((databuf[in] == '\r') ||
                   (databuf[in] == '\n'))) ||
      ((databuf[in] == '\t' || databuf[in] == ' ') &&
           (in + 1 == datalen)) ||
      ((databuf[in] < 33) &&
       (databuf[in] != '\r') && (databuf[in] != '\n') &&
       (quotetabs ||
      (!quotetabs && ((databuf[in] != '\t') && // <=
             (databuf[in] != ' '))))))


V728 An excessive check can be simplified. The '||' operator is surrounded by opposite expressions '!fluidmd' and 'fluidmd'. mod_fluidsim_util.c 528

DerivedMesh *fluidsimModifier_do(....)
  if (!fluidmd || (fluidmd && !fluidmd->fss))
    return dm;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V728 An excessive check can be simplified. The '||' operator is surrounded by opposite expressions '!render_only' and 'render_only'. drawobject.c 4663
  • V728 An excessive check can be simplified. The '||' operator is surrounded by opposite expressions '!parent' and 'parent'. kx_scene.cpp 1667


V728 An excessive check can be simplified. The '||' operator is surrounded by opposite expressions '!found' and 'found'. editor_config.cpp 120

bool EditorConfig::Load()
  if(userSettingsLoaded) {
      if(!found || (found && version != this->m_version)){ // <=
          if(DoLoadDefaultSettings() == false) {
              return false;


V728 An excessive check can be simplified. The '||' operator is surrounded by opposite expressions '!realtimeonly' and 'realtimeonly'. Player.cpp 10536

void Player::UpdateItemDuration(uint32 time, bool realtimeonly)
  if ((realtimeonly && (....)) || !realtimeonly)
    item->UpdateDuration(this, time);

EFL Core Libraries

V728 An excessive check can be simplified. The '||' operator is surrounded by opposite expressions '!itr' and 'itr'. evas_object_textblock.c 9505

static Eina_Bool
  Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *last_node, *itr;
  if (!itr || (itr && (itr->text_node != n)))

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V728 An excessive check can be simplified. The '||' operator is surrounded by opposite expressions '!p' and 'p'. elm_theme.c 447
  • V728 An excessive check can be simplified. The '||' operator is surrounded by opposite expressions '!ss' and 'ss'. config.c 3932
  • V728 An excessive check can be simplified. The '||' operator is surrounded by opposite expressions '!icon_version' and 'icon_version'. efreet_icon_cache_create.c 917


V728 An excessive check can be simplified. The '||' operator is surrounded by opposite expressions '!j->hasFixedBinCount' and 'j->hasFixedBinCount'. LoadVamp.cpp 169

wxArrayString VampEffectsModule::FindPlugins(....)
  if (.... ||
      !j->hasFixedBinCount ||
      (j->hasFixedBinCount && j->binCount > 1))

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V728 An excessive check can be simplified. The '||' operator is surrounded by opposite expressions '!j->hasFixedBinCount' and 'j->hasFixedBinCount'. LoadVamp.cpp 297


V728 An excessive check can be simplified. The '(A && !B) || (!A && B)' expression is equivalent to the 'bool(A) != bool(B)' expression. kis_filter_weights_buffer.h 216

#define SANITY_ZEROS()
    ....                                     \
    if ((m_filterWeights[i].weight[j] &&     \
        !m_filterWeights[i].weight[idx2]) || \
        (!m_filterWeights[i].weight[j] &&    \
         m_filterWeights[i].weight[idx2])) { \
    ....                                     \
    }                                        \
    ....                                     \

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V728 An excessive check can be simplified. The '||' operator is surrounded by opposite expressions '!nodeJuggler' and 'nodeJuggler'. kis_node_manager.cpp 809
  • V728 An excessive check can be simplified. The '||' operator is surrounded by opposite expressions '!m_currentFilterConfigWidget' and 'm_currentFilterConfigWidget'. kis_filter_option.cpp 111

Vangers: One For The Road

V728 An excessive check can be simplified. The '(A && B) || (!A && !B)' expression is equivalent to the 'bool(A) == bool(B)' expression. iscreen.cpp 2221

void iScreen::CheckScanCode(int sc)
  iScreenObject *obj;
  iScreenEvent *p;
  obj = (iScreenObject*) objList->last;
  while (obj)
    while (p)
      if (
        (!(obj->flags & OBJ_LOCKED) && !(p->flags & EV_IF_LOCKED))
        ((obj->flags & OBJ_LOCKED) && (p->flags & EV_IF_LOCKED)))


