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Вебинар: SAST как Quality Gate - 13.03

Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью …

Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью диагностики V572

V572. Object created using 'new' operator is immediately cast to another type. Consider inspecting the expression.


V572 It is odd that the object which was created using 'new' operator is immediately cast to another type. base appbase.cpp 812

class wxFontMapper : public wxFontMapperBase

wxFontMapper *wxConsoleAppTraitsBase::CreateFontMapper()
  return (wxFontMapper *)new wxFontMapperBase;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V572 It is odd that the object which was created using 'new' operator is immediately cast to another type. base fmapbase.cpp 428


V572 It is odd that the object which was created using 'new' operator is immediately cast to another type. ccactiontiledgrid.cpp 322

struct Tile
  Vec2    position;
  Vec2    startPosition;
  Size    delta;

Tile* _tiles;

void ShuffleTiles::startWithTarget(Node *target)
  _tiles = (struct Tile *)new Tile[_tilesCount];  // <=
  Tile *tileArray = (Tile*) _tiles;               // <=

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V572 It is odd that the object which was created using 'new' operator is immediately cast to another type. luabasicconversions.cpp 1301


V572 It is odd that the object which was created using 'new' operator is immediately cast to another type. scim_socket.cpp 136

struct sockaddr_un
  sa_family_t sun_family;
  char sun_path[108];

struct sockaddr_in
  sa_family_t sin_family;
  in_port_t sin_port;
  struct in_addr sin_addr;
  unsigned char sin_zero[sizeof (struct sockaddr) -
    (sizeof (unsigned short int)) -
    sizeof (in_port_t) -
    sizeof (struct in_addr)];

struct sockaddr
  sa_family_t sa_family;
  char sa_data[14];

class SocketAddress::SocketAddressImpl
  struct sockaddr *m_data;
  SocketAddressImpl (const SocketAddressImpl &other)
        m_data = (struct sockaddr*) new struct sockaddr_un; // <=
        len = sizeof (sockaddr_un);
        m_data = (struct sockaddr*) new struct sockaddr_in; // <=
        len = sizeof (sockaddr_in);

  ~SocketAddressImpl () {
    if (m_data) delete m_data;                              // <=

Structures of type sockaddr_un and sockaddr_in are created. However, they are stored and destroyed as sockaddr structures. All three types of the mentioned structures are not related among themselves. Three different structures have different sizes.

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V572 It is odd that the object which was created using 'new' operator is immediately cast to another type. scim_socket.cpp 140
  • V572 It is odd that the object which was created using 'new' operator is immediately cast to another type. scim_socket.cpp 167
  • V572 It is odd that the object which was created using 'new' operator is immediately cast to another type. scim_socket.cpp 171

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