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Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью …

Примеры ошибок, обнаруженных с помощью диагностики V676

V676. Incorrect comparison of BOOL type variable with TRUE.


V676 It is incorrect to compare the variable of BOOL type with TRUE. Correct expression is: 'ChooseColorA(& cc) != FALSE'. VirtualDub gui.cpp 665

bool guiChooseColor(HWND hwnd, COLORREF& rgbOld) {
  if (ChooseColor(&cc)==TRUE) {;
    rgbOld = cc.rgbResult;
    return true;

If the user clicks the OK button of the dialog box, the return value is **nonzero**.

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V676 It is incorrect to compare the variable of BOOL type with TRUE. Correct expression is: 'ChooseColorA(& cc) != FALSE'. VDFilters vfrotate2.cpp 54


V676 It is incorrect to compare the variable of BOOL type with TRUE. Correct expression is: 'success == FALSE'. iscguard.cpp 667

  success = CreateProcess(....);
  if (success != TRUE)
    error = GetLastError();

#info If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V676 It is incorrect to compare the variable of BOOL type with TRUE. Correct expression is: 'success == FALSE'. iscguard.cpp 691
  • V676 It is incorrect to compare the variable of BOOL type with TRUE. Correct expression is: '(* m_funct)(lpCS) != FALSE'. locks.h 64
  • V676 It is incorrect to compare the variable of BOOL type with TRUE. iscguard.cpp 614
  • And 2 additional diagnostic messages.

CryEngine 3 SDK

V676 It is incorrect to compare the variable of BOOL type with TRUE. statsagentpipe.cpp 163

bool CStatsAgentPipe::Send()
  ok = ::WriteFile(s_pipe, pBuffer.c_str(), nBytes, &tx, 0)
       == TRUE;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V676 It is incorrect to compare the variable of BOOL type with TRUE. statsagentpipe.cpp 108

Apple II emulator

V676 It is incorrect to compare the variable of BOOL type with TRUE. Correct expression is: 'out != FALSE'. frame.cpp 381

typedef int BOOL;

static void Draw3dRect (...., BOOL out)
  SelectObject(dc,(out == 1) ? btnhighlightpen : btnshadowpen);

Amazon FreeRTOS

V676 [CWE-253] It is incorrect to compare the variable of BOOL type with TRUE. Correct expression is: 'FALSE != CryptGenRandom(hProv, len, output)'. aws_entropy_hardware_poll.c 51

int mbedtls_hardware_poll(void* data,
                          unsigned char* output,
                          size_t len,
                          size_t* olen)
  HCRYPTPROV hProv = 0;

  /* Unferenced parameter. */

   * This is port-specific for the Windows simulator,
   * so just use Crypto API.

  if (TRUE == CryptAcquireContextA(
                &hProv, NULL, NULL,
    if (TRUE == CryptGenRandom(hProv, len, output))
      lStatus = 0;
      *olen = len;

    CryptReleaseContext(hProv, 0);

  return lStatus;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V676 [CWE-253] It is incorrect to compare the variable of BOOL type with TRUE. aws_entropy_hardware_poll.c 48

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