V728 An excessive check can be simplified. The '(A && !B) || (!A && B)' expression is equivalent to the 'bool(A) != bool(B)' expression. toolbox2.cxx 1042

void ToolBox::SetItemImageMirrorMode( sal_uInt16 nItemId,
                                      bool bMirror )
  ImplToolItems::size_type nPos = GetItemPos( nItemId );

  if ( nPos != ITEM_NOTFOUND )
    ImplToolItem* pItem = &mpData->m_aItems[nPos];

    if ((pItem->mbMirrorMode && !bMirror) ||   // <=
       (!pItem->mbMirrorMode &&  bMirror))     // <=

Windows Calculator

V728 An excessive check can be simplified. The '(A && B) || (!A && !B)' expression is equivalent to the 'bool(A) == bool(B)' expression. Calculator Calculator.xaml.cpp 239

void Calculator::AnimateCalculator(bool resultAnimate)
  if (App::IsAnimationEnabled())
    m_doAnimate = true;
    m_resultAnimate = resultAnimate;
    if (((m_isLastAnimatedInScientific && IsScientific) ||
        (!m_isLastAnimatedInScientific && !IsScientific)) &&
        ((m_isLastAnimatedInProgrammer && IsProgrammer) ||
        (!m_isLastAnimatedInProgrammer && !IsProgrammer)))
      this->OnStoryboardCompleted(nullptr, nullptr);


V728 An excessive check can be simplified. The '(A && !B) || (!A && B)' expression is equivalent to the 'bool(A) != bool(B)' expression. int128.h 1242

inline void int128_t::Modulus(....) const
  bool bDividendNegative = false;
  bool bDivisorNegative = false;
  if(    (bDividendNegative && !bDivisorNegative)
     || (!bDividendNegative &&  bDivisorNegative))


V728 An excessive check can be simplified. The '(A && !B) || (!A && B)' expression is equivalent to the 'bool(A) != bool(B)' expression. cmCTestRunTest.cxx 151

bool cmCTestRunTest::EndTest(size_t completed, size_t total, bool started)
  } else if ((success && !this->TestProperties->WillFail) ||
             (!success && this->TestProperties->WillFail)) {
    this->TestResult.Status = cmCTestTestHandler::COMPLETED;
    outputStream << "   Passed  ";

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V728 An excessive check can be simplified. The '(A && B) || (!A && !B)' expression is equivalent to the 'bool(A) == bool(B)' expression. cmCTestTestHandler.cxx 702
  • V728 An excessive check can be simplified. The '(A && !B) || (!A && B)' expression is equivalent to the 'bool(A) != bool(B)' expression. digest_sspi.c 443
  • V728 An excessive check can be simplified. The '(A && !B) || (!A && B)' expression is equivalent to the 'bool(A) != bool(B)' expression. tcp.c 1295
  • And 3 additional diagnostic messages.

Heawei Ark Compiler

V728 An excessive check can be simplified. The '||' operator is surrounded by opposite expressions 'c != '\"'' and 'c == '\"''. lexer.cpp 400

TokenKind MIRLexer::GetTokenWithPrefixDoubleQuotation() {
  char c = GetCurrentCharWithUpperCheck();
  while ((c != 0) &&
         (c != '\"' || (c == '\"' && GetCharAtWithLowerCheck(....) == '\\'))) {

Heawei Ark Compiler

V728 An excessive check can be simplified. The '(A && !B) || (!A && B)' expression is equivalent to the 'bool(A) != bool(B)' expression. mir_nodes.cpp 1552

bool BinaryNode::Verify() const {
  if ((IsAddress(GetBOpnd(0)->GetPrimType()) &&
     (!IsAddress(GetBOpnd(0)->GetPrimType()) &&
       IsAddress(GetBOpnd(1)->GetPrimType()))) {

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V728 An excessive check can be simplified. The '(A && B) || (!A && !B)' expression is equivalent to the 'bool(A) == bool(B)' expression. bin_mpl_import.cpp 702


V728 An excessive check can be simplified. The '(A && !B) || (!A && B)' expression is equivalent to the 'bool(A) != bool(B)' expression. as_compiler.cpp 4317

void asCCompiler::CompileIfStatement(....)
  bool constructorCall1 = ....;
  bool constructorCall2 = ....;
  if (  (constructorCall1 && !constructorCall2)
      ||(constructorCall2 && !constructorCall1) )


V728 An excessive check can be simplified. The '||' operator is surrounded by opposite expressions '!isCurrentMapConquerable' and 'isCurrentMapConquerable'. NetPacksLobbyServer.cpp 225

void ApplyOnServerNetPackVisitor::visitLobbySetCampaign(LobbySetCampaign & pack)
  if (   !isCurrentMapConquerable
      || (isCurrentMapConquerable && i == *pack.ourCampaign->currentMap))


V728 An excessive check can be simplified. The '||' operator is surrounded by opposite expressions '!false' and 'false'. clDebuggerBreakpoint.cpp:26

clDebuggerBreakpoint::clDebuggerBreakpoint(const clDebuggerBreakpoint& BI)
  if (!is_windows || (is_windows && !file.Contains("/")))

