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Вебинар: Парсим С++ - 25.10

Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью …

Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью диагностики V766

V766. An item with the same key has already been added.


V766 An item with the same key '"colorSectionBorder"' has already been added. ntp_resource_cache.cc 581

void NTPResourceCache::CreateNewTabCSS()
  // Colors.
  substitutions["colorBackground"] =
  substitutions["backgroundBarDetached"] =
    GetNewTabBackgroundCSS(tp, false);
  substitutions["backgroundBarAttached"] =
    GetNewTabBackgroundCSS(tp, true);
  substitutions["backgroundTiling"] =
  substitutions["colorTextRgba"] =
  substitutions["colorSectionBorder"] =
      SkColorToRGBAString(color_section_border); // <=
  substitutions["colorTextLight"] =
  substitutions["colorSectionBorder"] =
      SkColorToRGBComponents(color_section_border); // <=
  substitutions["colorText"] =


V766 An item with the same key '"mrcs"' has already been added. importgtp-gp6.cpp 100

const static std::map<QString, QString> instrumentMapping = {
  {"e-piano-gs", "electric-piano"},
  {"e-piano-ss", "electric-piano"},
  {"hrpch-gs", "harpsichord"},
  {"hrpch-ss", "harpsichord"},
  {"mrcs", "maracas"},                // <=
  {"mrcs", "oboe"},                   // <=
  {"mrcs", "oboe"},                   // <= using of Copy-Paste


V766 CWE-462 An item with the same key '"oem_lpass_cfg"' has already been added. bootstat.cpp 264

const std::map<std::string, int32_t> kBootReasonMap = {
    {"watchdog_sdi_apps_reset", 106},
    {"smpl", 107},
    {"oem_modem_failed_to_powerup", 108},
    {"reboot_normal", 109},
    {"oem_lpass_cfg", 110},                           // <=
    {"oem_xpu_ns_error", 111},                        // <=
    {"power_key_press", 112},
    {"hardware_reset", 113},
    {"reboot_by_powerkey", 114},
    {"reboot_verity", 115},
    {"oem_rpm_undef_error", 116},
    {"oem_crash_on_the_lk", 117},
    {"oem_rpm_reset", 118},
    {"oem_lpass_cfg", 119},                           // <=
    {"oem_xpu_ns_error", 120},                        // <=
    {"factory_cable", 121},
    {"oem_ar6320_failed_to_powerup", 122},
    {"watchdog_rpm_bite", 123},
    {"power_on_cable", 124},
    {"reboot_unknown", 125},

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V766 CWE-462 An item with the same key '"oem_xpu_ns_error"' has already been added. bootstat.cpp 265

NCBI Genome Workbench

V766 An item with the same key 'kArgRemote' has already been added. blast_args.cpp 3262

CBlastAppArgs::x_IssueWarningsForIgnoredOptions(const CArgs& args)
  set<string> can_override;
  can_override.insert(kArgRemote);               // <=
  can_override.insert(kArgRemote);               // <=


V766 An item with the same key '0x120' has already been added. evdev_joystick_handler.h 135

class evdev_joystick_handler final : public PadHandlerBase
  const std::unordered_map<u32, std::string> button_list =
    // ....
    { 0x11d               , "0x11d"       },
    { 0x11e               , "0x11e"       },
    { 0x11f               , "0x11f"       },
    { BTN_JOYSTICK        , "Joystick"    }, // <=
    { BTN_TRIGGER         , "Trigger"     }, // <=
    { BTN_THUMB           , "Thumb"       },
    { BTN_THUMB2          , "Thumb 2"     },
    { BTN_TOP             , "Top"         },
    { BTN_TOP2            , "Top 2"       },
    { BTN_PINKIE          , "Pinkie"      },
    // ....

At first glance at code, it is not clear which two keys are the same. It turns out that BTN_JOYSTICK and BTN_TRIGGER are Linux API constants that equals 0x120. (https://elixir.bootlin.com/linux/latest/source/include/uapi/linux/input-event-codes.h#L365) BTN_JOYSTICK is the starting value of the joystick signal constant group and BTN_TRIGGER is the very first constant in the list of that group. Therefore, their values are the same.


V766 An item with the same key ''.'' has already been added. wxCodeCompletionBoxManager.cpp:19

std::unordered_set<wxChar> delimiters =
  { ':', '@', '.', '!', ' ', '\t', '.', '\\',
    '+', '*', '-', '<', '>', '[', ']', '(',
    ')', '{', '}',  '=', '%', '#', '^', '&',
    '\'', '"', '/', '|',  ',', '~', ';', '`' };

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V766 An item with the same key '"MSYS2/GCC"' has already been added. compiler.cpp:621, compiler.cpp:620


V766 An item with the same key '"Abs"' has already been added. cpu_types.cpp 178

static const TypeToNameMap& get_type_to_name_tbl() {
  static const TypeToNameMap type_to_name_tbl = {
    {"Abs", Type::Eltwise},
    {"SoftPlus", Type::Eltwise},
    {"Abs", Type::Math},
    {"SoftPlus", Type::Math},
  return type_to_name_tbl;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V766 An item with the same key '"SoftPlus"' has already been added. cpu_types.cpp 198