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Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью …

Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью диагностики V1023

V1023. A pointer without owner is added to the container by the 'emplace_back' method. A memory leak will occur in case of an exception.


V1023 [CWE-460] A pointer without owner is added to the 'Strategies' container by the 'emplace_back' method. A memory leak will occur in case of an exception. llvm-isel-fuzzer.cpp 58

std::unique_ptr<IRMutator> createISelMutator() {
  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<IRMutationStrategy>> Strategies;
      new InjectorIRStrategy(InjectorIRStrategy::getDefaultOps()));

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V1023 [CWE-460] A pointer without owner is added to the 'Passes' container by the 'emplace_back' method. A memory leak will occur in case of an exception. PassManager.h 546
  • V1023 [CWE-460] A pointer without owner is added to the 'AAs' container by the 'emplace_back' method. A memory leak will occur in case of an exception. AliasAnalysis.h 324
  • V1023 [CWE-460] A pointer without owner is added to the 'Entries' container by the 'emplace_back' method. A memory leak will occur in case of an exception. DWARFDebugFrame.cpp 519
  • And 18 additional diagnostic messages.


V1023 A pointer without owner is added to the 'epa' container by the 'emplace_back' method. A memory leak will occur in case of an exception. tensor_tools.h 1665

void set(std::vector<tensor*> items)
  epa.emplace_back(new enable_peer_access(*g[0], *g[i]));


V1023 A pointer without owner is added to the 'pools' container by the 'emplace_back' method. A memory leak will occur in case of an exception. entt.hpp 17114

template<typename Event>
pool_handler<Event> & assure() {
  return static_cast<pool_handler<Event> &>(it == pools.cend() ?
    *pools.emplace_back(new pool_handler<Event>{}) : **it);

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V1023 A pointer without owner is added to the 'pools' container by the 'emplace_back' method. A memory leak will occur in case of an exception. entt.hpp 17407

Protocol Buffers

V1023 [CWE-460] A pointer without owner is added to the 'vec' container by the 'emplace_back' method. A memory leak will occur in case of an exception. text_format.cc 152

TextFormat::ParseInfoTree* TextFormat::ParseInfoTree::CreateNested(
    const FieldDescriptor* field) {
  // Owned by us in the map.
  auto& vec = nested_[field];
  vec.emplace_back(new TextFormat::ParseInfoTree());
  return vec.back().get();

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V1023 [CWE-460] A pointer without owner is added to the 'string_values_' container by the 'emplace_back' method. A memory leak will occur in case of an exception. default_value_objectwriter.cc 155
  • V1023 [CWE-460] A pointer without owner is added to the 'string_values_' container by the 'emplace_back' method. A memory leak will occur in case of an exception. default_value_objectwriter.cc 168
  • V1023 [CWE-460] A pointer without owner is added to the 'garbage_bin_' container by the 'emplace_back' method. A memory leak will occur in case of an exception. scc.h 85
  • And 4 additional diagnostic messages.


V1023 A pointer without owner is added to the 'modificators' container by the 'emplace_back' method. A memory leak will occur in case of an exception. Zone.h 122

template <class T>
void addModificator()
  modificators.emplace_back(new T(*this, map, generator));


V1023 A pointer without owner is added to the 'BlockWriters_' container by the 'emplace_back' method. A memory leak will occur in case of an exception. schemaless_chunk_writer.cpp:1374

std::vector<std::unique_ptr<THorizontalBlockWriter>> BlockWriters_;

class TPartitionMultiChunkWriter
  : public TSchemalessMultiChunkWriterBase
  TPartitionMultiChunkWriter(....) : ....
    for (int partitionIndex = 0;
         partitionIndex < partitionCount;
        new THorizontalBlockWriter(Schema_, BlockReserveSize_)


V1023 A pointer without owner is added to the 'Batches_' container by the 'emplace_back' method. A memory leak will occur in case of an exception. tablet_request_batcher.cpp:244:1

TBatch* GetBatch()
  if (IsNewBatchNeeded())
    Batches_.emplace_back(new TBatch()); // <=

  return Batches_.back().get();

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