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V728 An excessive check can be simplified. The '||' operator is surrounded by opposite expressions '!matcher' and 'matcher'. ssh_account_info.cpp:108
  • V728 An excessive check can be simplified. The '(A && !B) || (!A && B)' expression is equivalent to the 'bool(A) != bool(B)' expression. assignedfilesmodel.cpp:310
  • V728 An excessive check can be simplified. The '||' operator is surrounded by opposite expressions 'data->m_wxcWidget->IsSizer()' and '!data->m_wxcWidget->IsSizer()'. wxguicraft_main_view.cpp:530


V728 – Message: An excessive check can be simplified. The '(A && !B) || (!A && B)' expression is equivalent to the 'bool(A) != bool(B)' expression. scheduler_commands.h:36:1

template <class TOptions>
class TSimpleOperationCommandBase
  : public virtual TTypedCommandBase<TOptions>
    if (!OperationId.IsEmpty() &&  OperationAlias.operator bool() ||
         OperationId.IsEmpty() && !OperationAlias.operator bool()  )


V728 – Message: An excessive check can be simplified. The '(A && B) || (!A && !B)' expression is equivalent to the 'bool(A) == bool(B)' expression. comparator.cpp:194:1

int TComparator::CompareKeyBounds(const TKeyBound& lhs,
                                  const TKeyBound& rhs,
                                  int lowerVsUpper) const
  // Prefixes coincide. Check if key bounds are indeed at the same point.
    auto lhsInclusivenessAsUpper = (lhs.IsUpper && lhs.IsInclusive) ||
                                   (!lhs.IsUpper && !lhs.IsInclusive);
    auto rhsInclusivenessAsUpper = (rhs.IsUpper && rhs.IsInclusive) ||
                                   (!rhs.IsUpper && !rhs.IsInclusive);
    if (lhsInclusivenessAsUpper != rhsInclusivenessAsUpper)
      return lhsInclusivenessAsUpper - rhsInclusivenessAsUpper;


V728 An excessive check can be simplified. The '||' operator is surrounded by opposite expressions '!apctlThreadHackAddr' and 'apctlThreadHackAddr'. sceNet.cpp 257

void netValidateLoopMemory()
  // Allocate Memory if it wasn't valid/allocated
  // after loaded from old SaveState
  if (   !apctlThreadHackAddr
      || (   apctlThreadHackAddr
          && strcmp("apctlThreadHack",
                    kernelMemory.GetBlockTag(apctlThreadHackAddr)) != 0))


V728 An excessive check can be simplified. The '(A && B) || (!A && !B)' expression is equivalent to the 'bool(A) == bool(B)' expression. passport_form_controller.h 318

bool operator==(const PasswordSettings &other) const
    return (request == other.request)
        && ((v::is_null(newAlgo) &&  v::is_null(other.newAlgo))
        || (!v::is_null(newAlgo) && !v::is_null(other.newAlgo)))
        && ....

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V728 An excessive check can be simplified. The '(A && B) || (!A && !B)' expression is equivalent to the 'bool(A) == bool(B)' expression. passport_form_controller.h 320
  • V728 An excessive check can be simplified. The '(A && B) || (!A && !B)' expression is equivalent to the 'bool(A) == bool(B)' expression. media_view_overlay_widget.cpp 1210
  • V728 An excessive check can be simplified. The '||' operator is surrounded by opposite expressions '!_searchFull' and '_searchFull'. dialogs_widget.cpp 582
  • And 1 additional diagnostic messages.


V728 An excessive check can be simplified. The '||' operator is surrounded by opposite expressions '!dummyThreadHackAddr' and 'dummyThreadHackAddr'. sceNetAdhoc.cpp 1121

void netAdhocValidateLoopMemory()
  // Allocate Memory if it wasn't valid/allocated
  // after loaded from old SaveState
  if (   !dummyThreadHackAddr
      || (   dummyThreadHackAddr
          && strcmp("dummythreadhack",
                    kernelMemory.GetBlockTag(dummyThreadHackAddr)) != 0))

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V728 An excessive check can be simplified. The '||' operator is surrounded by opposite expressions '!matchingThreadHackAddr' and 'matchingThreadHackAddr'. sceNetAdhoc.cpp 1126
  • V728 An excessive check can be simplified. The '||' operator is surrounded by opposite expressions '!regs[i].away' and 'regs[i].away'. RegCache.cpp 352

Nau Engine

V728 An excessive check can be simplified. The '||' operator is surrounded by opposite expressions '!optional' and 'optional'. dataComponent.cpp 283

void DataComponents::initialize(const ComponentTypes &types)
  if (!this->hasComponent(depConstString.hash)
  && (!optional || (optional && !can_skip_optional)))

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