Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью диагностики V606
V606. Ownerless token 'Foo'.
RunAsAdmin Explorer Shim
V606 Ownerless token 'false'. w3c.cpp 1806
bool AsyncW3Client::WaitCompleteRequest(unsigned long ntime)
if (!_hCompleteRequestEvent ||
Most likely this is what should be written here: "return false;".
Windows 8 Driver Samples
V606 Ownerless token 'false'. util.cpp 91
bool ParseNumber(....)
if ((*Value < Bounds.first) ||
(*Value > Bounds.second))
printf("Value %s is out of bounds\n", String.c_str());
This is what should have been written here: "return false".
Similar errors can be found in some other places:
- V606 Ownerless token 'false'. util.cpp 131
Oracle VM Virtual Box
V606 Ownerless token '0'. vboxmpvbva.cpp 997
VBOXCMDVBVA_HDR* VBoxCmdVbvaSubmitLock(....)
if (VBoxVBVAExGetSize(&pVbva->Vbva) < cbCmd)
NULL; // <=
if (!VBoxVBVAExBufferBeginUpdate(....)
WARN(("VBoxVBVAExBufferBeginUpdate failed!"));
return NULL;
Amazon Lumberyard
V606 Ownerless token 'nullptr'. dx12rootsignature.cpp 599
RootSignature* RootSignatureCache::AcquireRootSignature(....)
RootSignature* result = new RootSignature(m_pDevice);
if (!result->Init(params))
DX12_ERROR("Could not create root signature!");
m_RootSignatureMap[hash] = result;
return result;
Similar errors can be found in some other places:
- V606 Ownerless token 'nullptr'. dx12rootsignature.cpp 621
Amazon Lumberyard
V606 Ownerless token 'false'. fillspacetool.cpp 191
bool FillSpaceTool::FillHoleBasedOnSelectedElements()
if (validEdgeList.size() == 2)
if (validEdgeList.empty())
for (int i = 0, iVertexSize(....); i < iVertexSize; ++i)
if (validEdgeList.empty()) // <=
false; // <= fail
std::vector<BrushEdge3D> linkedEdgeList;
std::set<int> usedEdgeSet;
linkedEdgeList.push_back(validEdgeList[0]); // <= fail
Azure Service Fabric
V606 Ownerless token 'false'. CryptoUtility.Linux.h 81
template <typename TK, typename TV>
static bool MapCompare(const std::map<TK, TV>& lhs,
const std::map<TK, TV>& rhs)
if (lhs.size() != rhs.size()) { false; }
return std::equal(lhs.begin(), lhs.end(), rhs.begin());